The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - 10 New Details You NEED TO KNOW

Published 2024-06-19
It has been a long, long time coming, but Nintendo has announced a new 2D Legend of Zelda game at long last. More than a decade on from the series’ last 2D outing, the company unveiled The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom at its recent Nintendo Direct presentation, announcing it for a September release, and already, quite a few details have been unveiled on the game.

Starring the titular Princess Zelda as the main playable protagonist for the first time in a mainline Zelda game, Echoes of Wisdom is looking like an intriguing new outing for the series, and from its combat to its art style to its core gameplay hook, there’s a lot that has been revealed about it that’s looking quite promising. Here, we are going to go over all of those details and more.

All Comments (21)
  • @mjvigor1788
    Playing as Zelda instead of Link is already a instant buy
  • @babybear6085
    Hey so I have a theory! I think the echoes represent the triforce of wisdom and there will be 8 dungeons, 8 echoes that together complete the triforce of wisdom like in the original Zelda and also the 8 triangles will represent the max echoes you can summon at once!
  • You can tell the # of echoes you have by the # of triangles TRI has floating by him/her/it
  • @drpuffington_
    Really hope Link and Zelda both speak to ease us into Link being voiced in the next 3d game haha
  • @JinxMarie1985
    I am just soooo freakin excited as an LoZ superfan, played the games since i was a kid, this looks like it's SO MUCH FUN!!!! I cannnnttttt wait to play this... omg yes thank you Nintendo! I love this style of play as well. I love that switch lite omggg 💚💛💛💚💛💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💚 ready!!
  • @junior1701-D
    Correction The Switch is not on it's last legs or it'd been gone by now
  • @Dpliskin
    It almost seems like this is going to be an alternate timeline of A Link To The Past where after Link defeats Ganon he instead gets captured in the dark realm and then Zelda has to save him. That’s why there’s so much similarities to A Link To The Past. That’s my take on some of this crap.
  • @Seabasstard22
    4:23 so we might be able to upgrade Tri’s limit of how many echoes we can make
  • @lstallings96
    Now, if only I could play the classic DS zelda games on the switch. Some of my favorite games from the franchise right there.
  • @Seabasstard22
    3:55 I just noticed there are scenes where tri has no triangles behind its body. So it looks like you can make 3 echoes at a time.
  • @adamparr6464
    It’s along the gimmick that all the LOZ games are born from alternate time lines. And once again done better than we imagined. Playing as Zelda this time instead of Link is a welcome change in gameplay. Definitely gonna get this one.
  • @igweogba6774
    I hope it's as fun as Link Between worlds. My favorite zelda