France’s historic far-right election victory explained

Published 2024-07-01
As the French prime minister warned that the far-right was now at the 'gates of power' - the country's left wing and centrist parties are frantically trying to stop that happening.


The National Rally emerged with 33% of the votes after the first round of voting - and a record turnout.

Now all eyes are focused on this weekend's second round - and whether the other parties will come to a tactical agreement to block them.


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All Comments (21)
  • The explanation is that many ordinary European people have had enough of uncontrolled mass immigration.
  • Speaking out against uncontrolled immigration means you’re ‘far right’?
  • @MarkCartret
    It is racist to be for your people? Your culture? And a safe society?
  • @Jennyeq
    The turning point was the migrant riots of 2 years ago. Seeing those who France had welcomed into their lands as equals going out and stealing, looting and destroying the towns they shared without shame was a bitter pill to swallow.
  • @MB10-66
    Far right???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No, just patriotic French citizens who want their country back
  • Seemingly, France is just as divided, and as discontented, as the UK.
  • If anybody wonders what "far right" means, it means anybody who questions fully open borders.
  • @hourbee5535
    The French people are tired of seeing the decline of their country going on for decades. Now the French people are reclaiming their country and dignity.
  • VIVA La France!!! Get to work reversing decades of self destruction.
  • How do people argue with democracy,if the people want a far-right party let them have it 👍
  • @butters_
    Far right 😂😂😂 anything that isn’t the usual extreme left is far right ?
  • @thetonypyo
    The truth is that people are fed up with neoliberal Europe, where the rich get richer and the middle class continues to disappear. Immigration has little to do with it, countries that work don't obsess over it. But for as long as people receive punitive economic policies, the far right will continue to thrive
  • @angedusoleil
    “She is very close to Vladamir Putin”.. 🤔 Why does that sound so familiar?
  • @Joey-ct8bm
    The renaissance party of Macron has been adding debt since they came to power and last year had a high deficit too. They shouldn't be talking at all about other party's.