Kevin Spacey's brother talks about troubled childhood

Published 2017-10-31
Randy Fowler lives in Boise and spoke about abuse he dealt with growing up.

FULL STORY: Kevin Spacey's brother talks about troubled childhood


Kevin Spacey breaks silence in bizarre video, faces charge for alleged sexual assault:

All Comments (21)
  • @farrjarr
    What a mad circus this earth is.!
  • @jaanaviit3847
    Who cares if he wants to dress as Rod Stewart? What I find disturbing is the abuse the poor man endured. This world is made up of many different souls and people... just because it is different from your norm does not make it wrong. Lets see what you would dress like if having experienced such a disturbing childhood. OPEN YOUR MIND!!!! MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER AND MORE UNDERSTANDING PLACE.... Peace out.
  • @carmenpeters728
    Poor guy. He still haa a loving heart after all hes been through.
  • @wgaule
    What is it with fathers abusing their kids like that?! To even think to do something like that in the first place is sick and weird but to then act on it!!!
  • @cards0486
    Kevin began acting at an early age. Becoming another person as often as you can is escape. Thatā€™s probably why Kevin is so brilliant in his acting; he throws himself into it. Bury that ā€˜other personā€™ deep within yourself, and during that period of time you donā€™t have to be ā€˜youā€™. I never knew Kevin had a brother or sister. Seeing Randy Iā€™d say his whole persona has become his escape from the boy he was. He doesnā€™t want that boy to exist anymore. Kevin once said as a child his #1 goal was always to make his mother laugh. From what I just saw laughs werenā€™t plentiful in their house. As Randy tried to protect Kevin and their sister Iā€™d say Kevinā€™s desire to make his mother laugh was his way, as a child, to try and protect her as he could.
  • I absolutely believe that KS was abused as a kid; that he suffered whatever his brother suffered. Having seen multiple shows about it over the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, the 00s, sexual abusers don't keep it to one kid - they like to spread it around. And this abusive father was likely abused as a child. Does this "excuse" KS? No, but it's an explanation.
  • @amywon4583
    He's a good brother ! I'm happy he speaking about your childhood!
  • @dreamworld6
    oh my,,, what a wonderful person he have bacome.. My heart goes out to him. Such a strong person!
  • @chelleoj
    Who you fundamentally are is revealed in the direction an abusive past takes you. I had a miserable childhood & have used those experiences to help young people. Abuse & trauma magnifies the good or evil already present in each of us.
  • @wahltowahl1
    Why why was this teen allowed at a party with adults at an adult party with alcohol involved? Is being abused by your parents give you the right to go on and abuse others the way you were abused? There have been people who badly abused but grew up and turned their life and others with dignity and changed the viscous cycle of abuse. I am so sorry for the victims.
  • If you ever read this Sir, your story rings true and I want you to know I pray for you Randy. I used to love your brother as an actor, especially during his "Usual Suspects" days. Kevin is a phenomenal actor, but has a darkness about him I always found very off putting. I hope someday things will look brighter for you my friend, and I am truly sorry for the pain that has marked your life. You are certainly doing the right thing, exposing that darkness for the evil that it was. I dream of a world where we no longer need to have this conversation. All the best to you, stay in the light.
  • Molestation is an infectious disease. It seems that women who are abused as children don't seem to repeat the cycle as readily where as men seem to fall to the cycle all too easily. It makes me wonder if we couldn't study the differences between men and women and come up with some idea as to why this is. Typically little girls are abused by older men and typically little boys are abused by older men. To me there is a common denominator . Women attach such strong emotions to sex where as most men do not. I think if we could possibly teach men to be emotional frorm a young age rather than telling them to act more manly perhaps we could make some progress?
  • @scotnick59
    By God, you'd never know they are brothers