To Sleep, Perchance to Dream: Crash Course Psychology #9

Published 2014-03-31
Why do we sleep? Well... that's a tricky question. More easily answered is the question, "How do we sleep?" In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank discusses some of the ways our brain functions when sleeping and how it can malfunction as well.

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Introduction: What Happens When We're Sleeping? 00:00
What is sleep and why do we do it? 1:20
How do we sleep? 1:56
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) 2:38
4 Stages of Sleep 3:08
Sleep Deprivation 4:28
Sleep Disorders 4:47
What do we dream about? 6:08
Why do we dream? 7:26
Review & Credits 9:46

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All Comments (21)
  • @Katie__17
    Hank: "sleep is important" Me, at nearly 2am, working on a presentation: "sleep is for the weak"
  • @atcslay5140
    I learn way more from this guy in 10 mims than I do from all my teachers In week
  • @ws6778
    They only forgot to mention the hypothesis in which our dreams are just simulations of problems from which we can learn to survive better.
  • @miguelrothe6943
    After being raised by a psychiatrist my whole life I have started breaking the fourth wall in my own dreams when they get ridiculously psychologically heavy-handed (which is often). One time I dreamed I was a kid in the back seat of a car and the driver disappeared and I just went, "Screw this, I am too old for latent abandonment issues", and woke myself up by crashing.
  • @Justin_GFM
    Does anybody else have dreams about stuff that ACTUALLY happens later on during the day? Like for example, you dream about a fight happing during 5th period lunch. Then when 5th period rolls along, french fies and barbecue sauce and burgers and honey mustard and blood start flying everywhere, and you think,"Wait, I had a dream about this!"
  • Video: starts talking about dreams Me: “Close your eyes, shut your mouth, dream a dream and get us out. Dream dream dream dream dream dream”
  • @Shyles25
    4:12 "REM sleep is sort of paradoxical. Your motor cortex is jumping all over the place but your brain stem is blocking those messages leaving your muscles so relaxed that you're basically paralyzed except for your eyes." You just explained Sleep Paralysis. It's freaky.
  • @PaniniWasteland
    I remember I caught my sister sleep talking when I was getting ready for work and she screamed "I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT!" It startled me pretty bad but it was pretty funny.
  • @Xenolilly
    I struggled with Math for a long time, but my teacher who actually helped me told me to sleep after learning a difficult concept.. This was the first class I was able to excel. Study plus sleep really worked for me. Perhaps it was just a placebo. Who knows.
  • @abiguzman4117
    This guy is doing great. i feel like i can learn more accurate viewpoints of how this whole science thing works. I hope he has calculus videos or starts doing math too
  • @ranpo_edogawa
    I actually had a dream where if I typed 65 into a calculator I would travel through time. The first thing I did was travel to a Wal-Mart to get Halloween themed brownies. Anyone else wanna share their dreams?
  • @sjbrooksy45
    Glad I'm not the only one who's had the Matt Damon centaur dream.
  • @salmonsalmon22
    I once dreamed of Link and Zelda having a Pokemon battle
  • @Torguish
    Running naked, teeth falling out chased by a Matt Damon centaur.... This should be a movie. Definitely should be a movie. Someone make this a movie.
  • Has anybody else died in their dreams? One night I dreamt that I was on a dark porch staring at a candle. Woke up several times but went back to that same scene every time. Then at around 6 in the morning, a man came out of the dark, picked up the candle, and burned me to death. The rest of the night all I saw in my dreams was black. Never happened again, but it did scare the heck out of me.
  • @ADyingFaith
    Anyone experienced sleep paralysis. That is terrifying.
  • @AngelStars101
    This sounds really weird but sometimes I have dreams and they end up happening exactly how I saw it in the dream in real life.. not huge events or anything, just like short clips of me walking down the stairs or getting out of a car and stuff like that. It used to happen a lot when I was a child, but now it only happens a few times in a year. Someone else I know says that the same thing happens to him sometimes as well, and yeah, it's pretty weird.