Moving Game Shooting Forward | Under Dorset Birds

Published 2020-02-08
What does the future of game shooting look like? What can we do to ensure a bright future and boost the industry?
TGS discuss these topics whilst also shooting the amazing Minterne Magna!

Thanks to Paul and Chubsy for another amazing day.

Go to for more information on Minterne Magna.

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All Comments (21)
  • That was beautifully filmed. My next door neighbour's son asked if he could come shooting with me. The lad is 16 years old but I thought I'd best check with his mum. Bloody hell she went nuts!! You'd've thought I'd invited him to a pool party at Michael Barrymore's with Gary Glitter and Jimmy Saville as life guards. The poor kid wasn't allowed to come and I was only going target shooting. I think it's time we came out of the gun-safe and proclaim ourselves as proud members of the GSTS&OSS (That's the Game Shooting, Target Shooting and Other Shooting Sports) community.
  • @terrr954
    There is an image of snobbery and expense so people need to get into pigeons and rough shooting etc. Your video are great so keep them coming
  • I like the video. I hope things go well with your mission for hunting in I assume England. The dress is a great example of your respect for the sport and your country men!🇺🇸
  • @kenaston4220
    In my opinion, a reasonable dress code is not only respect for the quarry, but also respect for your fellow guns, the beaters and the gamekeeper and anyone else that is involved. I'm not saying everyone should be in tweed, but a shirt and tie with respectable clothing is not difficult to achieve.
  • @neilgoodall2865
    The best way in my humble opinion to keep the shooting sports alive and maybe even one day flourish is for all and I mean all shooting disciplines to stand as one and promote our sport to the wider audience. I am a target rifle shooter and also do practical shotgun and .22 minirifle which could not be more different to game shooting. The thing we have in common is a love of shooting and the outdoors. I like the videos you do finding them interesting and informative. Keep up the good work. Maybe even do one and get a load of different disciplines together to show what variety our sport has. Just a thought.
  • @Smitch2909
    I came here to find out more about shooting as recently getting into gundog training with my year old GSP. Your videos are really helping me to put the training into context. I'm not a country person, it's all new to me and it can feel intimidating when you don't have the sporting background, don't know the lingo, the traditions and are just starting out. Thank you for making such well produced videos where I feel I can start to see how shooting works and how I might be able to fit in, in the future.
  • @XandeJam
    I used to shoot Clay's or go beating for my uncle on slow work days before I broke my neck and back then, I saw beating as a chore and didn't fully appreciate the experience around it. I've been watching your videos repetitively and am currently selling my motorbikes to pay for the license and of course, gear. I love the tweed. It's not just tradition, it's a theme and a standard. It's the fine armour and pride in uniform that makes game shooting stand out above the other disciplines.
  • @dave_724
    I had my first driven day in ten years on a shoot near Marlborough last week beaters day walk one stand one and it's a day I'll never forget all friends some good shots some not so good but all in all it cost me a box and a half of cartridges and we all thoroughly enjoyed the day.
  • @MrBigB73
    I think your videos are a great advert for the sport (I am 100% new to shooting having just started on clay's) the production quality and the editing really sell the lifestyle aspect. I am not sure I will move to game shooting as I am not confident I would hit anything just yet but your videos (along with dave carrie's) certainly make me want to. Your gun reviews and tech stuff also piques my engineering nerd side....... I think the exposure you are creating and the style and production qualities you are putting into the films is doing sterling work.... keep on keepin on...
  • Dont know about in your part of the world, but in mine in the U.S., we're just happy to have someone to hunt with and introduce to the sport. We share blaze orange jackets, vests, hats, etc. Clothing itself, at least in my hunting and shooting circles, is not a status thing nor is it a barrier to entry. We have lots of gear, you bring yourself, and we'll hook you up for the day.
  • @76Gazz
    You are the future of game shooting. You and Ant and all of your friends. You guys are what it looks like. And you and your friends are living proof that it continues to grow into next generations. Keeping your heads down and hiding the sport is not the answer. Be proud of it. Promote it. Here in Wiltshire there is a thriving country/shooting community. Many, many counties who base their economies on the countryside are still thriving, still moving forward. Modern lifestyles are not sustainable. I believe that everything will always rotate back to the countryside. Many people are turning away from the vile factory meat trade and recognising that game is the way forward.
  • You are spot on,we as a shooting community need to tell the general public about what fires our passion. Weather its clays,game, targets. Or just a love of holding something that fire a projectile . Myself and a few friends run a small airgun club and the best thing we see is the faces of new and young shots starting out .someone who will carry on and talk to there mates and let them know its not all elitist and there's down to earth people who like shoot and have a laugh at the same time . Keep up the great work 👍 👏
  • I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this video and agree wholeheartedly with your message, and the desire to preserve this amazing sport of shooting and hunting. Here in the US, we have similar attacks against hunting and even gun ownership. Showing these activities in a favorable light is certainly our best chance at winning others over to this beautiful way of life. Well done.
  • @MrWill127
    Yes, the get up is required! All part of the experience and a fantastic part of the culture.
  • @LXDDLE10
    Been a TGS follower for a while but just found this. Excellent presentation. I've shared it with friends.
  • @felixd7818
    I’m an American who will, most likely, never shoot a driven bird. But, the tradition, clothing, and guns of driven shooting are very interesting and understandable. I’ll never show up to hunt locally in plus 2s, but a tweed jacket might be in my future. Thanks for the great video.
  • @rosswinnel6394
    I certainly hope the tweed and tradition never fades, never experienced the British shooting experience and probably never will but JMO I feel that is one of things that stands the British game scene apart and it never hurts to be different. Experiencing it is on the bucket list among other things.
  • @dungspreader
    I think that the future for game shooting will be a good one . Channels such as yours appeal to a younger audience and have huge coverage . Where else can one get info on shooting sports so easily ? In the dark distant past of my youth , the only place was the local library and inside "Gough Thomas' Gun Book " . The whole scene was a mystery . Syndicates were for rich farmers and businessmen , gamekeepers were miserable unwelcoming individuals whose sole purpose in life was to exterminate vermin and any also exterminate any enthusiasm amongst the youth of the area for shooting . The tweed was a uniform and a message " keep away you are not one of us , no oiks allowed !" Thank heavens for clay shooting grounds , but that is an expensive game and hard to afford if you are just a young fellow who has to pay his own way in the world . Keep up the good work guys , you can only be doing good by making more videos . PS , I see vehicles and shotguns , is it really a good idea to be drinking ?
  • Really thought provoking film. I've long since felt the same way of always hiding in the shadows, making it appear that we're ashamed of what we do. This is a very deep rooted issue, perpetrated even by the Royal Family who clearly love to shoot and could do a huge amount for the good of the sport, but will go out of their way to distance themselves from being seen participating on a shoot day. I grew up as the son of a farm manager who ran a shoot for local working men, rough old characters mostly, farm labourers, contractors, old poachers even. Shooting game isn't just about toffs on grand estates, it's about the countryside community, coming together on a cold winter's day, bagging a few for the pot, working the dogs and meeting up. It's about having a good day out together in the countryside. We should be proud of that and proud of all the good work done to improve the countryside and its biodiversity. The ties and the tweed? A touch of tradition, showing some respect for the quarry maybe, but certainly no barrier to entry on your everyday rough shoot. Just get out there, enjoy your sport and be proud.
  • I don’t see game shooting as that inaccessible to new comers, I have noticed more youngsters shooting this year than ever they come beating every weekend and earn their beaters days and the knowledge of the sport which in my opinion is the only way to learn respect for the countryside and the game and a great social side. There are days , syndicates, clothing ,guns and accessories to suit different budgets but agree that it is not cheep. I spend about £2000 on seven days and get four beaters days. These days were made available to me because I found them for myself. Thanks guys enjoy the channel👍🏻