How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks

Published 2015-11-03
Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments of the world think we can. Meeting at the UN in September 2015, they agreed to a new set of Global Goals for the development of the world to 2030. Social progress expert Michael Green invites us to imagine how these goals and their vision for a better world can be achieved.

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All Comments (21)
  • @07derka
    For people complaining that he mentioned gender equality: you realize he's talking about the whole world right, not just whatever developed nation you're in? You realize that gender equality is a very real and very serious issue in developing nations right? I expect TED subscribers to be more intellegent.
  • "If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place to live." - Tommy Wiseau
  • @0ld_Scratch
    one man's Utopia is another man's Dystopia.
  • @helenpodot7564
    I really liked how he make his viewers realized its not just all about world being RICH but also it's about the individuals especially the poor people. That the SOCIAL PROGRESS should be PRIORITIZED.
  • @user-in1mb7ud8m
    First of all, I have thought that many poor countries which have poverty are in Africa but he said that China and India has shown the huge decrease of poverty, so it was fresh and impressive to me. Also "as we get richer, each extra dollar of GDP is buying us less and less." was struck me hard. So, what he want to say is the rich does NOT solve the poverty, but the well-being for all like costa rica is important for everyone and future generation. I'm a highschool student and what I want to major in is social welfare, so this lecture was literally helpful and it made me have the sense of duty! and it provided the opportunity of thinking about not only what I can make a welfare policy for poverty but also 17 goals from UN! Thank you so much!
  • @tom091178
    "Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful." Lao Tzu
  • @544mamama
    I came from the future, it's 2020 right now, and it's NOT looking good so far.
  • It has been 4 years since it was posted but sadly I feel like we haven’t achieved that. It is so true that still the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. I think that we should share this video to others, we need to start a chain. It is time we make sure our resources are put in the right places ( for education, health and to enviromental sustantibility).
  • @viosoto1718
    In school, I am doing a project based on the sustainable development goals and seeing this video really makes me want to know more about them. People all over the world are still clueless on what the goals are or about the existence of them. It is very important to address these goals to everyone, and we all need to work together for the better of the world. I am only 11, but this does not stop me from wanting to make the world a better place. My teacher is the person who told Me about the goals and she is the most dedicated person I have ever met. I hope everyone thinks about this and takes action. I hope everyone out there is as dedicated as my teacher is. I know there are people out there who just don't care, so this is why we have to work hard in completing the goals. Spread word to your friends, family.Let's try to make the world an better place. Listen to Gretta Thunnberg. Listen to all the the leaders. Let's Make the world a better place.
  • @bluesskywoman
    Yes!! Hold the world's leaders accountable and shifting from the old paradigm of business-as-usual, along with suspending our tendencies toward pessimism and naysaying CAN get us to reach the Sustainable Development goals. We need optimism and holding to the higher road so that ALL people of the world can attain these ideals. Instead of miring down the good work that many at the UN are doing, let's raise up the collective energy towards a world that the vast majority of humanity craves-- support the SDG! Thank you Michael Green for your insights, enthusiasm and uplifting words!
  • @user-zg4ht8my9p
    He told very important things to us. Many countries reached high level of economies, as a result , they solved their problems such as poverty, equal opportunites of education for the weak and so on. However, there are more countries that don't do practical efforts for solving problems than countries that don't. In my country, South Korea, we finally achieved significant progress of econmoies, but many people are suffering from a variety of pains that we even can't imagine. Not only each goverment, but also all people have to pay attention to convention like that and always try their best.
  • @PhilipDK5800
    "Is this just a dream? Perhaps, but it is a dream that is our responsibility to have come true."
  • @ductuslupus87
    To all the people asleep right now...FUCKING WAKE UP, PEOPLE.
  • Domenique Ross- These Ted Talk videos have been very informative this semester. Learning what the governments of the world think we can accomplish and by when is interesting and makes me wonder if we can get there.
  • @mndlp
    Que esperanzador y NECESARIO redefinir el éxito de lo económico al bienestar de las personas del colectivo social. No había visto con tanta claridad y data que claramente es un camino que solo beneficia a unos pocos y se desenfoca en lo realmente importante. Siempre me maravilló como Bután realiza censos para medir la felicidad de su población y Costa Rica implementa medidas para protección de su biodiversidad y desarrollo de su población. Excelente Ted Talk. Inspiradora. Gracias.
  • Constantly educating people by putting messages, just like how they advertise music, movies, and products!
  • It is really interesting how with simple words and numbers this person can change thousands of opinions. We are really close to 2030, and I think that this is the moment to take actions to make a change.
  • @user-bt1uj7rn1n
    I saw this video and realized that the apocalypse and pessimists who say the nation will not improve are wrong. Our country is developing little by little and will continue to develop in the future by meeting and worrying many people. I think if we keep this condition going, our country will be able to make great progress. So this video was very moving and hopeful because it criticizes negative people about making our country a better country and instills the perception that our country can develop further and we can live better.