Should I Give Money to Poor People? | Fr. Bonaventure Chapman & Fr. Gregory Pine

Published 2024-05-23
Should I Give Money to Poor People? | Fr. Bonaventure Chapman & Fr. Gregory Pine

On this week's episode of Godsplaining, Fr. Bonaventure and Fr. Gregory discuss the topic of giving money to the poor, how to navigate interacting with the poor, discuss poverty, the pressures of society, graditude, the State's responsibility, the Christian perspective, and more.

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All Comments (21)
  • I disagree with Fr. Bonaventure Chapman. When I learned that the poor miss most of all being noticed and talked to, I make it a point to say hello or good morning and look them in the eye. When I offer them food, I ask them first, "Would it be ok with you if I gave you this apple I have etc." I have been doing this for more than 20 years and I have only had one person say no. If it's someone I will see in my life weekly, I ask them their name and introduce myself. God is in the details. It's not difficult. Thanks for letting me share this.
  • I used to work in social services and people often asked me and still do how I reacted to the idea of people abusing the charity we provided. For me, I do good because it is good for me to do good not because it is good for the other person to receive good. It’s is good for them to receive good but that is secondary. If I give charity to someone and they abuse that charity that is for them to address not me. Obviously we need to be prudent in all things but in this case to err on the side of charity seems like the better err than the side of stinginess.
  • I have handed out gift cards to the local coffee shop chain so they can buy a hot drink and sandwich and be able to use a washroom. That way I know they won't use my money for a fix but are fed instead. I think it is a good third option. Thank you Fathers. I love it when Fr Gregory can't stop laughing and Fr Boniventure's sense of humor. This is a challenging topic and you spoke to my heart.
  • @StVibianaGA
    We must realize that in our age the poor need the Gospel preached to them above everything else. "Pray ye therefore the Lord...that he send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matt 9:38)
  • @OPiguy35
    YES to risk of being taken advantage of for the sake of the Gospel (in light of us taking advantage of God)
  • @lamb11764
    There are economically insecure people who are clean & well kempt. They may’ve had “stuff” & fallen on hard times or have a very good clothing pantry. I think for the giver, it’s not necessarily for them to judge with their eyes & viewpoints. Our job is to give, where/how we can & allow God to do His thing—with all. 💙🙏🏻💙
  • @JosePerez-is6nn
    Very serious subject and well treated by the fathers, prayers 🙏
  • Franciscan recklessness. I love it. Radical faith. Bold. Boom. Some need to see that to wake up to truth
  • @therese_paula
    I just love Fr. Bonaventure and Fr. Gregory's humour! It certainly helps with conversations about serious matters. :) God bless!
  • @bdt.jmj160
    I spend a lot of time in Baltimore City, and this will stick with me when I interact with those I see on my walks. I'll also be sharing this with other friends who spend time downtown! Also--loved the shoutout for Christ in the City. The Baltimore Basilica has a smaller program modeled on it called Source of All Hope!
  • @vng121
    I really appreciate this conversation. Thank you for this!
  • @maryspencer4274
    Does this mean I can whisper in the ear of all those who at Mass sit at the end of the pew 'The Eucharist is the Body of Christ, pass it on'
  • @tinalettieri
    Kant is wrong. Jesus didn't tell us to defer to the state. He told us many times to care for our brothers and sisters. There was no centralised state in Medieval times. Charity would have been through the family, church or guild, especially the guilds.
  • @therese_paula
    I tend to course sharing of my resources through my parish church (through its projects to assist those in need), and certain charity organizations.
  • if i have food in the car with me i typically give it to them, but ive been burned so many times woman with a walker inching down the side of the road, i start seeing if i have any food and she picks up the walked and goes back down the road to the traffic light to wait for the next red light(she didnt need the walker it was a prop) so many "veterans" people that sit outside with like five kids but if you are mear by around 7pm they hop in a fancy car and drive away
  • @sjorsvanhens
    What if the homeless person chooses to be homeless as a lifestyle (provided he has options) and giving alms will enable, even encourage that lifestyle for him and others? Is a Christian still bound to give alms?
  • @ajmeier8114
    I typically will not give cash but will occasionally. I try to carry mcdonalds gift cards with me to give out