Back In The Day 2021 Review

Published 2022-02-25
Hey guys and gals. Today I finally got around to doing my recap of 2021.

All Comments (6)
  • @MarioFanGirl93
    I agree that 2021 is better than 2020. However, I have some bad days due to my mental health, but i'm still going strong. Sometime this year isn't the best way to start since almost a month ago, my golden retriever passed away at almost 13 years old. It still fucking hurts when I lost my dog and i'm going through so much depression, it was devastating for me...It will take time for me to settle down. After hearing about your wife's grandmother, i'm so sorry, still giving the support to you and your wife. Thank you for mentioning School Of Rock because that's my all time favorite Jack Black movie! Your game collecting videos are awesome as always, glad you were that close to 300 subs. Take as much time as you want if you don't have time to make any videos, still supporting your channel.
  • First of all, great to see a new video drop from you. I been drooling for one! So 2021 was another crazy year for sure. At least you got to see a couple great movies, and listen to some good music. It’s so bad right now that the little things just hit different ya know. I appreciate the shoutout, and always supporting my channel by watching my videos bro. As for the separate channel, I honestly don’t know if that’s a good idea or not. I feel like if you did some people from this channel would watch that channel outta respect for you. But if your view didn’t aline with theirs they might have animosity towards you on this channel and stop supporting it. It might sound trivial, but some people are way more passionate politics, etc etc than they are about video games. Me personally I wouldn’t make one, but then again you are an American and are entitled to have and express an opinion you choose if it’s not breaking any laws. So the choice is yours ultimately. I honestly wouldn’t change my support but some others might. I guess kinda like if it ain’t broke don’t fix it type thing. I see your channel growing everyday and I would hate for others to bring negative behavior here because of your other channel. But what do I know, I spend ridiculous amounts of money on 30 year old cardboard, so I obviously can’t be trusted 😂
  • @TostetoLightsky
    Sorry for your loss, when life finds a way to keep you from doing things that you'd like to do, your hobbies usually get put on hold and you must deal with the important things that weigh more than something you do on the side. On a different subject, I'm not much of a movie goer these days, some of the movies you mentioned I've already seen, but I just don't have the interest in watching movies like I did back then, I might watch one in a blue moon at the theaters, but in terms of watching something at home, it takes me forever to watch something from start to finish. I've also put myself in a situation where I bought more games that I end up putting on the backburner, and I try to focus on finishing them, sometimes one at a time, sometimes I multitask on a couple titles because I'll burn myself out on one title and don't want to play at all for a period of time. Having a separate channel for personal views and beliefs sounds more appropriate, I subscribed to your channel to see your game collection and views on games, because the name "Back In The Day" does represent the content your creating, granted a name is just a name, but it can have significance in terms of what is attached to the name. Putting out content that doesn't quite align with the rest could alienate some, and could result in people getting mad on the internet, a very easy and inevitable outcome that at this point isn't surprising. Jokes aside, that's my viewpoint on the idea of a division between the channels current norm compared to personal viewpoints. :)
  • @RetroDeath
    I'm definitely looking forward to more unboxings this year! I absolutely love your unboxing videos. You'll definitely get to those 500 subs you are aiming for! I know you aren't really on any other social media platform, but I'd definitely consider adding at least one, Twitter to communicate with fans, Instagram for doing more photo focused things, or Tiktok for mini videos, each one of those could significantly help you grow, man! Sorry for the late reply, Youtube kinda beat me down last year, with how much work I put in for zero growth in return, so I've been kinda out of it. Also, you should make any other channel you want! If you have rants you want to get out there, I'm saying go for it! Personally I feel anyone can believe what they want, it doesn't influence my friendship with them.
  • 100%, family and health come first. Youtube isn't going anywhere and will still be here when you return. If you have plans to get any Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360 games now is the time to get them. Alot of people consider those systems retro now and as soon as that happens the prices go way up. I don't think they are going to be crazy high like Gamecube and PS2 but who knows what the future brings. If you feel the need to create a second channel then do what your heart says. I agree that mixing politics and gaming is not a good mix. That's why I keep my channel strictly about gaming and past memories. Nobody wants to hear me rant about meaningless stuff. I'm hoping to get to 500 subs by the end of the year as well. I've haven't been doing much lately. Some of that is because I haven't had time and some is because I think I'm just not feeling it anymore. I have plenty of games to open still but I haven't been collecting at all lately. Of course alot of that has to do with "you know who" and the high premium games cost now. So I've kinda lost some motivation to continue. I appreciate the comments and support I get but sometimes it feels like I'm just talking to myself LOL. I have a big unboxing video in the works that I've been meaning to finish for the past 2 months now but again, I haven't really felt motivated to finish it. I always feel pretty lazy this time of year so we will see what happens later on in the year if I decide to continue. I look forward to your unboxing videos as usual. :)