What is the BEST Assault Rifle for Terminids in Helldivers 2?

Published 2024-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • @Odog78
    All liberators need a 45 round mag. That means concussive and penetrator need to go from 30 to 45. I actually don't mind the concussive, the mag is just way, way too small. The penetrator may need more love, but id start with the mag size.
  • @ProjectTaker
    There is one way the Sickle shines over every other rifle: hip fire performance.
  • @Gaelic-Spirit
    You should reload the sickle somewhat regularly, in all the clips you showed you had max ammo. If you want to keep firing, reload, you are allowed to reload the sickle whenever you feel like it
  • @HasekuraIsuna
    "Liberator Concussive isn't bad, it's just a different playstyle, B-tier" "Sickle is a different playstyle, that makes it bad, C-tier" : p
  • The carbine really needs a drum mag. Hell, by the engineer lady on the ship, you can see a Liberator drum mag on the table!
  • @j2d4oi
    Even with the AR buff I'm still using the Blitzer. The combo of the Blitzer + Laser Rover is S tier for the bugs. The only slightly annoying bug is the Hive Guard, it's not dangerous at all, just takes a bit of time to kill from the front.
  • The best assault rifle in Helldivers 2 isn't even in this list. It's the Stalwart. And with the new Peak Physique armour perk, even the medium machine gun can basically be played like an assault rifle while also being s-tier.
  • 2:26 - I'm gonna call BS on you shooting the head of the brood commander and then them being able to call in a bug breach anyway!
  • @jasony8480
    Try the Liberator Carbine in 1st person. Cuts down on a lot of the recoil and makes it very useable with any armor. Pair with Peak Physique for almost instantaneous ADS.
  • @zelrar9546
    Personally don't like the Sickle as well, and exactly for the reasons you stated, but it being in C tier is HARSH. B tier seems about right imo.
  • @George_M_
    Lol you mean someone doesn't take Incindiary Breaker vs bugs?
  • @Mr_ViPR
    I personally have the Tenderizer and Adjudicator in A tier, Sickle B(could be A), Liberator and Carbine C, and the Concussive and Penetrator D. The Sickles infinite ammo and great handling make up for its clunkiness and in emergencies just use ur secondary or a support weapon. The Lib is the Lib and the Carbine’s poorer ammo and range offsets its RPM. The Concussive is nice at keeping things away but killing will always just be more practical than CCing. The Lib Pen is just a joke.
  • @JoltYT1337
    1st of all, I respect your opinion, I liked how to explained yourself so I could understand your reasoning. 2nd, My turn. Liberator is B, Concusive is C, Sickle is B, penetrator at the bottom, Adjudicator is N/A (haven't used yet), Adjudicator is A, and Carbine is B. In my humble opinion ofc. Too lazy to explain myself since I don't usually write comments lol.
  • @davidgape0943
    Putting the concussive above the penetrate is a crime
  • @1998lemuel
    2:31 Did that headless Brood Mother just called a bug breach even though it already lost its head!? Is that supposed to happen!?
  • @Doc_Paradox
    I agree on the sickle points I used to use it all the time but after a while I found the charge up was getting me killed by hunters who leap across postal codes to kobe me. while I tend to run the blitzer for its shear utility I often find myself using the tenderizer now its a very fun weapon and makes quick work of the flying rats.
  • @HarryVoyager
    Addendum: on the Adjudicator/Tenderizer/Carbine the reload time becomes significant. The Adj has a 3.0/1.7s reload The Tenderizer has a 3.3/2.2s reload The Liberators have 3.0/2.0s reload. That means the Tenderizer is going to have the most downtime in horde situations, while the Ask, if you manage your reloads, will feel a lot more available. I think with the Adj having good breakpoints against the bugs and medium pen, probably edges it out above the Tenderizer and Carbine for me. But I absolutely love the Carbine. I'm probably going to run it again tonight.
  • I'm an absolute fanboy of the Sickle. I can relate to most of the reasons why you don't like it, but imo, the gun itself doesn't belong in C tier. I'm disappointed you didn't mention how absurdly precise it is - you can literally snipe patrols at long range with it and kill hive guards up front by shooting holes under its armor plating. The wind up when firing isn't as bad as you've pictured but yeah, you need a tad bit of predictiveness in it. As for the heatsinks, i recommend treating it like a regular assault rifle and not an energy weapon with unlimited ammo - don't be scared to reload it when overheating, there's enough ammo lying randomly on the map, plus 3 backup heatsinks can last you quite long - even on helldive. When getting swarmed by hunters and other small shitfucks you can either spam dive and kill them with the sickle or just swap to the secondary. Damage itself isn't THAT bad, but could be better. Biggest drawback is probably lack of medium armor pen, hive guards and those armored bile spewers can be a pain in the arse to kill while under heavy pressure.