groomer nae nae (ft. blue_neppy)

Published 2022-12-19

All Comments (21)
  • @Emshii_
    I was groomed and harassed online a few years back, this made me feel really accepted honestly, most people will avoid the topic lol
    hope you feel better soon after all this shit!! honestly feels refreshing to see someone who was the victim do this trend instead of just some rando
  • @angelickitten
    I'm very sorry people have been commenting that you the CHILD VICTIM can't make jokes about your own trama. People need to recognize that it is no different to venting .. it must be frustrating having to replaying to each one of these ignorant ppl . Ik this happened very recently , and I really hope you can get the closer that you deserve ,, hope you heal soon !! ♡
  • @dozydoe5245
    It isnt until people started calling out their groomers that i realize i was hard groomed by multiple people when i was younger, and to this day i still struggle keeping my hypers*xuality in check because thats all they wanted out of me, so honestly thanks for the retrospect and reflection, its legitimately kind of cathartic to just say that i was groomed, even though im an adult now and those people are long gone and out of my life. its so weird admitting that to myself because i thought those were just awkward relationships i had with people because i didnt know how to draw the line or say no, but it wasnt my fault and anybody going through it or who went through it, its not your fault either.
  • guys they literally linked the groomer in the desc, we have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever 🤭 (spam this video under their tweets)
  • I was so confused but then I read the doc, I am so sorry you went through all of that and I hope the best for your recovery dude Godspeed for making fun of your groomer
  • @maxxxxxxxxxx6318
    I recently realized I was groomed for a majority of my life. I’m still under a lot of that influence and there’s some people I gotta physically ovoid at school, but your vid is pretty nice for venting. It’s cool to see people openly talking about their feelings and experiences. It helps, honestly. Thanks for sharing this in a way that benefits yourself and people like me, who can’t get help for their situation.
  • @rainbeyes
    This animation meme is great! It's legitimately fun/therapeutic to vent your feelings, especially in the form of artwork. NEVER be afraid to draw/animate/sing/create disturbing vent art, ESPECIALLY regarding your own trauma/experiences! [Just remember to keep it in appropriate spaces; you never know what minors are gonna stumble upon online, so don't be a dumbass and post nsfw in a generally sfw/public environment, for example. it's common sense, really.] I'm glad to see more victims coming out and exposing people like this; sexual predators NEED to know that they can't keep getting away with this shit. Hope you're all doing okay!
  • @ovicorv
    Hii could you please put an NSFW warning for the doc? Some people might not want to see those images ^^’ I’m really sorry about this whole situation though, good on you for making fun of the idiot that did thus
  • @deitymurderer
    amidst all the people saying you dont have the right to make this you absolutely do 😊
  • @BlueHairFurry
    As a person who was groomed by 3 people who are above 16+, i hope ur doing well (for those who are curious, i was in a corn rp :'p )
  • @floraazul7622
    I am nearly in tears, I am so sorry this happened to you, I am revolted. I only wish you the best in finding peace again.😞 TW: heavy topics about animation production industry below, mentions of abusers in the industry, it's triggering content: ... I used to work for ROTTMNT (I was approached by crew bc I drew fanart closely in style) and within the year had to report a groomer within the company. Did they get fired? Nope. Did they continue on to get even more work from Flying Bark and other Companies? Yes. Did thier friends who were coworkers defend the predator's behavior when I spoke up? Also Yes. Some coworkers were chronically drawing tcest and complaining about "antis" and... it makes still want to vomit. I hate that my name is tied to that series along side those scum. (Unrelated "Fun" fact: ROTTMNT both in character personality and art/animation style is just a shitty rip off of the nsfw adult anime called Black Dynamite, bc the creator Andy Suriano was pressed he never got to work on the original Black Dynamite series. If I would have known this, I would have NEVER worked on ROTTMNT, Black Dynamite is so atrocious and plain offensive I could not finish watching it. Jupiter Jim is litterally just Black Dynamite from the astronaut episode. As characters they are just copy pastes: Leon is Corn, Raph is Black Dynamite, Donnie is based on the one off lawyer with the same name, and Mikey is based on the MJ parody episode.) It's one nuanced thing to draw privately for trauma therapy, it's another not nuanced thing for professionals to try and recruit fans to draw fucked up shit and complain about being oppressed or bullied for PUBICLY posting underaged nsfw/suggestive art of a kids show THAT THEY WORK ON. I'm sick of predators and enablers. Even writters for ROTTMNT were publicly calling Donatello sexy on twitter--he is 14!!! I hate it, I hate it. It's a whole culture of "its a cartoon who cares, they look like adults, who cares?" and directly disrespecting the intended audience of the product: kids. As you know, old username Hoberman (Paige Mcintosh) was the predator, still is, and still is in the industry. Hoberman even suicide baited as a threat if they were revealed to be a groomer, yet still alive. Pure scum. And coworkers who defended that predator's horrible actions now work on the crudely stereotyped and offensive Hazbin Hotel nsfw cartoon, big shocker there. Ppl will simp for nsfw artists no matter what the artist does, so stay the hell away from people who post anything remotely suggestive of characters that are not adults, AND people that defend such actions. I had no choice because they were my coworkers, but it's a good call for anyone online to avoid. Often times the characters drawn are later teens (16, etc) so they argue "its logical" --no, no it isn't. It's from a kids show, no teen in a kids show should be that suggestive. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing predators creating content trying to groom fans within Flying Bark, led to MORE PREDATORS using Flying Bark content (TMNT, lego monkie kid, moon girl and devil dinosaur, glitch techs) to groom victims. It emboldens predators knowing tcesters worked on the show, I know it, and I hate it with every fiber of my being. Obviously, not everyone in Flying Bark is a predator. But the enviorment is atrocious in the media industry, and it fosters a lot of spaces for creeps. And it's not just Flying Bark, it's litterally the whole of the media industry that has this problem with abusers. Almost ever fandom I have been in for feel good happy shows have had predator issues. To find my peace, I simply stopped making connections through fandoms. I encourage you to do the same. Instead, find connections through hobbies like robotics or doll making. It allows you to learn new skills as the main focus of the interaction, and makes it easier to disengage from the community if needed, for safety, all without ruining your joy for a specific series or art. Truely, I hate these monsters. I joined industry animation to try and be apart of the magic that was a safe space for me as a child survivor--only to come face to face with those very monsters within the damn animation industry. You did not deserve this, and my anger against these monsters that continue to enable abuse will never cease. From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry this happened. For safety: don't enter the media industry. The production of TV, Movies, Cartoons, Anime, Animation, fan made games, professional Video Games. They will underpay, overwork, and excuse atrocious behavior as long as they see results from an employee. The media industry is not safe for survivors. Look at Blizzard or any other big game company. Corporations do not care. Keep yourself safe, and post something like a webcomic solo, or find a different career path that is more professionally inclined (Engineering tends to have more strict professional etiquette for example.) since while not full proof, standards help reduce dangers. Please, please stay safe. It's hurts my heart knowing these monsters perpetuate a such a putrid cycle of abuse. You deserve better. We all do. I don't know the right words for how to say it, I just want you to know there are people out there who DO care, who DO speak up against these monsters and try to get these monsters out of spaces, and there are people who do believe in you. From one survivor to another, you deserve so much better.
  • Not sure what I stumbled into. I searched for something completely unrelated and found this vid. So, let me get this straight. The person mentioned in the video was a groomer, and you were the victim, right? If so, I'm super sorry to hear that. That's always a shitty situation to be in. I must say, though. If that is the case, and I'm not just dumb, making this gem of an animation sure is a hell of a way to cope.
  • @quimicalkirby
    What is this comment section saying that you dont have to cope like that 💀 YOU ARE THE LITERAL VICTIM PLEASE
  • @orionskittles
    I've technically been groomed before, but I only recently came to the realization that what happened WAS grooming, and it happened many years ago, when I was very young (and so was the person who groomed me, she was--WAS, I am no longer friends with her and havent spoken or seen her in many years--a friend of mine and I don't know if she even knew that what she did was wrong because we were so young then, but either way what she did was grooming I think) but it was nothing like this. This is horrible and I'm so sorry this happened. I hope you're doing better now. (ngl I kind of want to do something like this with the person who groomed me especially considering she's responsible for a lot of other shit in my life like my constant, extreme, irrational fear of murderers and kidnappers)
  • Bruh I am 19 now and still can’t fully recover from the shit my ex did while they were 18 and I was like 14 so this shit is funny as fuck as someone who uses humor to cope 👍 Hope you get help and have people to talk to about it, it helps a lot!
    put jumpscare warning for low quality nsfw in the document thing 😭🍷
  • @sir-ani8927
    This is probably the funniest vent animatic ive ever come across