Why are UK Workers Paid Less than Europeans?

Published 2023-12-15
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The global cost of living crisis is hitting economies hard, with the UK standing out, as the middle and low-income households face a large income gap compared to similar households in Germany and France. In this video, we explore why the British wages are so low, how worse the UK is, and what other countries are doing better.

Read the full report here: economy2030.resolutionfoundation.org/wp-content/up…

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1 - economy2030.resolutionfoundation.org/wp-content/up…, Page 8
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9 - www.resolutionfoundation.org/comment/an-ending-sta…

All Comments (21)
  • @UglyFreakk
    Oh my god what has happened in 2010 that made everything go so wrong for the British people for the next 12 years....Its a mystery
  • @daliaa5294
    My boyfriend just finished his masters and got a job with the NHS as a lab technician. The salary is £23k. It’s an absolute joke this country
  • @twisted_void
    Personally experienced the difference. Moved away from UK back in 2018 because the same job in Netherlands was paying 2.5 times more. Cost of living was about 20% less.
  • @cdub5033
    UK salaries have always been crap. moving to California saw my CFO level pay quadruple for doing less work. in UK the expectation is for people to perform the work of 3 or 4 people. no wonder productivity is low, all workers are over worked, criminally underpaid & pissed off.
  • @niall7597
    I live in an Irish village of 200 people. Very rural. Working a grocery job here I would get paid 2pound more an hour then any similar job in London. That's ridiculous
  • @kerb.
    If you think productively in the UK is a train wreck now.. wait until you see how much of UK's GDP calculations are skewed by non productive elements like rent (and even more insane 'imputed rent' - the amount that a home owner would need to pay themselves if they were renting). The UK's ongoing problem is that we are an economy of rent seekers not manufacturers.
  • I work in care. I had a 1% pay rise in 12 years. I received a rise last April as the minimum wage went up. Because of this, my employer has now stopped our weekend enhancement payments. We now are now worse off. In real terms, we have taken a pay cut. Unbelievable.
  • @Rhgeyer278
    Thanks for the video. I finally established a way to increase my net income per month. My 2024 goal is to pay off the house by Sept 2024 (8 years total into a 30 year @ 4%). I have no debt other than mortgage. My 401k, HSA, IRA and emergency funds get maxed out. The mortgage is my last piece of debt left. I don't have any school loan or CC debt. I've made a lot of sacrifices over the years. I'm almost at the debt free finish line.
  • Why are British workers poorer than European ones? The answer to that lies in the answer to the following questions: Why are the Tories the most successful election winning machine the planet has ever seen? Plus: Why despite the evidence that voting Tory makes 75% of the population worse off in real terms do the English and it is in this case the English continue to vote Tory?
  • @davzinzan
    Tories have destroyed the soul of Britain
  • Unfortunately there most likely is no technocratic solution. It’s a cultural problem. The entrenched British class system and the lack of social mobility is to blame. The ruling classes see the middle as a threat and have an ingrained distain for them, which has lead to an almost vindictive underinvestment in their skills and the tools to do their jobs better, even though doing so would benefit the top more anyway. Those at the top would rather hold down salaries and squeeze every last dime out of UK businesses in bonuses and dividends, then take that money and buy US stocks and property, rather than reinvest it in UK businesses for higher future returns. The problem with that is that the middle is the most import part of the workforce, they are the doers, they drive productivity. The Eloi at the top really don’t!
  • @rossstotz775
    It's almost as though privatizing nearly every essential service while still paying taxes for them, then cutting yourself off from the European economy can have negative effects on your country. Who'd a thunk it?
  • @eligoldman9200
    When I moved to London to help my companies UK branch get off the ground almost instantly I found that it was much more difficult to get proper funding for projects and even when we would run the numbers for projected profits it was less than had it been back in the US. Then I took a trip outside of London. Almost every single city in the Uk feels like it’s got all its resources drained so that they can pour it all into London. It reminds me of back home in the states. How some areas of New York look like the best place in the world and then you go up to Harlem. Hard to imagin that the wealth inequality when I grew up got worse.
  • @philquin1991
    Brexit may have exasperated the Wage situation a bit, but we've always been always been lagging behind Europe in term of Wages since the Financial crash of the late 2000's and never fully caught with them since before the crash. Although there are a multiude of reasons of why this happened, one thing that was constant since 2010 was one political party who ruled Britain...yeah great record on the economy tories. 🙄
  • I studied economics in England many many moons ago. I am constantly amazed by the search for some sort of macroeconomic magic sauce that will solve all the country’s problems. In my country, we tend to look for mundane ways to make the economy work better. Stuff like education (also for those who leave school at 16), investment, innovation, infrastructure etc etc etc. Not very sexy and all take time to have an effect but then our GDP per capita is more than a third higher than Britain’s. I blame whats his name from Trinity Cambridge.
  • @allen7585
    I’m in the US but the Tories have the man mindset as American GOP - cut taxes, cut services, “trickle down economics” —- the problem is a ton of people are born into no wealth, chaotic families, and terrible parents. But growing up, public schools served everybody and the parents that gave a crap and helped fundraise for the school helped the kids who parents didn’t care at all. Investment in public goods help people from all economic spectrums and gives a lot of people a chance at a more “normal” life - but like here in the US now, public schools are crumbling, private schools soaring so now all the parents that give a crap are focusing on private schools and public schools are full of kids whose parents just don’t care. There is not a support system to help the school or the kids. European countries provide better public services that help keep inequality lower and, when people aren’t constantly battling against everything, their productivity is higher. Unfortunately, the conservatives convince people more money will make them happy so less taxes but the consequences are devastating for society as a whole - everybody is stressed, so many people can never make enough money because as more services are cut the burden falls onto individuals, and the rich get richer while more and more people fall into debt. European countries have a better sense of community when it comes to government and services while America and the UK have a fiercely independent mindset of “it’s my money and screw everybody else”
  • @Chris1553
    Taxed more, paid less, lowest pensions in EU, what a wonderful country !!
  • As someone trained in economics and who was proven largely right in predicted Brexit outcomes, I have only one issue to identify: Austerity.
  • @RegiyThornton
    In 2016 I got paid £150 a week working 40 hours a week as an apprentice, I could barely afford to pay my bills 😂
  • @Sabre_Wulf1
    its never changed. two tier system in place. the country is rich, for that very very small percent of extremely wealthy people. its not just the lack of wages either, its the hours the uk expects you to work for that wage. i moved abroad to do the same degree driven engineering career and was on a wage three times more a year than the highest paid job i ever had in the uk. The career i was in was also the exact same job as what i had in the UK too. Nobody prepares those that get degrees, that you can end up in an industry that pays less than stacking shelves at asda. thats the absolute truth of it. the country devalued the worth of the signatures. i wont ever work in the UK again. not a chance. The UK only recognises the financial degrees and only in the london area. if your a banker, lawyer, solicitor, financer, underwriter, your probably wondering what im banging on about. your not affected. dont accept bad wages in the uk kids, get your education, and go, leave this country to rot in its snobbery and class driven wars. you will at the minimum, double your wages for whatever your work sector is. mine was engineering. get out, and dont let them keep you in slavery.