Published 2019-05-20

All Comments (21)
  • @Bricky
    If there is ever a list you should trust me on this is the one
  • @shaunharder6216
    The hardest decision at the start of any Mass Effect mission is which character are you going to take with you and Garrus.
  • @philbrisby5756
    I always loved when you are planning the suicide mission, jack and Miranda are at each others necks over who is going to lead the distraction team, and when you pick Garrus he just nods, you trust him, he trusts you, and it completely derails the stupid chick fight. awesome.
  • Bricky: puts Javik in B tier Javik: Puts Bricky in airlock and say: "This what we would do in my cycle"
  • @coldfusion1679
    Garrus and tali will always be the best for one reason: they’re the only ones who stuck with shep the whole way through. Edit: if you’re just going to reply to tell me something along the lines of “blah blah Liara is best because she did so and so” don’t waste your efforts. Just know i disagree entirely.
  • @vodkavecz
    Wrex is truly an upper echelon of characters. When you meet him again in ME2. "Shepard! My friend!" There's so much behind these words, it always makes me tear up a little. And Garrus is the best bro ever in all of gaming. Definiately S tier!
  • @raziel2499
    Funnily enough, the first time I played through the trilogy was as BroShep so naturally, Jacob wasn't a romance option. So when I encountered him in ME3 with his girl, I was like "Hey, congrats, dude!". But learning from others that this also happens when you romance him as FemShep, it changed to "Are you f**king serious?".
  • Grunt looking up “tyrannosauros wrex” and “earth lizard wrex” is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen in a video game.
  • @JAYDOG1337A
    My favourite 2 headcanons of Femshep are: 1) Grunt calls Femshep his Space Momma, and Femshep calls him her Krogan Son 2) The Breeding request for Femshep after killing the Thresher Maw in Grunt's Right of Passage was actually Wrex.
  • @Duchu26
    "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." Alright, who's chopping onions in here?!
  • @D3LTA48
    When Mordrin said "Has to be me, someone else might get it wrong" right before his death scene, I realized me wanting him to stay alive would force me to change who he is as a character. Mordrin's death stings not because it is dramatic or harrowing, but because you know it's what he has to do. Also the first time I cried because of a character death in a video game.
  • @raxychaz6276
    The way I've always looked at Zaeed is that he is an old dude, he's lived a life before you meet him, so you realistically don't get a lot of change from him, he's been a career mercenary for a good while, formed the Blue Suns, one doesn't fuck with Zaeed Massani, he's like your space-dad who you haven't seen for years and is trying to fit in with a cast of much more eclectic characters. I like Zaeed. He's a good dude.
  • @juicyjosh3581
    Legion is S tier for me. I know he doesn't get quite as fleshed out as some of the others, but watching him and Tali interact is phenomenal. And "Does this unit have a soul?" makes me cry every time.
  • "Tali goes squarely in the..." holding breath "Alien Banging tier" Aah, all is right in the universe. Damn right us Tali fans are rabid.
  • @JAYDOG1337A
    To quote someone: "The problem with Jacob isn't that he's boring. The problem with Jacob is that he refuses to open up in any way. When you ask about his experience with the corsairs, he makes a blanket statement and says that life is behind him. When you ask about his relationship with Miranda, he refuses to go into details. When you ask about his father after his loyalty mission, he doesn't want to talk about it. How are players supposed to connect with a character who doesn't seem to want to connect with them." Now personally I wouldn't mind that totally, it would make him D tier for me, but then they made him just completely shit in ME3. He cheated on you if you're in a relationship with him, and while every other one of your squadmates was doing something to prepare for the war, he decided to sit down and chill on a fucking beach so he could come to the conclusion and realization that he should fight for what he believes in... seriously, fucking wow, philosophers should listen to this genius. He also seemed to somehow forget he's a biotic, since he never once used his biotics during the fight against cerberus, he was taken down by cerberus grunts in the beginning of his mission, seriously, not even the phantom or nemesis troops, just the weakest that cerberus has, and his big moment at the end of the mission was that he shot one of those shitty generators to slightly knock over an atlas, and then looking fucking smug for having done it.