Series Review | X-Men Evolution

Published 2022-01-31
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All Comments (21)
  • @thesuperframe
    Skillshare have made this video possible guys, wouldn't have been able to do it without them so thanks, like I said the first 1000 people to click the link in the description get a month free so go at it !! That being said let me know what you guys thought of X-Men Evolution, the good, the bad, all that !!
  • Its crazy that we lost 2 Cyclops voice actors in 2020. RIP to Norm Spencer (90s Cyclops) and Kirby Morrow (Evolution Cyclops).
  • Xmen evolution is IMO the ultimate Xmen done right. Adapting the characters in a new way that sets it apart from the 616 comics. I love how cyclops is adapted and i love that wolverine isnt really focused on, acting more as a teacher than a consitant member. He shows up occasionally and sometimes helps in a fight
  • @MrAnybody04
    X-Men Evolution was really well written and well developed show which ended a little bit too early! This series is great example of how Wolverine isn't overused, This show will always have special place in my heart.
  • @findfefito
    X-Men Evolution is a gem. Gave us the best adaptation of Jean Grey until now, this Jean has an amazing progression without the Phoenix, not to mention that she is kind, clever and acts like a mom for the reast of the team, just like i imagine Jean. Gave us ghotic-reclusive-moody Rogue, and she was by far the most badass X-woman of the show without having Carol Danvers powers. Rogue never backdown in a fight, she almost always did the bounce back and used her absortion gift so wisely. When she roasted Juggernaut was one of my fav moments. Gave us a Storm that was a true leader, she didnt appear too much, but when she did, it was to solve things for good. This Storm is sooo powerful and majestic. Gave us a cool family bond between Mystique, Rogue and Kurt. Gave us badass Magneto, funny and girlie Kitty Pryde, that scene of her crossing one train through the other was BADASS. Wolverine is also cool, i love seeing him being a dad and not a version who is all over the place, without memories of his past. Scott is a true leader in this version too, which is great, we never saw that on the movies. And all of the minor characters got their moment to shine too, like Amara, Tabitha, Beast, Spyke, Gambit etc. Cant forget to mention that this version of Scarlet Witch is also super badass, Wanda was OMEGA LEVEL here and her look was fire. X-Men Evolution is my fav X-Men animation, is it's own thing since its an adaptation portraying them as teens, but is a great adaptation, i can't say the same about the Fox movies. The progression of the episodes were flawless, all characters were well developed, we got some iconic moments, and the ending was beautiful and bittersweet at the same time.
  • @puppetfae
    am I the only one who loves the early 2000s aesthetic of this show?
  • @bigred6884
    Probably my favorite interpretation of cyclops and Jean, seeing their relationship actually bloom through the seasons and for once Jean actually has a personality of a flirty firey redhead. Also I like how they shifted the love triangle from Scott Jean and Logan to Scott Jean and rogue. The early 2000s aspect I know grinds on t you but it never bothers me I grew up in this era when I look back this show is never as cringe as half the shit the late 90s and early 2000s were known for. Also it’s amazing that night crawler is never really used as a main character outside this show he really steals the show. Wolverine isn’t much the badass as I’m used to but still I really love this show in some ways more than the 90s
  • @JuneieBack
    X-Men Evolution is by far, my favorite X-Men show ever. My only complaint about it is how they treat Storm. She’s my favorite X-Man but in most media it’s like the writers are afraid to touch her and give her something to do. I’ve been reading a lot of X-Men lately and noticed that in the 80’s she was practically the protagonist of the main title. She was powerful, had flaws, and was a great leader. You could tell that Chris Claremont considered her his favorite character with just how much she was given. Without Storm I truly believe that his 17 year long run would not be as good as it was. Hopefully the new X-Men show next year will give her the attention she deserves.
  • @filipnassen9076
    I love X-Men Evolution. It’s the perfect example of how to do a reimagining of a franchise.
  • @snickson1991
    X-men Evolution was very underrated. It doesn’t get the clout it deserves.
  • @frankbarrie6785
    I've always loved X-Men Evolution. I think it's criminally underrated.
  • @mcurran6505
    Even though I grew up watching the 90s series (which is still my childhood favourite), I'll admit X-Men Evolution is pretty much one of my favourite Marvel shows even though it had that Buffy style setting. I'm glad it lasted four seasons however I think this series didn't get the proper ending it deserved due to the fact that there were big plans for season 5 that we may never see like its take on the Dark Phoenix saga.
  • @SLouiss
    In the days before streaming and not everything having reruns, you took whatever cartoons you got. I didn’t mind the high school element because you got to see the interpersonal relationships between most of the characters. The interpersonal relationships and baseball games were a big part of why the X-men comics are great. The downside is since Wolverine and Storm, two of my favorite characters were older and more experienced, they weren’t part of the crew. I’d love to see schism and regenesis retold.
  • @shikishinobi
    This is my preferred version of X-Men for several reasons. The main one being that it takes focus off of Wolverine (like you said) and it creates a better overarching story. X-Men 90's is okay, but as an adult I can see more and more how badly the animation goes from awesome to horrible between episodes (Cold Comfort as a great example of the worst). X-Men evolution brought in new story elements, more relatable issues for its target audience and shared the limelight. I do also agree that Storm needs a better story arc in any X-Men series she is in. She has so much to do and give and she is usually a backseat character. Last thing better in this series than the others is that the X-Men are capable of fighting without their powers. In many other series their lack of powers (for whatever reason) seems to be a detriment and the reason they lose (X-Men 90's episode Reunion Part 2). Whereas the X-Men in this series have many different times they fight without using their abilities and come out better (Mainstream is a good example). X-Men 90's will always have a special place for me, however I feel X-Men Evolution is the better series.
  • 7:13 Not only I agree with that, but, when the x-men are introduce in the MCU, I think the first movie should focus on the relationship between Scott and Professor Xavier, with them meeting for the first time, Xavier teaching Scott how to control their powers and the two working together to assemble the MCU x-men first class. This would not only allow Scott to have the center stage but also gives a good development for Xavier, with him starting at first as mentor/father figure for Scott hero's journey to grow into a mentor for all the young mutants and helping them discover their purpose as well (think of it as a Cobra kai with super heroes).
  • @jasontodd433
    One thing that I really liked about this show was the Storm, Xavier, Wolverine, and Beast all felt like the parents of the group. Wolverine was the one that was distant one but was the one that reliable pulled the characters back from their personal mistakes the jaws of the enemy. Like going off on thier own or saving them if they got kidnapped. Storm felt more like the spiritual leader and the mother of the kids. She always had a calming voice and felt nuturing when they needed help. Beast was the mechanical dad that brought new gadgets to them and had a playful side where he would joke around too. Then Professor X, do I need to explain him? He has always felt like a caring father figure.
  • @pinkmazohyst
    I didn’t grow up with the 90s show, THIS was the show I grew up with, and long after the series ended they still showed the episodes in reruns. I thought the writing was perfect for the time; setting X-Men in a high school was a great way to have us relate to the characters while dealing with the usual X-Men debacles. A great way to get late 90s and early 2000s kids into older properties