Best Tips to Gain Weight for Skinny Women

Published 2013-09-20
I personally have not tried to gain weight, but these are some of the tips which has helped my clients previously. I hope they will help you too. These tips are applicable for both female and male. Gaining weight is not an easy process, but with the right food intake & exercises, it is not impossible.

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Music Copyright: BEST Background Instrumental Music - for Coffee, Creativity and Busy Work (Work Music) - Dennis Kuo

All Comments (21)
  • The struggle is real. It's so hard for me to gain weight even if I eat a lot and then almost everyone I know including the ones I just met are telling me that I'm too skinny and that I would look better if I put some weight! I really hate it when people say that. It makes me feel so depressed and it affects my self esteem and confidence badly. It's not like I'm starving myself ffs! I'm really angry.
  • @soopamegan
    it really bothers me how pretty much no one acknowledges that you can be uncomfortable with your body by being too skinny. people have asked me if I was anorexic and that i'm "all skin and bones" and it's hurtful. it's not just about being overweight people.
  • @adilaasmadi3672
    1. High Calorie -healthy fat, natural sugar 2. Omega-3 fatty acid -fish, leafy veggies 3. Drink milk with every meal 4. Eat frequent 5-6 times 5. Supplements -protein shake 6. Exercise 3-4 times per week -less cardio, more strength training 7. Good rest 24-48hrs
  • @OMGolivamarie
    telling a skinny girl "your too skinny go and eat a burger!" is just as bad as saying to someone fat "your fat don't eat anymore burgers!"
  • @zahranolan403
    It's kind of sad that not that many people 'care' about girls being uncomfortable in their own body because they're too skinny. For example, telling someone : 'You're so skinny/You look like a stick' isn't that big of a deal for most people. Even though there are thousands of skinny girls who aren't comfortable In their own skin. If you're telling a 'thicker' person: You're so fat/You eat so much' ( don't take this seriously) World War 3 would start.
  • @ZenLioness
    Loved this video. Few people understand how difficult it is for someone who's naturally slim and has a very fast metabolism to maintain/gain weight.
  • @slovesjesus
    okah, so, heres the problem. Im really skinny. I dont even consider myself THAT THAT skinny, i know there are skinnier girls. The thing is, im healthy. The doctor says im fine and healthy, society doesn't. People are always like OMGGG U R SO SKINNY!!! OMG U SHOULD EAT MORE!! OMG R U ANOREXIC??? All i can do is laugh or smile, but it kills me U can even see my collarbone stick out. Im pretty flat chested, ppl say i dont have a butt, (i think its a reasonable size 4 me) Its like going 2 a fat person and calling them fat. THATS rude, but calling some1 skinny isn't? My own father discriminates against me, its horrible. Any tips? plz help. 💖 DOES ANY1 ELSE HAVE THIS ISSUE?
  • @Nch95x
    Sigh, why is putting on weight so hard :(
  • @sheilaaah549
    Hey, I'm fricking skinny and people tell me to eat more. That's what I try, but I just can't. When I eat, I'm full very fast. Also my friend tells me I have no boobs because I'm so thin. I laugh at it and say it's true, but actually it kills me inside. I mean, how would you feel if you hear: ''You have no boobs.'' ''You're too thin, go eat more!'' everyday? I try everything, I even tried to drink the oil that was left from my meat to gain weight. Saying to someone: ''You're thin.'' Is like saying to someone they're fat. I just hate my body. I can't get fatter. Some boys from my class tease me with: ''Skeleton.'' But I can't just do a thing about it :'( Any tips?
  • @DogDaysWimpyKid
    I'm flicking skinny and TALL too, so that makes my appearance really bad. I'm flat chested, no ass, and awkwardly tall. It really hurts when ppl say "you're like a skeleton", "go eat more", "no body" and "anorexic"because calling someone too thin is the same as calling someone fat. I have high metabolism so there's nothing I can do?? I eat like so much, because food is my life, and I don't even wear shorts, skirts or dresses in the summer even when it is burning hot outside.. I basically wear jeans and leggings throughout the entire year..
  • @welovethebeach9
    People think being skinny makes you confident, but I hate my body. I feel so frail and childlike. I'm 16, 5'6, and 103 lb. I used to be 110 until jaw surgery which made me lose even more weight. People think it's because I don't eat a lot, but the reason I don't eat a lot at meals is because my appetite has become so small I hardly have to eat anything before I start feeling sick. I love my waist, but I hate how bony the rest of my body is. I would love to be filled out and more feminine-looking, but people still mistake me for a 12 year old.
  • @mariastim6629
    It took me about 3 months to put on about 5-6 kilos and to get some curves going on. The point is that you don't need to gain fat. Try to build your muscles. Even though the process is slower, it is healthier. You can both stay healthy and look good. Be aware of the food you are eating, you need proteins and vitamins. (sorry about language, don't live in a English country) 😉😉😉
  • It makes me so happy to see that I'm not the only girl with high metabolism who is trying to gain another 10 pounds which seem impossible and I'll definitely try the tips from this video and hopefully it'll be a happy end :) ✊
  • @raziel1687
    If someone tells you that you need to eat more, tell them, "Are you going to pay for my groceries?" "Are you going to buy me lunch or dinner?" NO?...I didn't think so.....You should probably shut up now!
  • @ziintle
    Great video! I don't think I could afford to eat like this 5 times a day. Student life..
  • @TM-ln9he
    I'm actually feeling relieved hearing that being teased about being skinny happens to many people not just me...It really needs to stop, like telling me to eat more is not helping me so if u are one of the people telling skinny people to eat more JUST STOP!!!
  • Alright so I've been skinny my entire life. I'm 14 years old, when I was like 8-12 it was really bad. I weighed like 50-60 pounds but now I'm about 95. I hate being this skinny because my chest is so flat. I don't even like wearing shorts when it's so hot because people would say "chicken legs" I mean just the other day I said how I hate the winter and some guy said "well it's because you can't handle it with your bones and no meat" I hate hate hate it when people say things like that because do they not think I can't see it myself? I know I'm really skinny you don't have to fucking tell me. And the jokes never stop! "If you turn sideways you'd disappear" "Do you get blown away by the wind" "you're a stick" and I especially hate it when people consider me "LUCKY" like no! This is not what I want! I don't care if most women want this, I do not! I'm myself. I'm me. I'm not most women so don't tell me I'm lucky. Don't tell me to shut up because I don't know the "struggle" fuck you.
  • @wesleyy1691
    I'm doing my best to get thicker legs... I've always hated summer because I've never had that awesome body or just an average body to pull off shorts. I've been so skinny all my life. I'm trying your plan:)
  • i am looking forward to gain weight and i came across this video and all i have to say is this woman is telling the truth, i am drinking milk and i see i gained a bit and i will try to drink 3 -4 cups plus eating lot of vegs and fruits!! i will do this from tomorrow and after few months i will inform you about my result ..thank you so much!