Circle of Fifths Explained (For Guitar) - How to actually USE the Circle of 5ths guitar lesson

Published 2021-04-09
In this video, you'll learn how to use the circle of 5ths to write songs. Learn which chords work with each other in a key.

To view the extra lesson materials (jam tracks in multiple keys, tab) and printables for this lesson, visit…

00:00 - Introduction
02:36 - How to find the 1, 4, 5 chords in a key
04:24 - Find a relative minor
06:07 - Chords in a chord family
11:20 - Borrowed Chords
12:00 - Minor keys
12:19 - Secondary Dominant Chords

All Comments (21)
  • @ShiftingDrifter
    Over FIVE decades I've asked formally educated musicians how to use a circle of fifths and nobody could explain it. Then I stumble onto a YT video that explains it all in-depth in 5 minutes!
  • @fawkesandhound
    In 3 minutes the man’s just bypassed an entire semester of music theory. Thank you.
  • @ironskater121
    You guys have no idea how many of these kinds of videos I've seen and there's literally NO ONE who made it this clear and concise.
  • @CookeriNDEED
    This is true genius. So many people make these concepts sound so complicated, but you have simplified it. Well done!
  • @michaelfox2738
    Thank you, Brian. More lightbulbs per minute per video than anyone else on the internet!
  • @aretejamodi
    The best explanation of the circle of fifths I've ever heard along with how to practically use it. Thanks!
  • @shaire99
    Thousands of musicians know the theory, but very few seem to be able to communicate it clearly and effectively. Brian does it so well in such a relaxed and clear manner that I'll just go ahead and declare him to be the most talented of guitar theory 'teachers' on Youtube. . . . . . Period.
  • @0475cmoore
    I’ve been playing for 30+ years and this is the first time this had made sense to me. Thank you more than you know.
  • I have been playing guitar since dinosaurs roamed the earth and that was hands down the best explanation of the circle of fifths that I have ever heard. Well done!
  • @simonsmith2642
    I’m old I learned by ear and listening to vinyl records. No lessons. We were poor. I just learned stuff but never knew why or how or what it was. Now I want to know what I’ve been doing by ear all these years. This and other YouTube videos like this has been a huge help. Young musicians today, have a huge advantage over old dinosaurs like me. I wish the internet existed when I started. One thing YouTube videos can’t teach you is hard luck, and bad times, struggle and fight. That can only come from life. So I hope the young musicians with these amazing resources, don’t lose that piece of humanity and expression in music along the way. That’s my only fear, is they become academics of music, instead of… Musicians. If that makes sense. Thank you for explaining this. This will certainly speed up the process for me. Instead of hunting and pecking for what sounds right, I can get to it quicker. Saving valuable time.
  • @thergstar2577
    It’s like finding the code to the secret language of guitar song composition! No one’s ever explained it so simply and efficiently. Thank You!
  • @snomad2248
    26 years of playing guitar, I've written more than 40 songs, and thanks to this video I've written a song where all the chords relate to each other on purpose.
  • @tomasz3122
    I'm still watching (4 minutes in), but I'm blown away. The amount of compassion and understanding you have towards self-taught musicians is great. Most other courses are just "oh whatever, read this 500 pages book and you'll know your stuff by the end of it and if not, download my super cryptic cheat sheet".
  • In the 80’s, I spent two years as a music major and never got this. Brilliant. (I was too busy smoking pot and jamming to a jazz station. At 70, through the grace of God. I have a good ear and a thirst for “useful” theory. Again, through the grace of God, I got sober in 1986 ;-)
  • @rexrbennettjr
    10 years of lessons from a Berklee/LA Music Grad and NEVER has this been so clear. Thank you!
  • I've been casually playing for 20 years. For the last couple of years, I have been pushing myself to master the instrument. I've even been taking theory from a person with a master's in guitar theory. Ever so often I have these light bulb moments and they are very encouraging. I had a few during this this video. I especially liked the part that explained locating the dominant chord. I will definitely be joining a premium membership. Thank you! -Chris
  • Brian you are producing videos at a really rapid clip, without sacrificing quality. I really admire what you’re doing.
  • @ronday4210
    Finally someone that’s makes it really clear👏🏽
  • @doodle_pug
    I knew everything that he was saying about the circle at the beginning but the last bit about the secondary dominant chord really changed the game for me. I always wanted to know how people knew which 7 chords work well with chords in the circle. I thought it was probably just some jazz thing that I will never figure out but this changes things! Thanks so much :)
  • @KennyGuyte
    Best Circle of 5ths demonstration thus far. Conveyed well and easy to store in long term memory.