Taxidermy Girl - weevildoing ft. MAIKA

Published 2024-06-23

All Comments (21)
  • @WeevilDoing
    edit: INSTRUMENTAL AND VSQX + SVP ARE AVAILABLE NOWWW hi all!! disclaimer, as with the last song; this one includes many difficult topics, including vague sexual trauma, abnormal sexual development, and bioessentialism.... in general, it's about all the worst aspects of being seen as a girl/woman. there are some archaic ideas and language used in this song, and that's intentional. but unfortunately, a lot of discussions surrounding sexism and women's rights online tend to be co-opted by TERFs, so before any of them potentially get into the comments, i want to clarify that this song, and all of my music + art in general, is not for TERFs. i am trans, and i want to stress that this song can be read from a transfeminine perspective. that's all. thank you to all the wonderful trans people who listen to my music... 🥰🥰🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧
  • Taxidermies usually happen to preserve hunting trophies, showing off kills by the hunter. Hunting is a traditional masculine hobby (not saying women can’t enjoy it, but due to the themes of how women are put into boxes based on traditional gender roles I feel it’s important to mention) and the character describes how she’s been raised to see herself as prey for men. It’s a beautiful double metaphor, showing her repressed sexual desires mixed with her upbringing of fearing men, but still needing to please them, god, this song fucking hits me right in the Catholic High School
  • I love the duality of this- being told your body and organs are designed for reproduction while simultaneously being told it’s dirty and wrong to use them, the thing that you’re constantly told is what you’re for. That you must make yourself “presentable” to everyone, men and women, to make yourself “desirable” but if you’re desired then it must be your fault for making yourself that way; if you’re not desirable you’re shamed and belittled because “nobody will want you”, treating people like a collectible from the beginning.
  • I NEED to talk about the design for a moment because I haven't seen anyone do so, so far and someone COOKED with her. The song plays on the idea of traditional gender roles, that woman should remain pure, which is why I think she's wearing a flowy housewife-esque dress. However! She's wearing leather underneath which is something that can be seen as kinky. So his her blindfold, which is trying to protect her eyes from something sexual, in and of itself is a sexual thing as blindfolds are often also seen as kinky. The deer antlers as well tie into the fact she's seen as 'prey' by both the men and woman in her life Although this isn't a song I can really relate too it's still beautiful none the less
  • @tescoboy720
    as an intersex person raised a girl... this one hits deeper than i thought any song ever could. i really admire your storytelling paired with the amazing character designs. this project is truly a masterpice
  • @pastelcatnip
    “Thank you Weevildoing” we all say in unison
  • @stardazedkid8
    her design just makes so much sense narritively its crazy how Weevildoing always hits the mark with their designs. the look of the housewife type dress over skin tight latex is such a good visual metaphor, and her covered eyes makes me think of another comment that mentioned the idea of "knowing it (sa)'s gonna happen but not knowing when" , and of course,, her antlers :))
  • @Eosinophyllis
    the carrd mentions taxidermy girl as 2spirit, and it’s not hard to understand that native fems are gendered in a VERY specific way. maarsi weevildoing I am well fed
  • @kelp8958
    1:59. this is a display abt canaries in the mine. chocolate box girl has a line abt canaries!! "the canary in the mine" methinks parallels as both deal w/ 'innocence and purity' and sa as themes!!!!
  • As a trans masculine guy, this song sort of hits hard; it is all of the aspects of a girl that I must deal with, yet I barely identify with being a female at all. This song, and its character, are beautiful regardless, and I thank you, WeevilDoing…
  • @eroguros
    "to be a girl is to be game" in an era where people (especially men) use "game is game" to justify sa and harrassment................I need to think about this
    Trans girl here! Thank you for making this song, the lyrics flow so well and do a great job at giving away the idea behind the song through metaphors. I am a big fan of the vocal flow and the composition of the song as well, it's really rare to see a Maika song nowadays! I hope this will inspire more people to use her too. The illustration and MV are also very helpful at conveying the message and giving context to the lyrics. (The character art is very fitting to both the color composition and song themes in the MV, imo) I will be looking forward to your future songs and the rest of TPTM series, which I've been a fan of for a while. Great job to everyone involved! Thank you for making this series/project.🧡🤎
  • this song is SO good. i love the underlying theme feeling 'dirty' or 'unclean' for being desired sexually yet also wanting to be desired. The "If it's something I don't want, then it couldn't be my fault." is such an INSANELY good line and I was ranting about this exact sort of thing the other day. The sort of 'dark romance' genre that's especially popular nowadays with a common theme of being 'whisked away' by a man who sounds almost 'predatory' but is supposed to be built as a protector, with the dark fantasies that tend to follow this genre, stemmed from the exact emotions this song portrays. The concept that, if the man whisks me away and does what he wants with me, then it can't be MY fault. Nobody will blame me, because it wasn't my own choice, even if I wanted it. Yet the man is also portrayed as a protector and a safe house - commonly in some series, it will be a man related to another family member - who despite this demeanor, can reasonably can come to be seen as a safe space. Nobody will get mad at me for "letting him" or "giving myself to him" and they'll never blame me, but he's still also a "safe space" because he isn't ACTUALLY as predatory as he seems at first glance. A note on the side that this also slightly stems from a lot of Christian purity cultures, on top of normal societal ones. This song is so good and it portrays these emotions and so much more so well. This may be my new favorite post traumatic manifesto song, honestly. I heard those lyrics and I couldn't help but think about all of the 'dark romance' books I see and how they all inherently stem, unknowingly or not, from these emotions and feelings. This song is so fucking good. 10/10 almost made it worth being born a woman
  • the lyrics in this song is one of the most powerful you've written, it emphasized exactly what it's like to grow up as a woman and to be put on a stage
  • @Sandwichscoot
    I love the repetition of “to be a girl is to be ___”, it really nails in the idea that society barely views women as human. And the animal metaphors are wonderful, they show how society wants women to be prey instead of predators, to submit to men. Wonderful song!
  • @someonesour
    I love all of the theming of this song so much, taxidermy itself is something many people gawk and marvel at, but also something disturbing and unnatural: preventing rot that would otherwise take place and that metaphor slots into the ‘preservation’ of innocence perfectly! I think it’s also good to mention this character on their post-traumatic manifesto page is mentioned to be 2spirit and native. Being a person of color seen as fem can exacerbate this purity vs sullied dynamic because most girls of color are treated as inherently more promiscuous, more ‘exotic’ than their white counterparts, much like a rare animal. I also haven’t seen anyone mention this either but the anti-abortion/religious imagery mixed in with the specimens lining up perfectly with the lack of bodily autonomy the singer feels, rightfully so. In some US states it's easier and more legal to get an abortion for an animal than it is for a person. (might add more notes later, I'm in love w this song!!)
  • @camovoca
    AAA AAAAHHH AHHH AAHHHH AHAHHHHHHH OK I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ON THUIS..... THIS SONG IS SO GOOD IT'S THEMES R SO GOOD taxidermy girl came at like the perfect time in my life cuz i've been reflecting a lot on my views of sexuality and sex based on my upbringing,, u can probably see that specifically in dysgoreia, but it's been something that's followed me my entire life something i've specifically been thinking about a lot is the way in which sexual development can turn dysfunctional in a lot of cases. like,, in ur core sexual development phase, your brain will latch to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to associate with sex and implement into your larger emotional profile. when you've been raised to believe sex is inherently evil, sinful, something to be ashamed of, something that will dirty you, you will begin to associate those specific feelings with what sex looks like, and when you have such an unhealthy view of sex, every way you may choose to explore your sexuality will also be unhealthy in-turn and like...the really upsetting thing is that ideas of morality or normativity are largely human-made construct. the psychosexual brain does not give a single FUCK about how morally-acceptable or discomforting something may be, it'll make you experience these feelings regardless of whether or not you want to experience them, and that makes assigning moral values to sex so much more difficult to navigate, especially for people who may struggle with having kinks or fetishes born out of sexual trauma this is also like,, part of the reason i'm obsessed with taxidermy girl having themes strongly surrounding BDSM (both in her design and carrd profile), because will the BDSM community does get constantly reduced to being sexual deviants or perverts or whatever, they're some of the kindest and most accepting people you'll meet. the cornerstones of BDSM are comprised of consent and reclamation, reclamation of trauma-based associations surrounding sex. the whole point of BDSM is to be able to practice what may give you sexual satisfaction in an environment where everything is safe, sane, and consensual. bc our sexual needs are, well, needs, and ppl deserve to b able to express themselves sexually in contexts where they won't hurt themselves or others IDK I'M JUST... .I LOVE TAXIDERMY GIRL SO MUCH AN D I LOVE EVERYTHING ABT HER.... AHAAHHHUUHHHHHHH
  • No idea why no one is saying this but the sweet flower dress above the 'sinfulness' of the leather gloves and blindfold is such a nice contrast?? It really speaks kind little girl fighting against the sexuality of a grown woman and it's so cool, props to the artist!!!!