Details of the 40 Day Business Fast May 8-June 16, 2024 "Repent & Return"

Published 2024-05-08
THIS is the year of THE testimony and OPEN doors and we have to make ourselves ready to contend for that which God has promised. But that requires preparation.


We're standing on this scripture: "Zeal for your house consumes me, and the insults of those who insult you fall on me." John 2:17

"But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

This has been heavy on my heart because I know God wants to take His people into consecration in order to prepare us for what's ahead.

Here are the rules:

Fasting hours are 6:00am -6:00pm and WATER ONLY during that time.
Pray and read your bible during meal times. The purpose of fasting is to increase our consumption of the Word, and prayer times in consecration.

BIBLE IN 30 DAYS PLAN: We will be reading the bible in full as of today within 30 days. I suggest you download the YouVersion The Bible App for free on your phone and you can do the audio version so you can listen to it instead. Here is the link for the Bible in 30 Days reading plan Remember to download the Bible App.

We will also be going through deliverance, mainly via some powerful teachings by Bishop Joshua Lwere. Because we have to first dispossess the inhabitants of our Promised Land in order to possess the promise. "And you shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given the land to you to possess it. " (Numbers 33:53) I have curated a playlist on Youtube. We are doing deliverance mainly by teaching and praying because it is through knowledge, the just is delivered (Proverbs 11:9).

DELIVERANCE TEACHINGS PLAYLIST:    • Bishop Dr Joshua Lwere Deliverance  

WRITE IT DOWN: Write down 12 major things you are believing God for in this fast in a journal and lets pray about them daily.

Share with others: Invite at least 10 others to join the fast via this link so they can get access to all the resources I will be sharing:

Those who wish to have a meal before for medication or due to other reasons may do so but no eating after 6 am and before 6pm.

Fasting is the putting down of the plate. If you are not withholding food, you are not fasting. Avoiding distractions like social media and excess talking on the phone etc and going out for lots of social events aids a period of consecration but. is not itself a fast.

If you have medical conditions that require you to eat at set times, consult with your doctor. Perhaps in those conditions, you can have a light bone broth only for lunch daily to facilitate medications. Consult with your physician.

ABSOLUTELY NO SUGAR. With all the addictions and illnesses that come with sugar, this is a time to wean and heal the body. This also means no honey, agave or other calories sugar replacements that have a glucose response.

NO FLOUR, RICE, BREAD, STARCHES DURING EATING WINDOWS. This is a low carb fast that will also detox our bodies , which are the temples of the Holy Spirit. Those carbs convert to sugars.
For those who cannot help themselves, raw fresh fruit is allowed outside of fasting periods. ONLY FRESH fruit, and no syrups and whipping creams and canned or dried fruit because we are allowing our hormones to heal from all the sugar we have been consuming and to detox.

I will be praying at 12 noon EST/GMAT-4 daily online. You can join me by subscribing to my YouTube channel and turning on all your notifications so you can know when I am online.
I will personally be observing the 6am, 12 noon, 6pm and 12 midnight prayer watches daily. I willl also teach more on this topic.

All Comments (14)
  • Absolutely! The enemy aims to limit us in our calling, so we must be spiritually armed and always remember that we fight from a position of victory. We need to engage the ministry of the Holy Spirit in all areas of our lives. God bless you richly.
  • @catherinefoluso
    Market place is part of our ministry congratulation for salvation I poses back what belongs to me Egypt must be removed in our lives
  • @TiffanyOgwumike
    This episode is lifting, and as a Christian, I am glad to come across this great video thank you for sharing.
  • @therealtwsmith
    AS Christians, our faith should impact every aspect of our lives. That definitely includes our work/business lives as well as our personal lives. All decisions we make should be made with God's will for us in mind. Praying and fasting is how we find His will. This fast you propose is a great idea.
  • Yes obedience is better than sacrifice! Every time! My greatest breakthroughs have come after fasting and truly seeking God on specific areas. I've learnt that God honours our fast even from the moment we commit to fast, before the fast begins! And we're human. We will fall off the train at times but by God's grace, we need to pick ourselves up and keep going again. I will be travelling in a unforgiving climate for most of the fasting period but I will surely seek God on how to adapt the fast. I want to confirm that word about open doors that only God can open! He's already doing it in my business.
  • It’s sad if a church operates without the presence of the Holy Spirit. That makes it a club. I pray that the one we go to is so Spirit-filled!
  • @thePULSE87
    That’s right! Sadly we deep inside actually enjoy and have gotten comfortable with our sin and state of self.. so we NEED the Holy Spirit to convict and give us the desire to even change
  • I've always thought of fasting as a way of making more room for God to have more of us. It is to lay ourselves down at the altar of devotion. God bless you.
  • @thePULSE87
    Wow.. I grew up on OLD Hillsong with Darlene.. SO Different. And I love How you hit on US coming to Christ, being Signs and Wonders! I’ve been saying this for years
  • @thePULSE87
    So glad you hit on the deception in the church and sign and wonders.. we need to be so careful
  • @edenharvest
    Sad! I call these community of practice without God's agenda, these are not considered churches in my opinion. And this is why there are a lot of similarities.