Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Waterloo 1815

Published 2015-05-17
Epic History TV brings you a blow-by-blow account of the entire Waterloo campaign in 14 minutes, with animated maps and artwork, plus rarely seen photographs of survivors of Napoleon's army.

In 1815, eight miles south of Brussels, two of history's greatest generals met in battle for the first and only time: Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, and the Duke of Wellington. The result was an epic, brutal battle that would decide the fate of Europe. 

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And the best film ever made about the battle:
Waterloo (1970)…

#EpicHistoryTV #NapoleonicWars #Napoleon

All Comments (21)
  • @tuntuu
    Paris newspaper headlines in 1815: "The Monster Has Escaped Elba," then, "The Usurper Has Taken Toulon," then, "The Former Emperor Is In Lyon," and finally, "His Majesty Arrives In Paris Tomorrow."
  • @nootnoot5623
    When your potential captors become your troops. Charisma 100
  • @DasLamm68
    One interesting fact: At Waterloo the Irish Inniskillings and the Germans of the KGL were standing side by side and fighting against the Frenchs like crazy. Almost exactly 100 years later they slaughtered each other in one of the bloodiest battle at Passendale/Belgium
  • @yatsumleung8618
    It's hard to believe the last episode of your Napoleonic War series was the first one you made. You'll definitely need a remaster version of this video!
  • @ArkadiBolschek
    It simply blows my mind that we have actual photographs of people who fought at Waterloo.
  • @andyc3088
    It's ironic that when Wellington and Blucher met they had to speak using French as they couldn't speak in each other's languages
  • @Fernandwinnie
    There is a burial ground in Dundee where one of Napoleon’s imperial guard is buried, Jules Legendre. He was imprisoned in Perth with other prisoners of Napoleon’s army. After his release, he met a local woman and married her. Jules taught at a local school and remained here until his death.
  • I had a great-great-great grandfather who survived the Battle of Waterloo. He was an NCO in the British 10th Hussars and had 3 horses killed from under him during the engagement. It continues to amaze me how tough these blokes used to be.
  • @LeeRenthlei
    I have to say escaping Elba and retaking France with 700 personal guard and then the whole of Europe declaring war to you personally is arguably the most badass move ever!
  • @turnip9367
    Escaping from the island you were imprisoned on, then retaking your empire with just 700 personal guards before having the entirety of Europe declare war on you in just under a month perfectly demonstrates how accomplished Napoleon was. The odds were always stacked against him, but he always pushed on. As an Englishman, I have to begrudgingly respect that.
  • seeing those photographs of Napoleonic veterans makes you realize that the past is not so far-off from us
  • @shay3355
    Austria : *exists Napolean : And I took that personally.
  • @lo2.220
    You should have talked about the Old Guard answer to surrender proposal : "The guard dies, it does not surrender"
  • @MrMastera
    Who's here after watching Napolenon's Endgame: France?
  • @AustenKime
    Nice and to the point, no bias, mentions the Germans in the British Ranks as well as the prussians, , focuses on where the real action takes place, not on theories or what ifs. Fantastic illustrations, good narration. 10/10 best Waterloo documentary.