New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter ~ Dean Radin, PhD

Published 2016-06-07
Dean Radin, PhD, chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), speaking at the 2016 Science of Consciousness Conference in Tucson, AZ.

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All Comments (21)
  • "The day science begins to study non physical phenomena,it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it's existence." Nikola Tesla
  • @AwareLife
    Is Dean Radin the Einstein of this era, and no-one is recognising him?. This is ground-breaking real science at the boundary between mind and matter!!
  • @terijune3307
    I am a believer in Quantum Physics to help lift our world up. Dr. Radin, you are the first who show experiments to help show that consciousness creates reality. Thanks.
  • Thank You ... All of you who are/where involved and to those who brings it here. Standing ovations!!!!! This was posted 2 years ago ... so now I get to look around to see what has happened since then ... really hoping the guy in France has had significant results by now. Love & Peace to All
  • @jtmacri1
    When I studied tom Campbell’s stuff I liked the idea that the universe exists as a probability field until we measure it and it then has to become something. This reminds me of that.
  • @Semaviro
    It'd be interesting to test whether the number of people focusing their attention on a single device at once affects the results.
  • @MuriloPerrone
    I believe there may be a big flaw in all of those tests. You may have shielded it against selective-reporting, but it doesn’t look like you have shield it against *selective-testing*. Except in case of robot testings, where all tests are previously scheduled, and even worse if robot tests were performed subsequently. I’ll explain what seems to have happened. 1) Subsequent testing:
First, the double slit unit is subjected an increase in temperature of its components along the 30 seconds of testing. However, if those tests are done subsequently, then this effect will be cancelled, since the unit will just “keep warm” through the entire set of tests. The unit may also be subjected to other changes along the test, such as the accumulation of static, but that also tends to stabilise at given level when a subsequent set of tests are performed. So one hypothesis is that all robot testings were done subsequently, while human testings were not. 2) Scheduled testing: Second, we know that there are a number of external factors which may interfere with the double slit unit results, possibly reducing the interference pattern along the test. Examples are: - ambient temperature - electromagnetic force of the moon (depending on it's phase) - moisture? I’m assuming the testings took weeks or months and during this period, the external factors above fluctuated in magnitude. Now the thing is that robot observers were not choosing when to perform their tests, while human observers can always make a choice. So the second hypothesis is that human observers were making choices about when to start their tests, and how many tests to perform, and their choices were made based on the feedback they got, biasing the test schedule towards ways that provide positive feedbacks. In other words, when receiving a positive feedback, humans became more exited about repeating it, and even about inviting other test candidates. By contrast, when receiving negative feedbacks, the test participants would become frustrated and then tend to withdraw from the experiment. The Linux robot observers, however, are not subjected to that because they have no feelings and no freedom of choice about their schedules. Now why did meditators perform better? Well they have strong faith in the power of meditation, so their motivation to do more tests was being more strongly modulated by the test’s feedback. Hence, they increased the test schedule selectiveness. To eliminate all of those experiment biases, my suggestion is to always use two double slit units, both at the same time, one being observed by a human, and the other being observed by Linux robot. This way, the robot schedule and testing selectivity will precisely match with the corresponding human choices of when to perform the test and how many times to perform it. Additionally, to avoid any possible difference between those two units, the choice of which unit will be observed by humans and which will be observed by the linux robot must be an alternated choice. That means humans will observe unit A in all odd numbered tests and unit B in all even numbered tests. I predict that in such case robot results will match with human results and you’ll, both of them apparently influencing the test results in the way they were instructed to do. But don’t jump into the conclusion that linux robots do have consciousness too. It’s just that their results are also biased by selective-testing. Please do tell me if my hypothesis might be acceptable.
  • @ubergeraldine
    I know it’s considered a bit woo woo but it’s worth looking at the work on esoteric chemistry by Annie Besant. Through meditation she was able to observe elements at atomic level, some of which had not been discovered at the time. It would be amazing to do these experiments with people who are very advanced meditators.
  • But how do i 'influence' my bank account? I just want to collapse my ' debt wave function' into a positive money mass. (PS this comment was mend to be cynical and fun , so please stop giving me law of attraction advise or that i need a 2nd job )
  • @dagoth77
    "If you think you understand quantum theory . . . you don't understand quantum theory." -Richard Feynman
  • @12201185234
    If the claimed results of 5-8 sigma in dozens of rounds and variations of the experiment is accurate, then these guys are onto something. Before anyone calls "woo," they need to examine the results and attempt to replicate them. I'm not going to make a judgement either way, but I really hope we see experiments follow these results.
  • I got a OH MY GOD feeling too when I was watching this. I feel I am blessed by the fact that I had the chance to watch this observation by Dr. Radin. Thank you doctor for your enthusiasm and your effort to take advantage of your knowledge and the current technology to decode our universe. It demystifies the once mystical and illustrates that our minds are far more powerful than we thought. I am hopeful about our future after watching your study!
  • @Jow315
    The University of São Paulo guy's name is Gabriel Guerrer, he actually crowdfounded this Project and it's running tests about this experiment.
  • @deanradin4839
    Journal articles associated with the work described in this video: Radin, D. I., Michel, L, Wendland, P., Rickenbach, R., Delorme, A., Galdamez, K. (2012). Consciousness and the double-slit interference pattern: Six experiments. Physics Essays, 25 (2), 157-171. Radin, D. I., Delorme, A.., Michel, L., Johnston, J. (2013). Psychophysical interactions with a double-slit interference pattern: Experiments and a model. Physics Essays. 26 (4), 553-566. Radin, D. Michel, L., Delorme, A. (2016). Psychophysical modulation of fringe visibility in a distant double-slit optical system. Physics Essays. 29 (1), 14-22. Radin, D. Michel, L., Pierce, A. Delorme, A. (2015). Psychophysical interactions with a single-photon double-slit optical system. Quantum Biosystems. 6 (1), 82-98. Radin, D. Michel, L., Delorme, A. (2015). Reassessment of an independent verification of psychophysical interactions with a double-slit interference pattern. Physics Essays. 28 (4), 415-416. Radin, D. Michel, L., Delorme, A. (2016). Psychophysical modulation of fringe visibility in a distant double-slit optical system. Physics Essays. 29 (1), 14-22.
  • @abhishekshah11
    You might be interested to know that there is a type of buddhist meditation, where some monk might imagine an image in their mind, and suddenly, all the other meditators in the room pop the same image in their minds later on. After the meditation session, they get together and discuss about their visions and this is how they found it out.
  • @rblibit
    This is great information! Here is something EVERYONE can do. I show all the kids on holiday get-together days (usually pool parties here in Florida) that they can directly control matter in their universe. I show them that they can evaporate condensed clouds (make them disappear through evaporation) in under 5 to 6 minutes 98% of the time. Try it yourself, and get witnesses for the SHOCK & AWE value (grin). Find 3 or 4 small SLOW moving clouds (not touching each other) and pick one of them (and make sure everyone knows what cloud you selected), then literally stare at that particular cloud and tell it to evaporate, disappear, go away! Repeat it aloud to ensure no one interrupts your thought processes (not needed when you are alone, obviously). You must set your honest intention that the cloud WILL EVAPORATE and disappear. And it does, sometimes as quickly as 3 to 4 minute, but usually 5 minutes on average, a few can take as long as 7 minutes (larger clouds). You could do one cloud by itself, but it is better to have "Control" clouds next to your cloud (that disappears). Sometimes we try to cut a cloud in half (and state that is what we are doing) then do each half. If there are planes with grayish exhausts (yes, "chem-trails") and this is mixed in with the clouds, don't bother since you will NOT evaporate metal particulates no matter how much you concentrate. It is called "Cloud Busting" and my theory is that we radiate vibrations in the ether (aether, source field - pick your favorite name) from our eyes and also from the crown of our heads and this energy (and your emotion) is absorbed in the condensed water. I suspect that most of you have heard recent discoveries on the ability of water to become structured and hold energy (and specific emotions, as well)? If not, search the Internet and learn. As long as they are old enough to have the patience, children are usually VERY good at it. Keep in mind that a small cloud may contain several gallons of water! That is a lot of energy you are controlling. And one good thing is, even people who are not sure they can do it (and state so), almost always CAN do it. "Try it, You'll like it!"
  • @TheACG22
    When we start developing AI, this will be a good way to test whether they are actually becoming conscious.
  • @MiccaPhone
    Question: if we attach a photon detector to each individual slit, but do NOT record the result (or record and immediately delete it again before any human can read it), will this collapse the wave function or not?
  • This was sooooo PERFECT 👌!!! I loved it !!! I’ve been waiting for an explanation like this for a long time !!! Many thanks 🙏