Published 2024-05-16

All Comments (21)
  • @JPDD2
    Lmao people want this game to fail for no reason!!!!! I want to NOT play cod why is that wrong?
  • @Sci-Fi_96
    No sbmm is one of the reasons i can't wait to play again, fuck sbmm!
  • I’ve never seen so much hate towards a game for no reason. And it’s free to play, I’m super excited about it. I’ve played pre-alpha-test server session and have had a blast.
  • @s.newcomer8855
    this is a dumb statement! i literally dont play cod anymore because of sbmm..... who wants sbmm??? not me! im excited for xdefiant!
  • @VirtualAustin
    Honestly i prefer skill base match making because then i can be better at the game instead of dealing with people who suck and basically never improving my skill.
  • @SnackJar
    I'm not trying to be negative I just truly think this game's going to be sweaty because it's marketed for the sweaty players not many casuals even know about this game if this was a AAA title and no skill-based match making with millions of people knowing about this game then yeah it would be a better experience. But the vast majority are gonna be decent players flocking to this game. I know there will be bad players. And thankfully the no disbanding lobbies will help if you get a god lobby but there will be alot of sweat i feel in this game.
  • Cod doesn't have sbmm they have eomm. There's a huge difference. Cod also has patents to make good players lose to bad players.
  • @RedtheRazor
    I think it will be interesting but just to have an alternative is great.
  • @dunnone1489
    Straight up truth right here. Hopefully this game does well, can't say that I myself am a fan but regardless I do hope this game does well. Right now I am damn well praying that The Finals starts to gain more traction. Both these games deserve true recognition by The gamers out in the world.
  • @shellyplayzz856
    SBMM was the worst thing to ever be forced on normal public lobbies. Ranked exists for a reason. I shouldn't have to play against a five man of pro players after a 12 hour shift
  • I just hope the ones happy about sbmm gone are good at the game and fine with seeing one person or two stand tf out in lobbies.
  • Cod is the leading seller in fps titles nothing will come along and take that over. Sbmm isnt bad most games have sbmm but its cod fans who bitch the most about sbmm when cod isnt even using sbmm. Also you dont know what Ubisoft has done to this game
  • @sirinstinct4326
    Honestly those people are major trolls that do not deserve to be on the internet but deserve much worse for making it happen and thats litrally hurting them till they cant walk anymore
  • @drastic656
    I think xdefiant will succeed if they keep the no sbmm in casual lobbys and have great content to keep the player base up. But I think it could fail due to it being free and that means a ton of micro transactions. I know they said they will keep it fair but they still have to make money.
  • People are sweating in quickplay thats why it horrible on release, i can only have fun in ranked. There needs to be sbmm so people sweating can play against sweats and people chilling can play against chill players
  • @Sodahh
    you need bad players for games to thrive bad players have produced some of the greatest gaming clips of all time.
  • @synx6869
    I gave mw3 another chance after months a few weeks ago. Dropped it again. Such a rigged experience with its eomm. Hope xdefient does well hopefully