The Team Analyse World Cup Defeat To Japan | All or nothing | The German National Team in Qatar

Published 2023-10-26

All Comments (21)
  • the tension in the room is at an all time high.... theres is clearly a lack of telationship developed between players and coach
  • @6minus3minus2
    It's only one scene, but it really feels like the players were too afraid to give their opinion and Flick was not ready to receive honest feedback. Then it's a vicious cycle: Flick doesn't want to really take in feedback and then players don't want to give feedback. An open dialogue requires respect from all sides.
  • @Flippityflap
    Hahah kimmich basically saying to Flick: it was ur fault u didnt change this up we lost
  • @memotsubasa93
    broooo the vibe in this room is crazy intense !!!!! even when they saying nothing CRAZY !!!!
  • @fynn7440
    Nicht mal aus fußballerischer sondern aus kommunikativer Sicht einfach ein Vollversagen von Flick. Sehr sehr schwacher Umgang mit den Rückmeldungen der Spieler und man spürt wie unangenehm die Gesprächskultur zwischen Trainer und Spielern ist.
  • @Lanka_99
    Everyone saw that Germany wasn't dealing with the wingbacks from Japan. In the first half, Germany mainly kept the center closed. They continued this in the second half, but Japan was able to bring speed into the game from the flanks. Germany was unable to adapt. I was surprised that only Kimmich explained this clearly after the game.
  • @jakobnickel7761
    Kimmich sitzt da und sagt was es seiner Meinung nach zu sagen gibt. Das wollte Flick so und das konnte außer Josh, Thomas und Ilkay keiner.
  • @maxholdefer5350
    Wirklich traurig. Er lädt dazu ein einen offenen Diskurs zu führen um Probleme zu finden, dann werden Probleme angesprochen aber Hansi weist alles von sich. Es scheint so als ob es ihm nur darum gehen würde nochmal alle zu tadeln dass die seine Anweisungen nicht 100% umgesetzt haben. Selbstreflektion wie man es nach der Anmerkung von Kimmich erwarten würde fehlt aber komplett. Kein Wunder dass bei so einer unterirdischen Spieler Trainer Beziehung man nicht auf Top Niveau mithalten kann.
  • @AmoMoloko
    The problem here is that Hansi has not adapted to modern football in terms of soft skills. This is evident that only the senior players are engaging him constructively and the younger players are saying nothing. If he could’ve found a different mechanism to get engagement out of the rest of the squad it would’ve been different. There were only 5 players in that squad that were actually present. The rest were just on a football holiday in Qatar 🇶🇦 which is evident throughout the series.
  • @wokeaf1337
    Süle with the mistake and then when Schlotterbeck asked what happened there, he was just smirking...instead of pointing at the issue.
  • @PaulTraces
    This is not good management from Hansi, he wants the players to find answers and he doesn’t seem pleased with anything they come back with. Should have just told them what you they should have been doing instead of wanting them to find the answer you want. Just passing the buck on to the players with this kind of team analysis.
  • @joserivas1832
    This just reminds me of my coach of 3 years watching film and he approaches it the same way as flick so honestly I think is relatable he doesn’t change his ways and sticks to his philosophy only and if we lose is because we didn’t follow his tactics and would never change anything
  • kimmich was correct, the switch up in defense actually confused the team more than their opponents because defensive line with 5 and 4 defenders would be different. muller got it but became abstract in his comment regarding philosophy. it was basically kimmich saying the manager should keep it simple rather than switching tactics halfway. suddenly can see why germany deteriorating under flick. he need more bayern players as they are more adaptable but not all of them are german.
  • @hnaku8748
    Kimmich providing what the coach asked for, Hansi couldn't have complained after that. All the talks of tactics nowadays but shows how essential basic human skill such as communication is, and how it can motivate the players to have more conviction in their application. The players have the right to feel however they feel, and while they still need to be professionals, it's natural that they cannot give their all if they don't believe. Mind you, the coach could still be correct, but it's about convincing the players without forcing them to. Not an easy job certainly.
  • so better with the subtitles. they should be bigger and stay on screen for longer.
  • @lenima01
    Ich versteh da echt gar nicht was der Flick will. In der Halbzeit stands doch 1:0 für Deutschland. Wenn er gewollt hätte dass die Mannschaft mauert und tief steht, warum sagt er das nicht in der Halbzeit. Aber dann der Mannschaft im Nachhinein vorwerfen dass sie zu hoch gestanden haben. Da hätte ich auch so verdutzt geguckt wie die. Ich war von der Doku und vor allem der Authentizität von Flick echt schockiert
  • @ravvsdsa5602
    Es ist schockierend, aber das was in dem Raum besprochen wird und die spielerischen Fehlern erzählt man sich höchstens in der B Jugend