Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video: 2nd Attempt

Published 2009-04-30

So The Cleveland Board of Tourism was not happy with the first video that I turned in. In fact, they said that upon viewing it, three of the board members moved away.

They insisted that I turn in a proper Cleveland tourism video, otherwise they will pursue litigation.

So I was really planning on buckling down and giving it my all this time, but there was a "Rock of Love" marathon on VH1 last night that I didn't want to miss, so I cranked this video out in even less time than the first one. Roughly 35 minutes total.

Despite this, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out, and I think they will be too.


All Comments (21)
  • I tried to buy a house in Cleveland but I got mugged by the real estate agent.
  • @Brione30
    The absolute greatest part is that this guy, Mike Polk Jr, is now a Cleveland newscaster. He now gets paid. To talk about Cleveland.
  • @VV.E.S.T
    This video literally won my friend a Geography Bee. The final question for the win was "What North American City is famous for having a RIVER THAT WAS SO POLLUTED THAT IT CAUGHT ON FIRE?" . He hesitated for a second, but the look of amazement on his face when he remembered the song was priceless...
  • @blueluny
    i looked up east cleveland on streetview and nearly got robbed cos i didint move fast enough.
  • @toadiejones
    I recently moved from Cleveland to Alberta, Canada. Was in a store making small talk with the cashier and mentioned I was new here. When he asked where from and I answered Cleveland, he immediately sang "AT LEAST WE'RE NOT DETROIT!" Well done, sir. Well done.
  • "Don't slow down in East Cleveland or you'll die" Kills me to this day.
  • @briannab.2330
    "our economy's based on Lebron James" just gets funnier the longer he hasn't played there
  • @sarahlilley3544
    I showed this to my parents a while back (they grew up around cleveland). They agreed with everything in the video but said, and I quote, "it was only one time" about the river fire.
  • @evstar2645
    “Under construction since 1868” can be applied for most if not all Midwest States
  • @yungflipflop
    “Our economy’s based on Lebron James” lebron leaves Cleveland Ohshitohshitohshit
  • @gayflower900
    “911, what’s your emergency?” “I’m in Cleveland, and—“ “Stay on the line, all units are on their way to assist you”
  • @bryangooden4298
    The extra "we're not Detroit" with the bird was the best part.
  • @emilyofjane
    You can tell this was made by a native Ohioan because our perpetual construction was the first thing they mentioned
  • @gr8fulfox488
    Due to the explosion of interest in vintage/obsolete tech, a VCR now costs more than a house in Cleveland.
  • @skte2die
    McDonald’s “I’m lovin’ it.” Burger King “Have it your way.” Cleveland “We’re not Detroit.”
  • @jsomiller44
    I spent 6 months working in Cleveland. I got so little sun that I broke a bone in my foot simply walking. Went to the doctor and was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency.
  • @sbinadero
    I asked my teacher (who is from Cleveland) if she knew about this video. To which she replied, “At least we’re not Detroit.”