Lorelai Gets Mocked on Her Birthday | Gilmore Girls

Published 2024-06-27

All Comments (21)
  • I think Emily blew this all out of proportion. I understand her being worried, but this would've been a good time for her to just be honest and express that she just wants to spend time with her daughter, no strings attached.
  • @GibbyCat
    I’m 100% on Lorelai’s side. She told them from day 1 that as soon as she was able to she would pay them back. On top of that, Emily lorded the loan over Lorelai’s head to control her and force a relationship with her. I understand Emily’s feeling why she needs to feel the need to take the choice from her, but that doesn’t make it okay.
  • This woman had a cake with candles lit for her daughter’s birthday and she doesn’t even allow her own daughter to blow out her own candles and she calls her childish for wanting to? This woman is toxic as hell
  • I’m actually a bit disappointed how this plot point panned out because it was such an amazing opportunity for growth from both Emily and Lorelei. Emily needed to learn how to have a relationship without strings and without control with her daughter, and it would have been AMAZING to see Lorelei actually want to spend time with her parents. It is instead solved by the basically the original agreement being put back and place and no development at all. It feels wasted.
  • @cfinley81
    Lorelai should have known how her mother would take this. She should have done this in private, not at the birthday celebration.
  • Classic sign of how abusive of a mother she was. Lorelai has constantly reminded them sonce Day 1 that se owed the. They agreed to the arrangement because Richard and Emily were to be financially involved in Rory's life and pay for her prep school education. Even Emily, in the beginning, started to hold it over her own daughter's head to blackmail her. She didn't think Emily would get upset over oaying back a loan. The pain they inflicted on Lorelai since she was a child was too much for her to handle so she left. She was free of that pain. And for them to not once apologize for the way the treated her, it's intolerable. It took them fifteen and a half years to get her back into their house and begin a relationship with her and her daughter and every time she tried meeting them halfway, they clobbered her with this childish behavior. What is so wrong with being grateful for a loan and delivering on your promise to pay it back? That's how adulthood works. Emily was childish and selfish as usual. Lorelai kept her word and she resents her for it. Throughout these 3 seasons, she's come over to their house because she wants to, not as an obligation
  • Omg. I’m Lorelai’s (and, arguably, Christopher’s) age. I can’t imagine having a Rory. Would love a Star’s Hollow though.
  • Emily definitely felt holding that over Lorelai’s head was the only way Lorelai would willingly spend time with her. That’s why she freaked out like that. That makes me sad. She couldn’t have just said “Hey you will still come over and spend time with us, right?” She didn’t have to alienate Lorelai like this.
  • @rustjones385
    I understand the feeling of hating borrowing money from a person. Lorelei was saving up every day towards paying them back. It was never her intention not to. Even if she has a "good relationship" with her parents, I feel like she would still not want to owe them that much money because she is an independent person and she will always hold a grudge against them. Emily wants to actually feel like a mother and grandmother. She doesn't want to "loan" her family money. She wants to be seen as an equal that can provide for her family without strings attached like some stranger. That's what hurts her. Both sides are wrong. Lorelei should respect her parents more but she obviously has some kind of trauma. If richard and emily are truly older and wiser they should find a way to have a heartfelt talk with lorelei and correct the past, but they never do. What I'll never understand about Emily is that she treats Lorelei like shit but values her presence so much. If my mom talked to me this way every time I saw her I would avoid her too. It's not like lorelei is some drug dealer. She's just a little quirky and got pregnant at 16.
  • okay maybe giving them the check at the birthday dinner was wrong, but lets not act like if she had done it any other day or in any other way Emily wouldn't have been just as upset, I don't understand why they all just accept that they have to cater to Emilys feelings cus she"LL overreact like a child
    Why is everyone defending Emily? She’s incredibly toxic and loves to gloat when things go her way then throws a hissy fit when it doesn’t. Only toxic people like this toxic woman.
  • @angeninetytwo
    I think Emily is clearly incapable of expressing herself and Lorelai is way too self absorbed to know that what she does has consequences.. match made in heaven lol
  • @larina023
    I’m sorry, but how/when did Lorelai plan to pay back the money? She was about to open her own inn, travel through Europe for 2-3 months… Was she saving money? What was her plan?
  • @halyketarrant
    Ok but for once I stand at Emily’s side. Her reaction is understandable, even if a bit exaggerated - but let’s remember who are we talking about. Remember her reaction when Rory spent the night out by accident? - since we know her pain for having a distant daughter. And Lorelai could have just chose a better moment to say something like this. RORY, the teen girl, knew it wasn’t a good idea. And look and the “for god’s sake lorelai” gaze her father gave her. literally everyone knew immediately how stupid of an idea it was, except for her. Her lack of tact always bothered me.
  • @RilianSharp
    Lorelai did nothing wrong, but i wonder why she gave the check to Emily. Richard was the one who gave them the money for Chilton.