I bought the CHEAPEST “Turntable” at Walmart! U SHOULD TOO

Published 2024-04-22

All Comments (21)
  • @andygoldblatt
    This was great Randy. I sort of had the opposite experience this weekend. I bought my daughter the new TS album on vinyl – her first record. We get home and she of course wants to listen to it on my system. Before I knew it I was barking out directions: “No, you save the hype sticker!”, “We have to clean it first, it’s from Optimal!”, “Don’t put it back in the paper sleeve, use this Mofi one!”, “Now we let the tubes warm up”, “You have to sit EXACTLY here”….The moral of the story is that WE are the weird ones, and kids who just want to listen to some music on suboptimal turntables are going to be just fine.
  • @macheesmo3
    Come for the stereo reviews, stay for Dad getting shaken down by his daughters for stuff!!! 😂
  • @LeonardChurch33
    I feel like every hobby has this item. The "good enough to get you started" item that the purists scoff at but is actually a good bang-for-the-buck entry point. It's something I think people need to be more sensitive to in general. If buying the cheap thing is the only way you're going to get into the hobby then DO IT!!
  • @brucejones533
    Your daughters seemed to enjoy some retail therapy as much as you did.
  • @mabbaticchio
    My 18 year old daughter got one for Christmas. When she put on a record for the first time in her life, she was expecting some magical sound quality. The look of disappointment when the needle hit the record was almost humorous. I tried to explain that it is just a novelty product and we could always upgrade it. She insisted on keeping it though and continues to buy records and continues to be disappointed. She'll learn. But, I am happy that she is at least into something that is not on a phone.
  • Thank you so much for your incredible words and feedback on the Cruiser! We absolutely hope we can be a stepping stone for someone on their vinyl & audio listening journeys.
  • @Bo-hb3eo
    Thanks Randy. I’ve been wanting to get something for my granddaughter. She’s six years old. I think she’s ready for something like this. She’s very responsible. I love it. Say hi to your camerawoman for me. She did a great job.
  • @osliverpool
    I started with a simple portable mono record player in the 1960s, which would have sounded terrible compared to my modern gear. But it's what got me started on the love afair with records that hasn't left me, and I owe a lot to it (and to the parents who bought it for me).
  • @4thewinir344
    Randy, you’re a good dad and you make good sense. Keep doing what you’re doing!
  • @Robert.Novack
    As a lifelong musician and former audiophile I surprisingly found myself purchasing a Crosley I came across at Walmart on clearance for 21 bucks. I figured if I didn’t like it I could hand it off to one of my grandchildren. I immediately upgraded it with a diamond stylus I ordered from Amazon for 4 and a half bucks and picked up a few jazz records at a local thrift shop for a buck and a half each. I must say I’m really having a blast with this machine. I mean it is what it is, but actually better than l expected. Now nearly everyone in the family wants one ! But I can’t complain….it’s cheaper than a good pair of jeans. Have fun and be happy y’all.
  • Reminder: those sapphire styli only have a lifespan of 40 HOURS until they need to be replaced. Most people who buy these aren't even aware that they need to change out the stylus which is why these decks are reputed to "destroy" your vinyl.
  • @bertpeters1866
    Randy, this made my day! REAL cheap audio, combined with your adorable daughter, made me smile so big that I thought I was going to swallow my ears. And I absolutely WILL NOT be running right out to get one of those horrible things.
  • @TorontoJon
    Yes, Crosley record players are for the masses to start a record collecting hobby and they're not for audiophiles or any seasoned collectors, but there is no doubt that they were a key part of this massive vinyl revival that we are enjoying now thanks to those Crosley units making the hobby more accessible to novices. Audiophiles should acknowledge that even if they do so begrudgingly. Haha! In many ways, it's like a newbie buying a First Act electric guitar to dip his or her toes into that hobby to see if he or she even likes playing electric guitars without having to break the bank buying more high-end guitars by Fender, Gibson, etc. Then over time, they can upgrade. :)
  • @OldGuyHifi
    On my way to Walmart right now. The hell with all this "audiophile" stuff. I am Cruising now! You are so right in trying to get people to listen intentionally. Well done.
  • @neilfisher7999
    There is nothing wrong with these items. They are an on-ramp for people to get started listening to music. Someone who starts here isn't going to have much of a collection or do much record care to begin with. So it doesn't matter if it does damage to the records. I had something like this as a kid. I'm 60 years old now. I don't have any of the records I played and destroyed as a kid today. If this gets a young person started in listening to music, it's great. If they become an audiophile, then it did the job introducing them to music.
  • @jkmsaturn
    Great point, Randy. A $45 record player that can reproduce the sound of our most enthralling & enduring type of media. Plus, I was able to take it to our triplet granddaughters' house where they could see & hear the magic for themselves.
  • I bought a $27 all-in-one record player back in 1964 while I was a freshman in college living in the dorm. It worked but sounded tinny with no bass. I quickly had to tape a nickel onto the top of the tone arm to minimize skipping. I was really envious of a friend down the hall who had a $250 Koss all-in-one player. It sounded tremendously better than my cheap record player. I couldn't afford anything better. That was the beginning of my odyssey seeking better and better sound. I can afford much better music systems today but that was my humble beginning into the world of audio and music listening.
  • @MichaelPConnelly
    I bought one of these. When I owned it I upgraded the needle to a diamond. Did fine. Then I upgraded 😊
  • I don't really mind today's video really other that the fact that you are a great dad and make your daughters have a good time and be happy. Having a daughter myself, I know that is our duty along a good education and all but happiness and that they will remember us as great dudes when we are not here anymore. Well done Randy. ❤