Can you develop a game idea with A.I.? | Human AI Hybrid Podcast

Published 2024-06-11

All Comments (8)
  • @rezadarkside
    I can't think of any missing features from games, the variety out there means I can find what I need at the time, but no one game covers everything. As Kiri mentioned it gets a complicated mess 😆
  • Who is the disguised @bot who writes comments to your podcast?
  • @procrasti86
    Not sure why youtube advertised your content to me, as it's clearly geared towards kids. Since I'm here, I'll have to say the concept is good. Looks like you spent a lot of time coming up with names. Setup is polished, camera lighting and color scheme works (I know you dyed your hair to fit the color palette, and I appreciate that). You probably spend a lot of time editing stuff together, to get rid of the silence when AI is coming up with an answer. My crystal ball sees an episode of "behind the scenes" some time in the future. I'd be interested in that. As it stands, I'll give you 6/10. There is room for improvement. Voices of your co-hosts are outdated and annoying to listen to for extended periods of time. Slow pace. Kids today crave action, lasers, disco balls and explosions. Well, boys at least. I haven't checked your other videos, but talking about games can only get you so far. Game footage will get more views. Maybe you'll find a way to let an AI play something? You barely started and you got 63 subs already, that's not bad. Don't get discouraged by the slow progress, staying consistent is key. With small experiments along the way. Either way, wish you guys luck.