Christopher Walken Life Lessons: Off The Cuff With Peter Travers

Published 2013-02-08
In the latest installment of Off the Cuff, Peter Travers catches up with Christopher Walken, and Christopher Walken catches up with the two most seminal characters of his career: the self-destructive Duane from Annie Hall and the introspective Nick from The Deer Hunter. "Do you ever wake up worrying what has happened to the characters you've played?" Travers asks. Walken replies dryly, "No, Duane's ok. He's working on a fishing boat, deep-sea trawling."

From there, Travers asks Walken what it's like to be impersonated so frequently by so many people. "Everyone you know has a Chris Walken impression," Travers says.

"I have a friend of mine who does me on his answering machine," Walken responds, "and when I call him, I answer. It's pretty strange." He's no slouch with mimicry, either. "I've been doing Bette Davis since I sat down here, and you didn't even notice," he deadpans.

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Travers then appeals to the air of wisdom that seems to saturate everything Walken does. "We think you know more about life than the rest of us. I bet you can give me three lessons in life I could take with me today," Travers says.

"Those things with me are pretty basic," Walken replies. "Even in the limo, I buckle my seatbelt. I got that seatbelt on before the car moves." So the Number One lesson in life is to buckle up? "Definitely," Walken says.

Walken also reveals some lesser-known facts about The Deer Hunter and Annie Hall that may make the classic films worth another rewatch. For example, it turns out Walken was just off-camera in one of The Deer Hunter's pivotal scenes: his own character's funeral. "I went and hid in the bushes, and I watched everybody being sad. I had a real day off, because they were burying me," he says. Walken also points out that his name is mistakenly listed as "Christoph Vlaken" in the credits of Annie Hall. "My agent said, 'What's with this?' and they said, 'Sorry, all the prints are made, and that's it,'" he says.

Travers wraps up by asking Walken about 1995's Him, a play Walken wrote about what Elvis's life might've been like if he hadn't died. "That play is about celebrity. What is that about for you? How do you live with being a celebrity?" Travers asks. Walken insists, "That's a different thing. It was Elvis! Come on. They were chasing him down the street. He had a cape. He had a pink Cadillac." Finally, while he may not be Elvis, Walken closes by belting out a glorious rendition of "With a Song in My Heart" as a send-off, and Travers chimes in as well.

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All Comments (21)
  • "The Deer Hunter" was one of my ultimate favourite movies. He is original, brilliant, and one of a kind.He sees things which are invisible to the mundane. Ronnie Walken is a gift to humanity.
  • @MrT67
    I couldn't watch this, despite the fact that I love Christopher Walken. The interviewer just kept interrupting him.
  • @HTNPSullivan
    What a gracious guy, rolling along with a bunch of awkward and silly questions and comments, and even indulging that last nonsequitor comment with a song.
  • @GROENAASMusic
    So he's an introvert, but not awkward among people. Good to know I'm not the only one. Kinda breaks the introvert stereotype.
  • @joanofarc9438
    I am from that generation.That every boy my age and to few years older in my town went to Vietnam so the Deer hunter shakes me up even to this day.
  • @mare2723
    I love his voice and his mad uniqueness❤
  • @achimmuller1674
    His scene with Hopper in True Romance is one of my favortie movie scenes of all time...
  • @thetinar
    I could watch 10 hours of this.
  • I don't care about the interviewer ....I don't care about anything else that you try to read into this. CHRIS WALKEN is a bad ass. That's all. Make life easy.
  • @NothingMaster
    Walken is always a blast to watch — a uniquely talented actor and a most charismatic human being. Too bad he was constantly interrupted by that horrible interviewer.
  • peter travers is really funny and enjoyable to watch, almost with a comedic approach.
  • @brexitannia9703
    Great actor he's someone who facilitates me we are quite similar especially with technology it's a great device but it's also a tracking device. I admire him and his 40 marriage. He's a jolly nice guy ❤️
  • @technanapi4076
    I love Christopher. I feel closer to him now that I know he doesn't need any more cowbell.