Sifu Is An Easy Game

Published 2022-02-11

All Comments (21)
  • Bro went from “I just won’t age.” “Aging is cringe.” Then he went to “Honestly, 60 is a great age.”
  • @jasffertp193
    Charlie: “50s like the golden age honestly” 10 seconds later Charlie: “60s a great age honestly”
  • @nrishiee5231
    i love how sifu is literally imbued with the essence of martial arts. Unbridled repetition to strive for perfection. Genius gameplay design.
  • @Joel-Haver
    The first ever Insaneo Style on the Moist Meter, absolutely historic
  • @milkman-30
    The creators confirmed there would be extra content so i’d love to see an endless mode and maybe an extended story.
  • @fr0g206
    It’s good to see Charlie is playing a game with himself as the main character
  • 7:48 Charlie broke this innocent man’s nose, then said wrong place wrong time when that man was at his job and on the clock😭
  • I absolutely love Sifu. It's about aquiring skills that take a life time, over the corse of a few hours. Its hard because mastering an Art is punishing. I feel like people thought we were going to get a Bruce Lee Simulator. Badass, power fantasy, breezing through rooms of thugs in an instant. Instead we got a Jackie Chan Simulator. Constantly on your back foot, scrambling for objects and using your surroundings to your advantage. We aren't use to games making us work for our Power Fantasy.
  • @lethalkrab
    "Ageing is cringe" Charlie just roasted the entire planet.
  • @jasonalv7436
    So to summarize the story for yall, the 5 bosses took something from the Guardians which included your main character's father that gave them the knowledge to help people. When they slit his throat, they didn't realize that the kid was holding the talisman which glow when he/she revived. Main character goes to kill all 5 bosses and ended up regretting what he did after seeing 2 graves (1 his brother and 1 his father) which made him go back through time and redo the bosses again but instead spared them. This was shown after he killed his brother that his father told him "He who has Kung-Fu and Wude, makes the other know he can break him. His hands go out like lightning, and the other doesn't want to fight anymore". After dying and achieving peace, it was shown that in the after credits that the main character has finally became Sifu and the talisman lost 1 coin, which means Yang revived him after his death
  • @joshuaadams3764
    Girl: Guys! We got company! Charlie: Goddamn right you do, it’s the pipe salesman He can make anything sound funny or cool
  • @Blue-BIue
    As someone who played Absolver and clocked in 300hours, playing sifu has me so happy because I really loved the concept and how they approach this 3d fighting space. It's so smooth and I love the interactive environment. Really well done game!
  • @so1zy
    i love this game because you go from getting absolutely ass-blasted to legit becoming so good, organically, and fucking up the bosses with ease because of how skilled you become
  • @brezyacres
    The progression of this game is awesome, after beating it you’ll come back to the first boss and feel like the boss
  • Charlie: "I'm going to complete it in a hour" 7 hours and 52 minutes later "All right just shy of 8 hours"
  • @solidskullz5736
    “Aging is cringe” sounds like something a vampire would say
  • @mastergweg7414
    This gives new meaning to "you'll need to train for another 100 years before you can beat me".
  • @krayzieridah
    I have found that by remapping/swapping the ''LB'' and ''LT'' for Parrying/Avoiding, makes it easier to fight the enemies. This is probably only an improvement to those with big hands.