Chie Satonaka; The Ultimate Analysis || Persona 4 Golden

Published 2022-07-30
My analysis of Chie Satonaka from Persona 4 and P4G. I go crazy indepth to her arcana, social link, persona mythology and more. Persona 4's chariot arcana and chariot social link. She has been historically pretty divisive, and I want to get into that too.

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All Comments (21)
  • July 30th! It's Chie's Birthday! Please like and comment - or share on places like twitter and reddit! I went for a more catchy title this time to see if it would increase CTR. Hope you all enjoy the video - and have a good day! My Main channel "Hiding in Public" is also dropping a video today in 2 hours!
  • @iceman3332
    "Takeshi Suuuuucks" Very true words lol. When playing through initially this is what made me a bit turned off to doing Chie's link because it was just the thought of ....really? THIS guy is who u get flustered over and if anything say he's a friend? The feeling of cmon Chie we need to work on that self respect!
  • @Xackadee
    I don't think it's significant, but I've always found it interesting that Chie is the only girl where you choose the prompt "Will you be my girlfriend?" Every girl that you can romance gives you an opening at some point and then you, the MC, always initiate it. But with most of them, you're hugging them when they're down, confessing feelings during a pivotal moment, accepting their confessions or just in some way responding to their blatant interest in you when the subject becomes relevant. Chie's interest in you is no less blatant, but to romance her, the MC has to be the one to even bring up the subject. You make that offer at the end of a SL scene that's primarily about something else. It's a small thing, but I like how it reflects Chie's insecurities.
  • I’ve always liked chie. Whenever i think persona 4 i mainly think of the kung-fu dragon herself. Happy birthday chie!
  • @cryguy0000
    Chie, the cute tomboy bungus. I ended up romancing her during my first playthrough of the original p4. Sure she can be loud and over the top, but deep down she's a sweet girl with some real relatable character flaws. She's the kind of girl I'd like to be around, one who can be kind of shy but also real casual and just kind of a bro
  • @Limit02
    Another great video! Chie was a character I really liked, I even had my protag romance her mainly because I felt bad “taking” Naoto from my man Kanji lol I never personally though toooo much about her treatment of Yosuke in the game, the money thing was personally something I never really thought of as much more than some comic relief, but it was really interesting hearing a different and more in-depth perspective on their dynamic, ESPECIALLY considering how sick to death I am of the discourse around the equivalent dynamics from P3 and P5
  • I really didn’t like Chie at first. I was like, “Wow she’s being a jerk to her friend and she probably doesn’t even realize it.” What I didn’t expect was the game to call her out on that later on, and recontextualize it. I never expected her to be my favorite character in the game, but here we are. She’s extremely relatable, but not in the Yu Narukami “oh wow he’s just like me!” way, but more along the lines of “oh wow… she’s just like me…” I wasn’t a fan of the whole “tomboy” look, either, but even that grew on me. Now I am a firm believer that tomboys are clearly the superior choice. (Joking. (Mostly.))
  • The design of chie's first persona is modeled after black mamba, the protag of the movie kill bill. This likely is a reference to her enjoyment of martial arts films and to her being seen as having a stereotypical American personality and her mindset, as kill bill was an American martial arts movie that dipicted it's protag fighting the Yakuza.
  • @GrayD_Fox
    Everyone’s first girlfriend when they play
  • Unfortunately I am still in the middle of playing the game for the first time so I can't fully watch all of your videos because of spoilers, but I'm glad that there are people who find these characters as intriguing as I do. Chie is definitely a good character. She may not be as nuanced as others but I do love her energy and genuine personality.
  • A great analysis as always Hiding in Private! Chie's the character that changes a lot in the voice department between Persona 4 and P4 Golden. From the deep, tomboyish, down to earth tones of Tracey Roonie to the energetic, spunky, can-do attitude of Erin Fitzgerald, despite the different voice direction, the character herself stayed the same, and that's honestly such a cool feature that no other char has tbh. Speaking of which, I'm surprised you didn't talk about how Chie's looks and design are basically the backbone of Persona 4 as a whole in terms of art direction! Maybe you'll talk about the aesthetics in a different video?
  • @apollosdread
    happy birthday chie! ill be honest this video helped my opinion on chie, she wasnt my favourite, but you did a great job writing this video, and i think i like her more now!!!!
  • @MikulOnIce85
    My biggest takeaway from her social link is that chie was someone who frequently wanted to 'play the hero' according to how takeshi brings up it. But after her introspection, she ends up protecting the kid from the bullies because it's the right thing to do and she's willing to let herself get hurt in order to do so. But another piece of her SL I find interesting is that if you choose the 'yukiko's not that weak' choice, Chie herself isn't convinced of that despite what they've been through so far.
  • Happy belated birthday to Chie! One more thing about how Chie fits in the story is that she in a sense forms the nucleus of the friend group. She's the one who befriended Yukiko. She's the first one who reaches out to you (Yu). She invites Nanako to come along with you to Junes and gives Nanako the idea of calling you oniisan. And she's the one Nanako calls oneesan.
  • @NotLukeSky
    When it comes to social links that Nanako is included, I think all of the party members (except Naoto and Yukiko might also have a part where she’s in it but I can’t remember) have a part where Nanako is included Yosuke for when he’s in your bedroom Chie with the grasshopper Yukiko (probably has one but I can’t remember it) Kanji when he makes the dolls for the kid (I think) Rise when she asks Nanako if she likes Kanamin or Risette
  • @zenronez1158
    This video surprised me a lot. Mainly how much more relatable I found the analysis and deconstruction of Chies character. Despite that I wouldn't want a girl who takes money out of my pocket without asking. I didn't think much of the Yosuke scene until now and yeah that ain't right. It goes to show that Kanji a year younger has more integrity than Chie.
  • @mewphos
    EKKK I CANNOT WAIT TO WATCH THIS. i absolutely ADORE and love chie so i really cant wait to watch!! sadly i have work so 😞 either way happy birthday chie! and thanks for the hard work again!! <3
  • @Namingway248
    As I recall (could be misremembering) in vanilla p4 yosuke comments he wanted a motorcycle but wasn't able afford one in the first place due to chie's reckless spending of his money. This makes her actions and reaction to the situation even worse in my opinion. I find it interesting that Chie ranked so high in a japanese character poll. As far as I've seen, characters like her often don't do as well overseas, but its very poetic that the character who feels like her true self is so lacking and unlikeable ended up being one of the most liked characters.
  • @kagekun1198
    Chie also represents a part of Japanese ideals culture called Yamato-damashii or Japanese Spirit. Basically, you must strive to possess three qualities: talent, insight/resolve, and persistence. If you have all three, you're basically a main character and can take on the whole damn world like Yu. Chie the character represents the value of Chie (知恵), which means insight/resolve. Resolve is pretty straightforward: the reason you fight. Since Chie herself was a founding member of the Investigation Team and their very first mission was to save her best friend, that part's covered. The Insight part might be a little abstract, but it's a combination of instinct and intelligence. It's the bright ideas you get out of nowhere. It's the flash of creativity that hits you when you need it the most. That is insight. Chie has more than once, uttered out the truth behind the mystery the Investigation Team was struggling with from time to time. The most prominent example is Chie guessing that the Fog in the real world is coming out from the TV World.
  • @Nodegama
    Nice work once again! Ballancing Character Flaws is always tricky. Being Likable, relatable, believable [...]