This bear killed 6 people in three days

Published 2022-02-23
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On the Japanese Island of Hokkaido, there is a very large subspecies of brown bear called the Ussuri brown bear, or Ursus arctos lasiotus, also known as the Amur bear. This bear is very large, comparable to every other brown bear species. But, this particular subspecies of brown bear is renowned for its aggressiveness and hostility toward human beings.
The problems started arising on the Ikeda’s family farm in early winter of 1915. The family horse was panicked by a disturbance in the barn and the family patriarch rushed out to witness a large bear fleeing his barn having raided the family cache of corn. This area was still very primitive and animal incursions were not unheard of.
A few days later the big bear reappeared. Being concerned for the horse, Mr. Ikeda rounded up some volunteers and decided to chase the bear away for good. The men positioned themselves for a kill shot and fired shots striking the bear. The bear fled and the men went to bed for the night to allow the bear to die.
In the morning, they resumed tracking the bear and followed the blood trail for sometime before a snowstorm set in. The bear was headed toward a nearby mountain and the men assumed that that would be the last they heard from him, since they had given him plenty of reason to avoid further contact with humans.
On December 9th of the same year, the Ota family was enjoying basic farm chores around mid morning. The family matriarch, Abe Mayu, was watching an infant named Mikio. They were enjoying the warmth of the fire when the injured and hungry brown bear knocked down the door and growled and pawed at them. The bear backed Mayu across the room and reached into her arms and bit the head of the baby killing her instantly.
Mayu fought with all of her might, throwing firewood, and just about anything else she could get her hands on, at the beast. She was obviously no match for the giant brown bear as it simply knocked her down and tore her to pieces in her own home. Mayu was dragged from the house into the nearby forest. It was reported that the floor of the home was covered in her blood.
A 30 man search party was organized on the following day. They had no sooner entered the forest before running into the brown bear. The bear was clearly guarding a food cache from them. Five of the volunteers fired at the giant before the bear could be driven from the scene. The men found Mayu’s remains. All that was left of her was her head and portions of her lower body. The bear had consumed the rest of her corpse overnight.
Amongst the villagers the obvious concern was that the bear would now think of people as a food source. They mustered a hunting party of 50 farmers to rid their village of this bear once and for all. The rallying point was the Ota farmhouse.
The bear appeared, as expected, at around 8 PM but the hunting party was in such disarray that only a single shot was fired before the bear escaped. The party immediately left the neighboring Miyouke homestead and started following the bear tracks downstream in the dark of night.
The Miyouke matriarch, Yayo, was preparing a meal while the village men were chasing the bear. She held her son, Umekichi, in her arms while she worked. Yayo was startled by a noise outside and before she could check it out, the giant bear crashed through a window and into her house. As chaos ensued in the home, the contents of the meal she was preparing spilled onto the fire extinguishing it, and the oil lamp for lighting was put out as well. The house was dark and Yayo’s sons were seeking her protection. She tripped over them in confusion. The bear immediately began biting and clawing Yayo and her son.
Odo was the only man who was left at the Miyouke home to protect them. Odo burst into the room and the bear immediately redirected its rage at him. This allowed Yayo and her sons to beat a hasty escape. Odo hid behind furniture but the bear raked him with its claws. Others in the house were not so lucky. The Saito family was seeking shelter with Yayo and her children. The bear killed the fourth Saito boy and bit his older brother. During this frenzied attack the bear also mauled and killed the 3rd oldest son of the Miyouke clan, Kinzo.…………


All Comments (21)
  • hello friends, I'm a hunter from Romania, here we have the largest population of bears in Europe, it's a serious problem with bears. What people don't really know is that the bear is the fastest animal, over short distances, that the bear is not a stuffed toy, I see many people feeding bears on the side of the road, I always tell them that when the bear loses its fear of humans, it is a killing machine.
  • @BeRightBack131
    Oh. My. God! Can you imagine preparing dinner one night and hearing a noise outside, then suddenly the door flies open and in comes a horrific monster of a bear to eat YOU and your children for dinner? How terrifying and sad!
  • I think what angers me the most is it sounded like, at least from what you said, the men were firing at it merely to either frighten it off, or wound it just enough to repel it. Don't shoot to wound, shoot to kill. If this bear is posing a very real threat to the safety of the individuals in the area, don't just slap the bear on the wrist and give it a firm 'No!', shoot to kill.
  • @guerrilla1044
    Bears are some of the most vicious predators on our earth, it's amazing how some people have a romanticized opinion of these creatures and are actually stupid enough to travel thru Bear territory unarmed
  • Didn’t even know Japan had bears. This event is truly terrifying.
  • This sounds like something straight out of a freaking horror movie. May the people who were killed rest in peace. My heart goes out to them.
  • @kimmasuen4107
    I can't believe I'm sitting here watching this at 4:00 in the morning. Bears terrify me. I'm a swimmer and grew up next to the ocean but was afraid of sharks then I moved to the Northwest and fell in love with the beautiful mountain lakes and streams. Bears! They have bears here !🤣 I've never actually seen one in the wild but a large black bear came walking right through our campsite while we were still asleep in a tent. I haven't been tent camping since.
  • @james6818
    Only thing that scared me more than the bear was the gross incompetence of the people that tried to kill it. Was half expecting to hear that they’d summoned the bear to court for it’s trial and were all deeply shocked and surprised when it failed to show up
  • @jamesmcnary6054
    I can't believe they let that bear do that much damage and escape as many times as it did smh R.I.P to the families of this horrific story
  • @j.dunlop8295
    Decades ago, when I lived in Alaska a bear was killed, it was found to have three different kinds of bullets in it! Many wondering what happened to the people who shot the bear previously? A common phrase, in Alaska, when asking about someone is, "He gone missing!"
  • I visited the Sankebetsu attack site last summer, its a really beautiful area (the road leading into the abandoned village is now called Bear Road and has cute Japanese cartoon bear signposts all along it!) There is an accurate rebuild of the Oda house you can look inside, the interior was tiny - nowhere to hide when trapped in there with a large brown bear. The rest of the village has now completely returned to nature but you can still see the foundations of all the old buildings along the river. a REALLY eerie place to visit you can definitely feel the bad juju in the air despite the beauty of the place. Thanks for posting this story!
  • Actually, Mikio was six years old then. He was not a baby. He sat on the floor when the bear came in the barn. So huge the bear was, Mikio froze and couldn’t make any move. First the bear bit him to death and attacked Mayu.She tried to kill it with an axe but she overwhelmed it’s power, the bear bit her and carried her remains to the woods nearby.
  • @SamuelJamesNary
    One minor edit... is that with this particular bear, a lack of food is not what woke it up. A bear can wake up at just about any time from hibernation, and some studies have indicated that they some bears come in and out of hibernation for various reasons during the winter months. And this can be shown in that the hunting party going off and following tracks that are then found to be a DIFFERENT bear, or at least thought to be a different bear. Hunger only comes in AFTER the bear has woken up. And in this, that's what is suspected to have driven its aggression. For while bears can and do eat meat, the bulk of their diet is actually vegetation... as they are omnivores. But in December in Hokkaido... much of the plant material that it would eat sin the spring and summer would be in winter dormancy, which in this particular case drew the bear after the feed for the horses on the nearby farm. From there the responses that wounded the bear only wounded and enraged an already hungry animal and increasing its aggression.
  • @Studio-C
    My heart goes out to the families that survived these horrific Bear attacks. The Bravery of the man that hunted this beast down was a true hero. Wow, what an amazing and tragic story.
  • Dude, I had no earthly idea of the number of bear attacks that happen ever year! Your commentary clearly point out the harshness of these attacks and the level of caution people should take when in the vicinity of a wild animal. Thanks for sharing.
  • Thank you for this video. In Hokkaido, many bear attacks were recorded since mid-19th century, and this is the most known and most horrific one. Despite that there were bear attacks in which people were killed and eaten, tourists often ignore the warning signs and go close to the bears to take photos or to feed. I am afraid another incident will happen soon.
  • @tsreiki
    Holy Moly that's so frightening! Just imagine how terrifying that would have been for all involved..
  • @carieevans3787
    THIS is where the legend of monsters come from!! Its where it all started. Wild beastly animals like this. Imagine how scary it must have been to live in a time where not a lot was known about them, for them to be in such abundance (before the times of parties going out to actively hunt them), and not having a strong brick house to protect you and your family. Wow.
  • @jessehutchings
    This story would be better with slower delivery pace because there are so many details. It's a truly incredible story and a miracle it was recorded in such detail