The Elephant Attack (Amarula) !

Published 2020-07-28
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All Comments (21)
  • @margieest7424
    Lmfao " can you be fckn quiet please" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ at least he's polite
  • @dd929
    The guide freaking out about everyone being quiet is the nosiest one ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @nicola7917
    The man telling everyone to be quite was making all the noise ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  • Please read Elizabeth Voslooยดs remarks. I couldnยดt agree more. Perhaps that should be incorporated in the remarks section. Thank you Elizabeth. Here is what she wrote: I have been living in South Africa for 61 years. And as such, have I been going to our (VERY WILD) National Parks for almost as many years. Mostly Kruger National Park (which I visited most as a child and often as an adult), Pilanesberg National Park (where Amarula was situated until he passed away 2 years ago at age 62yrs, and where I stay and camp most often now), and Dinokeng Private Game Reserve (which I visit every month when driving through to my getaway place), Phinda Private Game Reserve, Kgaligadi Transfrontier Park, etc. All of these parks and others across South Africa host, among others, the VERY WILD (and definitely nรณt TAME or HAND FED or Zoo-like-get-out-of-your-car-and-touch-them) Big 5 animals (Elephants; Lions; Leopards; Buffalo; and Rhinoceros). They are called the Big 5 because YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF SURVIVAL IF THEY GET HOLD OF YOU.... My son-in-law and daughter, with their friends, who worked as excellent Private Game Rangers and Tour Guides at Phinda for many years, taught us to LISTEN TO and DO WHAT your Guide tells you at ALL TIMES!! The animals are WILD and UNTAMED and are thus UNPREDICTABLE (meaning they can do whatever they want, at รกny time - even eat you or trample you to death)! Amarula was EXTREMELY UNPREDICTABLE (Google his history), and he HATED the tour guide vehicles! He overturned quite a few of them in Pilanesberg; and trampled upon them, even hitting some vehicles with his trunk, breaking their front windows... Why? Because his mother was killed (in front of him as a young baby calf) by hunters usung a similar tour guide vehicle!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ And he nรฉver forgot! ๐Ÿ˜ญ Elephants are highly susceptible to get annoyed by the murmuring sounds of whispering; and the only way for a Guide to make an Elephant weary and move off, is to SHOUT (or make banging noises on the vehicle if the Elephant stampedes closer)!! Therefore the IGNORANT visitors (and I want to say IDIOTS here) where SHOUTED at when they continued the annoying whispering! Perhaps those spreading critique about the Guide, should come to South Africa for a 2 year's very intensive Guide Training Course, and then we can talk again...
  • @henniedavis6657
    Amarula passed away the 09 Feb 2022 , it was natural causes (due to age 65 ), he was a gentle giant which I have encountered frequently, we stay 45km from the park.
  • I think he is being very well-behaved,no harm done,a beautiful majestic animal. What a privilege to be that close...
  • What an amazing experience. No attack .... just a curious and itchy animal.
  • the guide probably yelled at the echo of his own voice that bounced off the distant mountains, confused why it would get louder each time he screamed.
  • Heโ€™s big, heโ€™s strong and heโ€™s scary in musth yet heโ€™s still a majestic, intelligent and gentle giant.
  • @kobalt9299
    Plot twist: The elephant was trying to save the people from that tour guide
  • I have been living in South Africa for 61 years. And as such, have I been going to our (VERY WILD) National Parks for almost as many years. Mostly Kruger National Park (which I visited most as a child and often as an adult), Pilanesberg National Park (where Amarula was situated until he passed away 2 years ago at age 62yrs, and where I stay and camp most often now), and Dinokeng Private Game Reserve (which I visit every month when driving through to my getaway place), Phinda Private Game Reserve, Kgaligadi Transfrontier Park, etc. All of these parks and others across South Africa host, among others, the VERY WILD (and definitely nรณt TAME or HAND FED or Zoo-like-get-out-of-your-car-and-touch-them) Big 5 animals (Elephants; Lions; Leopards; Buffalo; and Rhinoceros). They are called the Big 5 because YOU HAVE NO CHANCE OF SURVIVAL IF THEY GET HOLD OF YOU.... My son-in-law and daughter, with their friends, who worked as excellent Private Game Rangers and Tour Guides at Phinda for many years, taught us to LISTEN TO and DO WHAT your Guide tells you at ALL TIMES!! The animals are WILD and UNTAMED and are thus UNPREDICTABLE (meaning they can do whatever they want, at รกny time - even eat you or trample you to death)! Amarula was EXTREMELY UNPREDICTABLE (Google his history), and he HATED the tour guide vehicles! He overturned quite a few of them in Pilanesberg; and trampled upon them, even hitting some vehicles with his trunk, breaking their front windows... Why? Because his mother was killed (in front of him as a young baby calf) by hunters usung a similar tour guide vehicle!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ And he nรฉver forgot! ๐Ÿ˜ญ Elephants are highly susceptible to get annoyed by the murmuring sounds of whispering; and the only way for a Guide to make an Elephant weary and move off, is to SHOUT (or make banging noises on the vehicle if the Elephant stampedes closer)!! Therefore the IGNORANT visitors (and I want to say IDIOTS here) where SHOUTED at when they continued the annoying whispering! Perhaps those spreading critique about the Guide, should come to South Africa for a 2 year's very intensive Guide Training Course, and then we can talk again...
  • @keyappaloosa7989
    Wow What a magnificent, majestic animal!! RIP beautiful Amarula!! You were a beautiful special guy!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’žโฃ๏ธ
  • The funnyest thing is the driver saiyng: "BE QUIET!!" being the loudest person on the bus ๐Ÿคฃ
  • The Tour Guide is the main character of this whole video ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @GoOutside75
    He just wanted a big hug from the bus. Scratchy on each of his sides. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿพโค๏ธ
  • @skbnvacaville
    I love how the guide YELLS be quiet all the time!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @mattizzle81
    The only noise I hear is coming from him yelling ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • @glenlucas4332
    "Will you be fucken quiet please!!" it. I'm applying for a job as a guide in South Africa .
  • @rrshankar2000
    What a gentle giant! Sad to learn that he passed away.
  • @amanryan6803
    Did anybody else notice that the only one making a lot of noise was the tour guide telling everybody to be quiet...๐Ÿคฃ