Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)

Published 2024-06-13
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All Comments (21)
  • those aren't really love languages they're relationship maintenance. love is the convergence of chemistry, connection and compatibility (body, mind, lifestyle) - once you find someone you love you gotta put in the work to keep the relationship viable. love is not enough.
  • @itsshierlz
    I completely agree. I’ve said this in the past: My love language is whatever I’m not getting enough of.
  • @katiedid1983
    I feel so seen after watching the beginning of this video!! I left my ex-husband 3 years ago after a 20 year relationship where I begged and pleaded for him to participate in our home and family more. I was drowning in children, a marriage, running a home and my own career and my ex-husband just would not step up and help. I thought my love language was acts of service because in my marriage, it was my only love language...... but in the 2 relationships I've had since acts of service isn't something I need. I actually crave physical touch which in my marriage was my least needed love language. I've never learned more about who I am or what I want than I have since I left my unfulfilling marriage. I feel like now I can be a soft, more feminine gentle person with my SO and that is truly what I want. I want to feel safe so that I can let my guard down with my man and be a space where he can do the same. Thank you Matthew, for your content. I only found you in the last six months, but it has been so extraordinarily helpful ❤
  • I love that Haudrey is the practical one when Stephen is being philosophical and Matthew is poetical ❤
  • @Julia-jv6rg
    I love Audrey, I understand why you’ve chosen her… so wise and sweet intelligent feminine lady😍
  • @VitaminVee11
    You nailed Mississauga! (With a slight British accent, lol). Long overdue topic, I completely agree with the study and conclusion that love needs to be expressed in a balanced way and that these 5 are not the only ways, but a good starting point for us to articulate complex feelings, and that they can ebb and flow pending where you’re at in life and what you may have been starved in or already fulfilled in ☺️ great discussion thanks
  • How brave of you Matthew and Audrey to speak publicly about your relationship needs together. Admirable! I have found I overcompensate for my unmet childhood needs and overgive to a partner which ultimately becomes the norm and consequently leaves me feeling unseen and undervalued. Thought provoking all of you. Thank you 🤗🤗🤗 Have a hug each lol
  • @arn2arn249
    Matthew is an absolute genius, I feel like he has completely changed my life, his advice is spot on every single time, for anyone feeling low, and that was me just a short time ago, listen to what he says, take it on board and you will come out on the other side, happiness is a choice 😊
  • @sidra5512
    Loving Steven’s new hair ! I’m glad he did something about it because he’s a very good looking man - now he’s even more handsome ❤
  • @Matthew Hussey I dare you to write the male equivalent book ‘Get the Girl’ ! I love your work!
  • Matthew I totally agree with you I have been saying this for years that it is what we have a deficit in that we crave and then we think that is our love language when it's just that's what our relationship is missing currently
  • I agree with the idea of a balanced need, and the idea that when something is missing, you keenly feel the need for it. The language of ‘gifts’ has never jived with me, because I am a very non-materialistic person. I appreciate a thoughtful gift, but it isn’t a thing I ‘need’ to feel loved.
  • @romyxx71
    @Matthew Hussey - part 1, I am on chapter 11 of your book "Love Life" and may I suggest that you expand or add to this chapter the male obsession with family, aka having a child? It is currently missing as this chapter focuses exclusively on the female experience. As a woman who in my thirties had to deal with men (33 and over) who offered me heaven on earth because they wanted children. I think everything in your book applies to both sexes. Men won't come right out and say they want a family or children, but they will offer you the ideal relationship and suddenly ask if you don't want a child, supposedly subtly (not) telling you that they are open to it if you want it too. It blew my mind the first 2 times I experienced it and by the 3rd time the ideal relationship picture was offered, it had become a red flag for me who never wanted children. This guy wants kids!!! I think this is important because I did not appreciate the manipulation to use my womb. I remember telling the second guy who wouldn't accept that I was ending the relationship over this that if I could lend him my womb and get it back when he was done using it, I would, but since I couldn't and couldn't give it away for free, ending the relationship was the best I could offer. I really did not appreciate the manipulation.
  • So great to have Stephen back! And Audrey as always 🥰Really enjoyed keeping up on insta with your national park retreat x
  • @tofu3802
    Thank you guys. Wonderful to see you all. Regards Tony
  • @Lisa-ip4ji
    I'm only halfway through the episode, but this is gold!! I've never really found myself at home in any of the five classic love languages, but the ones Audrey and Matthew talk about are really big for me. Anticipation of someones needs, be seen, thoughtfulness. Those are my love languages! ❤
  • @wejoin
    This SO important! And YES, I do look forward to seeing you in my in-box! Hello Stephen❤🎉