If A Man Is USING YOU, He Will Say or Do These 6 Things

Published 2022-03-23

All Comments (21)
  • I'm old ... 81 almost, and I have had two marriages, both were fine men! I am a firm believer that "BEING ALONE IS BETTER THAN BEING WITH JUST ANYONE!!!" Learn to enjoy being alone or with a friend ... !!!
  • @topkat8268
    Not every loss is a loss. Sometimes it's a blessing
  • @valerierowlett153
    Started dating my 2nd husband 2 years after a divorce. I was 42 years old and decided that I wasn't sleeping with him. Told him, can't do it because it changes everything and I don't know you. If he walked so be it, he wasn't the right one. We have been together for 23 years. Actually, I think he saw me as a woman of worth and that I was secure in myself. He is a smart,kind and loving man. Women sell themselves short by being easy.
  • Yes, I am definitely in agreement AMEN... at almost 60 just learning finally and feels good to feel free and in charge of ME no one else is ever.
  • @lmg740105
    1. If he doesn't open up about his life. 2. If he doesn't ask about you and your life. 3. He doesn't protect you (emotionally); doesn't have your back or your best interests at heart. 4. You've never met his friends or family - he makes excuses. 5. He doesn't go out of his way to do things for you. 6. Puts off being exclusive or avoids conversation about the future.
  • @zoeystone8780
    6 Things your man is doing if he's using you: 1. He doesn't open up to you 2. He doesn't ask about your life 3. He doesn't protect you from an emotional level 4. You never met his family or friends 5. He doesn't go out of his way 6. He avoids the commitment/exclusivity talk
  • This is definitely absolutely right Years ago my Boss had a staff Meeting and he said to everyone there "If I can't trust you You can't work for me" In any relationship "Trust is a major issue"
  • @WalkByFaith24
    Amen and Amen. Wish I had a brother or father who looked out for me but I have my Daddy Jesus and He is all I need!
  • Ladies make your inner voice heard! "You can only lose the wrong person. You can't lose the right person." This is powerful Jonathon! ❤
  • @artkisses1
    You can't loose the right person, you can only loose the wrong person, amen🙏
  • @Wannieswanart
    I had a relationship where my boyfriend totally took advantage of me doing things for him. I handled it wrong when I realized it and instead of saying "no" I got mad while I was doing his bidding. I've come a long way since then. Thanks Johathon!
  • @ventibreeze6648
    Talking to a man online and all of these points are 100% on point. All he wanted was to talk about sex all of the time, we chatted late at night, when I tried to change the subject from sex to something else he’d make his excuses and say he was tired and needed to sleep, he’d never tell me anything about himself or his life, this hurt beyond belief and made me question what I was even doing talking to this person, what was my purpose in their life? In a nutshell I ended up hurt, confused, sad, angry, it had a toll,on my physical well-being my immunity was at an all time low and I developed an auto immune illness all because of stress levels. Ladies please don’t allow your to become someone’s play thing, don’t get into online relationships that become a game.
  • @Therika7
    “You can only lose the wrong person.” THANK YOU.
  • @teripage3314
    The man in my life now consistently does things I have never had anyone, man or woman do. Like I have to have oral surgery in the next few weeks, he has already looked up recipes that will be easy for me to eat. I didn't even think about that. He does this kind of thing all the time. He is the most thoughtful person I have ever met.
  • Wow. I just broke off a 3 month relationship that showed all 6 of those signs! I think I made the right decision! Admittedly, it was my own fault for having poor boundaries. Glad I got out relatively unscathed.
  • @AngelaJemison
    Amen !!! I feel very strongly that the Lord directed me towards you. Jonathon, you've certainly been a big blessing. This reminds me that a particular person just isn't the right person. And that I'm above the games and that I am God's daughter. I deserve a man that's chasing Jesus, not one that's chasing cooch. :text-green-game-over: Take care, 🧡 🙏
  • My dad used to say “If you give the milk away for free, they will never buy the cow.” God bless my father! I miss you dad. ❤️
  • This may sound insane, but I am a “get to know the person no matter how long it takes” kind of person. I keep a friendship going, and if they give up, that is their loss. I have made most of my mistakes by allowing a man to decide when is a good time. I have been told “How old are you, you are acting like a child”. I make it clear from the beginning. I will stay at my distance until I feel it is time to go forward. I finally learned that my empathy and kindness attracts Narcissistic Personality Disordered partners.
  • @valentina6429
    I had a guy do the opposite of what you spoke about. He ended up being a psychopath, schizophrenic bipolar. I got out by the seat of my pants. I’m ok now, with severe PTSD, in a healthy relationship. Thank you for your video!❤