Hank Vs. Tuko with HL1 SFX (and some CS 1.6 SFX)

Published 2022-06-08
This project was created in October 9th 2021, making it take 8 months to complete. No I didn't work on it all those months, I actually forgot I had this video almost done. The reason it took so long was just because of how tedious it was. Having to find all the right audios and putting in the footsteps at the right time and also alternating those noises is just too boring and tedious for me. I decided to finish the video because I didn't want all that time to go to waste, of course I am happy about the final product anyways. Another thing that made me not want this video to be made is because of the HL1 SFX trend basically being done for. No one is making these types of videos anymore, so what's the point in me making one? At the time when I created this, it was trending, but now it definitely isn't. Perhaps the Half-Life community needed this lol, who knows. Hope you enjoyed this masterpiece.

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