Stop Rebooting the Classics! (remake these instead)

Published 2024-06-29
In the age of remakes, reboots, and spinoffs, Kenny makes the suggestion that maybe some lesser-known movies deserve a modern retelling! Are there any movies you'd like to see remade? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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#remakes #movieremakes #steel #cobrakai

All Comments (11)
  • @bisnu548
    Remakes are basically rereleases because since home video exists, rerelease doesn't work as well. So remake creates the illusion of "new film" & old films can be sold again as new.
  • I’d like to see a remake of Jeepers Creepers. I’d also like to see a spin-off of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air that follows Carlton going on whacky adventures and being all goofy. Great video, Ken!
  • A lot of really older films would definitely benefit from a remake. Martin Scorsese does this with his movies all the time. Movies like Silence are absolute classics. Classic movies like Metropolis or Battleship Potemkin could also benefit from a remake and introduce to audiences to some interesting cinema they would not have gotten to explore, otherwise.
  • Yes! Thank you! I’ve always been down for that idea! Too the point where I thought of an idea for a company that remakes movies that bombed and make them better. I’m even planning to remake an old 80’s movie that bombed years ago when I become a filmmaker. Sorry for talking too much. Just wanted to say that I love that idea. 😅
  • @NinjaKooopa
    Great video, Kenny! I wouldn't mind remakes of some 50s/60s B movies. Like House on Haunted Hill or Wasp Women. I reallllllllly hated that remake of Nightmare. To this day I'm upset I saw it.
  • @zozomedia001
    How about we stop remaking ANYTHING? I’m over it. The Old Dark House is perfect as-is, and has already had a couple of unnecessary remakes…don’t need another.