My First Ever Fish Tank (0 Experience Setup, Day 1-55)

Published 2024-07-12
Yes, this is my first aquarium ever. I've been trying to get into the hobby since the pandemic, but due to life circumstances, I couldn't. On the bright side, I had plenty of time to research, and over those years, I fell in love with the Iwagumi style. So, I decided to take on the challenge and make my first aquarium a planted tank.

A few things I want to point out: First, you'll see a lot of prices in this video. It's important to note that this video is not sponsored, the prices are meant to inform and clarify the costs of these types of projects. You'll also notice that I use a lot of second-hand equipment, the main reason is to show that high-tech tanks can be done for cheaper than you might expect (though for me, it's still a lot of money). Second, I want to mention the main inspiration for this video: ‪@FootheFlowerhorn‬.You may or may not know his channel, but for me, it has the best aquarium content, and I am very grateful for all the practical information he provides.

I think that's all. Have a nice one!

All Comments (6)
  • @dackerman123
    Following. I'm about to start a tank of a similar size myself. Looks good!
  • japanese rice fish, mollies, tiger barbs, neon tetras are beginner fish... Make sure you buy any one type in bulk.... dont buy 2 these, and another type 2 fish....they will suffer... Minimum 6 of any type is better. Consider adding Shrimps. Denison Barbs are my favorite
  • @nate8249
    i am curious, whats the point of the co2 tank and all of its required parts when it would be easier to just buy an aerator and air stone? Unless the compression of the co2 has another purpose besides integrating oxygen into the water