Fedora 21 PacketTracer (obsolete)

Published 2015-01-13
Dear friends,

From time to time I still get comments or messages on this video. Sorry if I never reply, it's not that I don't like you, it's because I never see these messages :) I marked the title as obsolete a while back, but I still find people are in need of help with this. I'm saddened to say I had an impossible time getting packet tracer to work with the current...7.1 I believe. Cisco just makes it harder and harder to install. My only solution to get it to work has sadly been to install Wine and get the Windows version. From there it's as simple as running "wine /path/to/packet-tracer.exe". It's not the most ideal solution, but Packet Tracer for whatever reason uses ancient libopenssl packages, and it's probably safer to use the Windows version than to have a crusty libopenssl package installed on your computer. Good luck everyone! - 2018-01-16

How to install Packet Tracer 6.0.1 on Fedora. I've gotten this to work on 20 also and did the install in 21 and it works great!

Link to rpm needed to get PT to work:

PT icon:

Installing alacarte:
sudo yum install alacarte

All Comments (6)
  • @Onai
    Muchas gracias me ayudo mucho :)
  • @fontaineamira93
    Hi ! Thanks for this TUTO it's very clear and understood please i have a problem it is ;; i installed pachet tracer succefully but it wan't lunch when i tape :: /usr/local/bin/packet tracer why ?? please reply me quickly ..
  • where can i get the libopen package, the link you shared is not working anymore, kindly suggest some alternative.
  • @AMABotelho
    the link is down now, and a generic packettracer for Linux is no longer available apparently. Any help? Fedora 21, with either PT 6.1 or 6.2.
  • Hey mate! Have you tried to install Packet tracer 6.2 on Fedora 23? It seems i cant use rpm Any Help please... cheers!!!