Chicago's Air Raid Sirens

Published 2017-07-06
If a disaster was about to hit Chicago how would the city alert its residents? Well, 112 strategically located air raid sirens are hidden around the city to serve this very purpose. The sirens are tested on the first Tuesday of every month at 10am

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All Comments (20)
  • @ForeigNCSGO
    it's strange seeing so many people who haven't heard these, I remember as a kid everyone always getting super excited on Tuesday to hear the sirens haha
  • Sirens are useful no matter if we have cell phones or not. It’s an easier way of letting thousand of people know all at the same exact time that something is going on. Unlike cell phones we have to actually receive the notification and have to actually read it.
  • @nettlesty
    3:17 seen that clip before and the sound really creeps me out
  • What?! Chicago has a siren that plays on Tuesday of every month?! How the hell didn't I know that--I LIVE in Chicago!
  • @grw1935
    last place I lived at while I was in Chicago had one of these sirens maybe 150 feet from my window. there was no sleeping in on the first Tuesday of the month. your videos help with my homesickness, thank you! and please keep them coming!
  • @kmsangs1669
    Why do I have some sort of fear that makes me super uncomfortable and cringe when I hear any kind of warning siren sound? WHY AM I WATCHING THIS??!
  • @Skullteen
    Even with Alerts that people can get on their phones, I still don't see the siren system ever really going away. The reason for this is because a siren warning can be delivered just as quickly and in a multitude of conditions where cellphone or mobile data may not be working such as a power outage caused by a major storm or a major system failure of the cell network. However, you mentioned in your video how in the 1940s, citizens would head for shelter once they hear the sirens and tune the radio for information. This is where I think the age of cell phones will really help. Today people can hear the sirens, get to shelter, and wait for push alerts on their device (of course, assuming the device is working).
  • There is a siren pretty close to my studio, they are really loud. BTW I have some video ideas for you.
  • @ChicagoSirens
    Great video! Gives lots of information to those who know very little of Chicago's air raid siren history.
  • @zachmiller9175
    I've lived here my entire life but I still get chills hearing these things. I guess that means they're doing what they're meant to do
  • The siren at 0:48 isn't a Chrysler, it was another big siren, I believe if I remember correctly it was called the Big Bertha. Great video though!
  • @The.Neurotic
    What if theres an attack on a tuesday but everyone disregards it as a test?
  • Great video! It reminded me about the sirens -- every week, we would have a drill in my grade school when they sounded! Something I had forgotten! The "duck and cover" days! AND yes, I remember when the Sox won the pennant and the sirens sounded -- everyone was so upset -- especially my Dad, who had been a Civil Defense captain during the war!!!