Reading The Internet's Scariest Stories | Smosh Mouth 19

Published 2023-10-30
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Shayne and Amanda read the creepiest creepypasta the internet has to offer.

0:00-1:10 Intro
1:11-3:14 What is creepypasta?
3:15-10:59 Do you believe in ghosts?
11:00-29:29 Mr. Wide Mouth
29:30-30:28 Sponsors!
30:29-49:18 Candle Cove
49:19-1:07:23 Search and Rescue stories




Shayne Topp //
Amanda Lehan-Canto //

Smosh Pit:
Smosh Games:
El Smosh (Spanish Dub):


All Comments (21)
  • @NateSolAz
    Smosh Shayne: “Might not believe in ghosts, but let’s not test my luck” Ghost files Shane: “Hey there, demons it’s me, ya boy”
  • @justicegay6551
    "I respect peoples beliefs, and I respect that I don't know most stuff" is one of the most important sentences a human has ever said. Loves it.
  • The story of Mr. Widemouth oddly reminds me of a story from my own history that I only very recently got the "full" details of. When I was little, my mother (a drug addict at the time) lived with a handful of friends who were also addicts. My sisters and I lived with our dad but there was a point of time where we did stay with her for reasons i cant really remember because i was too young. I remember this guy (im gonna call him johnny) that lived in the basement, He wasnt a creep or anything, he was actually one of the only people there, outside of my mom, that i was even remotely comfortable around. I remember him vividly. He had blonde hair and colorless tattoos on his arms that he used to let us color in with markers when we were bored. He used to babysit us from time to time. He taught me magic tricks with cards and coins and he let us play with his atari all the time. He was also more often than not the one who made sure we ate when our mom was... I dont know if she was out or locked in her room high on something, i honestly dont remember. All i know is he was a super super nice guy who I always enjoyed hanging around. Eventually, we went back to living with our dad, im not sure how long a span there was between us moving back, and us seeing our mom again, but i know when we finally did see her again, Johnny had moved out, leaving all of his stuff behind, including his bed, the Christmas lights he had strung along the ceiling, and his atari. One day, a few years ago, after my mother had gotten clean i got curious and asked her whatever happened to johnny, and why he left the way he did. She had no clue what i was talking about. I described Johnny and she just shook her head, insisting he must have been an imaginary friend. Which i might have believed, except no other man in my life knew magic tricks at that time. I didnt learn card tricks out of thin air and this was a time before easy access to the internet, so i couldnt have taught myself. And i just remember im so so vivedly. I asked my sisters and they both had VERY vague memories of him that they argued could have been memories of other males in our life that they were just confusing. I asked my mom again and she insisted there wasnt any man living in our basement, and even if there had been, she certainly never would have left us alone with him, which... i cant actually argue. Despite all her flaws growing up, one thing she WAS always careful about was who she left us alone with and she almost NEVER left us alone with men. So after a while I decided she must be right. After all, i was young enough at the time I could have confused my memories, even if some things still didnt add up, like how my mother who was struggling to afford food could have possibly gotten a nice, brand new atari, or why not a single male in my life has the colorless tattoos i remember so clearly. Even my sister remembered those. But like i said, i chalked it up to coincidence. At least, until I ran into an old friend of my moms, one of which used to live in that house with us. And not even trying to prove anything, purely curious, i asked her if she ever remembered a man living in the basement. She got kind of weird when I described him and after a while she said yes. She remembered him. At first i was super excited, becasue it meant i was right and he had existed. I figured maybe my mom had just been in too bad a state back then to remember. My excitement shriveled up and died when she proceeded to say she was surprised i even remembered him though, because according to her, i only ever met him once, our very first day living there. Said he overdosed on something that very night. I want to say i think she was confused, but the crazy thing is, after she said as such, i vividly remember my mom waking us up super early and taking us to the park and us staying there for like a crazy long time, and her refusing to take us home when we asked, not until one of her roommates walked down and got us, just like the woman told me. I dont know what to believe. On the one hand, I know how crazy it sounds to believe we spent time with a ghost or spirit or something, but there are so many memories i have of him that im CERTAIN happened, all of which couldnt have happened in one day. And when it comes to the minds of an addict, you have to be weary with what you believe. On the other hand, a lot of arguements my mom made about this man not living with us make sense. And I DO recall that day, our mom forcing us out of the house and keeping us at the park for way longer than reasonable. Maybe long enough to have emts collect a body? All I know if I remember Johnny being a kind, caring man who worked hard to keep us happy and safe. Whether he did that in the form of a man or a spirit, doesnt matter, I will always be grateful.
  • @onironius8008
    Shane: Recounts story about how a CGI scene disturbed him so much he remembers it form childhood Also Shane: "CGI will never scare me."
  • @sairuhbby
    Baby Shayne: "I'm the scariest thing here." Adult Shayne: "The little creatures are the scariest." I think you internalized the wrong message there, buddy
  • @ImNotCrazy829
    The most terrifying thing growing up was the fact that my mom doesn't believe in ghosts, but she does believe in demons.
  • @Cnerf55
    Amanda and Shayne have such excellent chemistry, I beg that you guys do another creepy pasta episode. Nothing beats friends telling spooky stories!
  • @Vaughan4
    Amanda, I have the same types of dreams/nightmares where you see the room around you just like it is, but there are other things in it (occasionally terrifying enough to wake me screaming). I spoke with a sleep doctor about them and he said they are called hypnogogic hallucinations (not night terrors). They are basically lucid dreams, where you are still asleep, but your eyes are open so you see your surroundings and your subconscious brain is adding in other elements that aren’t there. Some of my most memorable ones: I couldn’t tell who was sleeping next to me, so I jumped out of bed and stared over the edge at him. My husband then looked over and said, “Cris, what are you doing?”, which woke me up enough to realize it was my husband, so I wordlessly just crawled back into bed and fell asleep again. That one gave us a good chuckle the next morning. The scarier ones were things like giant spiders descending from the ceiling or small alien ships sweeping down to attack us. But the worst one was when we rented a cabin for our anniversary one year (so different bed/room than I was used to). I thought I woke up and saw a strange person enter the room and approach the bed really fast. I have never screamed so loud in my life… Completely freaked my poor husband out as well! He quickly tried to calm me down and asked what was wrong, and when I said someone came into the room, he just said, “no, it’s okay, there’s no one here.” But it took him a while to convince me because when I shot up in bed screaming, I saw the person turn around and run out of the room, so I thought maybe they were still in the cabin. I’m not easily scared, but that one terrified me!
  • @georgiarw
    Please do another creepypasta episode with Damien! Doesn't need to be halloweeeeeeen I want it
  • @ComedyGlor
    I wish y’all would create a separate horror podcast with reading stories just like this and not just for Halloween
  • @AnachronismNoir
    In regards to the staircase in the woods, I've seen one before. I was up north in the woods of Washington, visiting grandparents, and going for a walk. I got separated from the path for a second and turned around and couldn't find my way back, everything just looked the same. I was young, maybe about 14, and alone. I didn't think I'd gotten that far from camp but I couldn't hear anyone anymore. I knew there were bears around the area, and moose and large deer, so being off on my own already wasn't the greatest idea but I'd only expected to go down the path and loop back. I shouldn't have been gone for more than ten minutes. Trying to find my way back, I see a break in the trees and step out into a clearing, and in the dead center is a random staircase. My first thought was that maybe someone had started building a house here and then gave up for whatever reason, but the longer I stared at it the weirder it seemed. The ground around it was rotten, and the stairs looked too old to be a modern house. It looked like someone took a section of dead land from an ancient part of Europe and then dropped it in the middle of the woods. I also distinctly remember that there was no wind, but I heard breathing moving through the air as if the wind were suddenly loud. I didn't go anywhere near the staircase, I didn't want to walk through whatever was rotting on the ground, or touch whatever mold was clinging to the stairs themselves, so I turned around and walked the other way, eventually making it back to camp. In the end, I wasn't gone much longer than the planned ten minutes, maybe fifteen tops, so no one bothered asking me any questions and at the age I was I didn't talk much anyway so I didn't say anything. I hadn't thought about that in so long, and didn't even think much of it at the time either. I just thought it was odd. I was also way into Creepy Pastas at the time, so I'm surprised I never heard of this one until now. I don't think I'll be back in that area any time soon, but whenever I go back up I'll keep this story in mind.
  • @AutomaticWig
    Trolls isn't just a norwegian thing, it is scandinavian folklore so much so that we have a saying in swedish "när man talar om trollen" which translates to "when you speak of the trolls" which is basically a swedish/scandinavian version of "when you speak of the devil" it is really nice that Amanda got a tester of that folklore :D
  • @unlucky_thir13en
    As soon as Shayne started talking about Courage the Cowardly Dog, everyone that's ever watched that show immediately knew that Amanda was about to learn about King Ramses.
  • @novasmith2604
    Amanda inviting Shane to see fairy houses is totally something that a Faerie would do…
  • @mamakyo1616
    I'm so glad creepy pasta is still around after all these years. They're freaking wild and I'm glad you guys made this ep
  • @wornouttrends
    22:25 I relate with this so heavily, i get sleep paralysis pretty often and I’ve tried standing up or screaming in the dream as a way to “fight back” or to take control over the perceived darkness. It seems to work honestly.
  • @kennyduren0831
    “Ghosts are just people without sweaters on” I love it
  • @DanOWar55
    I love the Mr Wide Mouth story cause it feels like Mr Wide Mouth is like an amalgamation or metaphor for suicidal thoughts the OP might have been feeling while sick and helpless, especially with all the moving they'd to do. I'm not even sure if OP knew they had them. Almost like their mind created Mr Wide Mouth as a way for them to confront those thoughts and fears. Either to give into them or reject them as they did, they needed to be confronted and making them an entity to physically deny is a way to do that.
  • @averylittman5115
    Please have this be a series, even when it’s not just spooky season. I love you guys and having yall react and read these kind of stories are my favorite kinda of videos to watch/listen to!!!
  • @sunshine_lovesss
    there are 8 updates on the search and rescue one. all of them are good reads. a part 2 with just those stories would be great. i’d love to see y’all read all of them and react to them