GET TO KNOW ME - 10 Crafty Questions

Published 2019-10-13

All Comments (21)
  • @cLyon-xi9os
    This, in my opinion, is the best video on YouTube about why artists and crafters do what they do. It was so life affirming for me and how I felt when I found this art/craft. It brought together all my life experiences in a small package that I can share with others. Thank you, Natasha, for putting this into words for us.
  • @JanieAlcove9
    Despite this being two years old, I only discovered it today (2/9/22) and I have to tell you how incredibly moved I was by the entire video. I started crying when you told the story of the calendar and I had to pause to go get tissues. I sobbed over the diary that your mother gave you - what she wrote and mostly what you wrote at the end about your fear and your wish for the war to end. And I went to pieces over the doll your mother made and how she became your friend because you were lonely. I cannot find the words to tell you how deeply you effected me and how your videos have done the same for me that your early mentors did for you. You inspire me with your art, your inner beauty and your “gift” for this beautiful world of paper and all the treasured books that you create with it! Finally, Thank-You for sharing your story and how your deep passion for paper was born from a calendar that changed your world.
  • In my opinion, you are so popular for several reasons. First, you have HEART! Second, you have TALENT. Third, you SHARE. Fourth, you are ORGANIZED. Fifth, you SPEAK well. Thank you for all your informative videos. You are a treasure to the crafting world.
  • @TheresaBrown
    Natasa, I know this is an older video but I only recently discovered your channel and have been binge watching ever since! My heart goes out to you for all that you have been through and I’m so impressed with who you’ve become! The quote “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” comes to mind. I too have had my share of difficult times and also find papercrafting very therapeutic. Today would have been my firstborn son’s 30th birthday. He was born prematurely and tragically died at eight days old. This video was exactly what I needed to watch. To be reminded that we all go through scary, heartbreaking times in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing both your art and your heart. You, Natasa, are a treasure! 👍🏼👏🏼😍💎💕
  • @tillywillytx
    Girlfriend! Don't you dare think to yourself that you "shared too much" or "I should have said something else!" Your words, your story will minister to so many others. Your heart is so precious and your words like healing balm. You are a survivor! You're a beautiful wife, Mother... and Treasure Book Keeper. Thank you for being so transparent. You touched my heart. :)
  • Natasha, I know this is an old video, but I wanted to say this: What Jenni Bellie did for you, that is exactly what you've done for me. You have been such an inspiration, a lightning my life. When I discovered your channel I felt like I had purpose again. After becoming a mom I stopped crafting and journaling and became only a mom. Now I have been on a journey of creativity and self-discovery. And I don't have all the fancy things, but you're exactly right, that is not what is important. So thank you. Thank you so much ❤️
  • Your beautiful story made me cry so hard for that sweet little 8-year-old I had to stop the video for a moment. This should be seen by all who don't appreciate the freedoms they have. Thank you for having the courage to tell it. I love your tutorials and the way you write out the steps for us to snap a picture of(I use my phone as my computer.)
  • I know this is old video but I just found it. I watch every one of yours I can find. Thank you for sharing your heart....brought tears. God really uses you to help others. You are always prepared with many projects and- supplies to make them. You speak so well. Love your hands, nails and rings! God bless you...I am 84 yrs old and still learning!
  • @juliekeil8791
    Natasha, By far, the best, most sincere, honest, heartfelt, and open response to the Ten Questions that I have seen! Allowing us to get to know you by being brave enough to share your heart and soul brought tears to my eyes. More than once. It effected me deeply. Six and a half years ago, my aging mother asked me to come home to help her. I sold my home which was in another state in the US, gave away most of my loved possessions, including my two cats because my father hated cats, and moved away from my two grown children. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. It’s a long, ugly story that lasted three years. The short version is, I had to force my father, who was angry, mean, abusive, and violent into a home. Shortly after that, two years after moving into my parent’s home, my mother committed suicide. She was found floating in a kelp bed in the ocean. My father died 11 months later. It broke me. I have sewed and done various crafting, but never anything with paper. I accidentally found JJ about a year ago and am obsessed. It is healing like you said. How you described treasure hunting for materials is how I feel too. It is addicting, but so much fun! Haha. I have only found you recently, love you, your work, and your step lists, and now will be binge watching. You are quite lovely, inside and out. Thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration. Your new groupie, 💖🦋😊
  • This is the best video I have EVER watched on YouTube. Crafting is an emotion and it has a story. I thank you for honest answers and your passion to share your Treasure Books with us. ❤️❤️
  • ❤️ I am 68. I had watched hours upon hours upon hours of journal crafting videos. Yours started me DOING instead of just watching. I have lost 18 important people in my life since 2017, had to relocate hundreds of miles away from my children and grandchildren, and I am becoming frail and am losing the ability to use my hands for fine functions along with my ability to see clearly. I had to find something creative to do that would center my mind again. Your calm voice and the rhythm of your hands struck something inside me at the beginning, but it was the way you explained sewing a zigzag stitch along the edge of a journal being made out of a windowed envelope, just catching one side of the paper, that turned on that light in me - I can do this! I had experience sewing - a lot - made things as complicated as wedding dresses and movie costumes. I had been to art school, won prizes. I had been to design school. But all that had gone dark. Your video, you, flipped that switch inside me back to “ON.” Thank you. My sincerest thank you.
  • @dianapease7243
    YES ! You know it when you find your calling. You were the first person I saw in the Junk Journal realm in 2019. I was in love ! You made a little slim journal from a window-envelope. I was 63 when I finally felt free enough to show my love for Art - Paper - Fabric. It truly is my "therapy" to deal with all the issues of aging!!! I love all the junk journals I make. I love to share them with those going through a rough spell in their lives. Thank you so much for sharing.!
  • I am 73 years old this October 20th and many times felt my life was made up of pieces but It had never been revealed to me that they were part of the puzzle that indeed makes up my life ... I love "treasure books" never to be called junque journals again ... You have helped me accept the parts of my past done to me not done by me and how they affected who I have become ... Thank you ... If I had the money I would come to Australlia to spend time with you ... Lolls Paloosa is one of my favorite YouTube channels ... I do her December daily every year and look forward to it very much ..,thank you girl on how God used you to reveal some reasons for happenings in my own life ... You are indeed a blessing!
  • Dearest Natasha, You have changed my life. I am 65 and a retired nurse. This has been a painful 3 years in my life that has nothing to do with the pandemic. I came across you and your craft on YouTube. I have been junk journaling for 3 months now. It has given me peace, joy and a calming process. My first 2 journals that were not just for practice, I sent to my son's girlfriend and she was so happy. I think you are a lovely person and mom. Please know you have kept me company and given me something to look forward to every day. Bless you dear girl. I have a long way to go, but that's ok. You are with me. Love
  • @britaccent4352
    Natasa, I’m so inspired by your story and your message, and can’t thank you enough for posting this video. I’ve felt your generous spirit coming through your tutorials, where you show so many incredibly creative ideas, and keep saying that we can use anything, and find supplies anywhere, using just our imagination. I’ve been so disconnected from art and myself for so long and watching you inspired me to try something small to reconnect. So, using an old crossword puzzle book, with a lovely wallpaper-like cover, I turned to the beginning and stuck in a magazine picture, added some tape, made some doodles, highlighted some of the puzzle, glued in a bit of a pretty card and voila! I made my first treasure page! As a child, I never thought twice about my connection to my creativity- it just flowed, but my life experiences and mental health had made that almost impossible to access. Every kind of art has felt like it would take too much time and energy than I have to give. I know I’ve not made a whole journal, but youve shown me that it’s a craft that can be as big or small as I need it to be, and it’s had the bonus of giving me good feelings even when I only have time or energy to look at it, rather than create! I’m hooked and have just created my 20th page!!! You have inspired me in a way that has changed my world, making me an “artist” again with just a change of perspective! And for that I am truly grateful. Hugs from one Natasha to another ♥️✂️🔖🖇
  • @Jantea
    Here it is 2021 and I have just recently found you!! I got 2 whole minutes into this video and you quietly saying, "There may be F words in here" just had me rolling! Gawd's but I do love you. I could watch your videos 24/7. You have inspired me to Journal like no one else and even before I hear more about you I can say, "You are PERFECT, just as you are". Thank you for doing what you do and sharing with us, your wonderful talent!! :-)
  • @amyvanleeuwen
    Thank you, Natasa, for opening up the "treasure book" of your life and letting us hear your heartfelt and inspiring story. You've helped me understand why I am drawn to making journals so much. Taking bits and pieces from my life and those of my loved ones, and then putting them together with snippets that others have thrown away to create something lovely is wonderful. New life for things tossed away--beautiful. I just started making journals in the last few months after seeing you work with the collections from Cheaply Chic. I've started following Lynnette and buying her journals--which are perfect for a newbie. I really enjoy watching your videos and learning so much--not just about journaling, but about treasuring life. Keep on sharing your passion with the world...
  • @teawithkatia
    Oh my, I wish so much i could meet you in person. You and one other person here on YouTube are the ones I receive notifications from. I love your simplicity and way of teaching. I grew up very poor, so everything in our home had a dual purpose. Nothing was wasted. I'm on a very tight budget, so just about everything I'm using to make journals is coming from the Thrift Stores or sales at the craft store. I appreciate the fact that you don't use so many expensive kits and such to make beautiful journals. Thank you so much for sharing from your heart. I'm so sorry you had to go through so much in life. Thank you for being you. I would like to change the word junk for treasure. Lol, I do have an accent! ((Hugs))
  • "I had a piece of my mom with me all the time" the pencil case story....and the doll story....oh Natasa you just shared a great life store bought item can replace the love a mother puts in everything she does for us! I lost my mom to COVID in March 2020 and she always knitted us sweaters, cooked us amazing meals, told us wonderful stories from her past... I miss her so much! Thank you for sharing.❤️