Goodnight, Everyone. See You Tomorrow

Published 2024-06-10
Thomas and all his friends are just about ready for another good night sleep. Thomas is doing his bedtime routine. Leo, Quincy, Sofia, Sam, Twilight and the girls are also doing their bedtime routines, after Twilight and her friends got snuggled into their nice, cozy nightgowns and pj's, and Thomas and his friends are all resting while talking about the day's work. And all the fun they all had with their deliveries and jobs. 😊 Thomas: Well, you guys, we should all get some sleep.
Rairty: Me too! I need my beauty sleep. I can't waste my royal nap time with all you darlings chatter and chit-chat!
Applejack: RARITY!
Rarity: Oops, sorry
Twilight: Thomas is right. Goodnight, everyone!
Thomas: Goodnight, you guys. See you tomorrow!
Everyone: Goodnight, Thomas

(Sofia, Sam, and Twilight give Thomas a goodnight kiss on his cheek!)

Thomas: Aww, shucks! Thanks girls, goodnight!

Well, I should get to bed. 🥱
Thomas: Goodnight, my friends! Sweet Dreams! 😊 🫡

Goodnight Thomas, Sweet Dreams you guys! 😊

Goodnight, you guys. Enjoy your story. 😴😊

Goodnight, everyone! Sweet Dreams! 😴

See you all tomorrow. 🥱 😴 💤 🛏 🌙 🌃

All characters, shows, music, and copyrights all belong to their rightful and respectful owners.
I own nothing.


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