How to sharpen a drill in 10 seconds! With this idea, you will become a level 100 master!

Published 2023-02-07
Tricks of masters and useful devices!! And you didn't know!! Useful tips for sharpening drills! Tricks of the Old Masters! SECRETS of masters how to sharpen a drill!

All Comments (21)
  • @TwinShards
    Oh god within the first minute i saw a monster use a hammer on a step bit and finger wagging. Dam the rusty bit along with the drill transformed into a shiny bit and a cabled drill, crazy magic going here.
  • @nmartin5551
    Heck - I don’t need a lesson in how to dull bits. Starting with sharpening would have worked for me! Thanks for posting!
  • Que largo, que ancho y que alto son las medidas de la tabla....?
  • As a machinist who sharpens drills free hand...good luck with that!!
  • I think that was distinctly longer than ten seconds. In the time it took to make the jig I would have sharpened the drill free hand on the grandstone.
  • Лучше всех этому учит Леонтьев. Причем про разные заточки подробно. Этой заточке я не поверил
  • Facile e semplice, il più pratico sistema che abbia provato! Bravo grazie
  • Если на конце сверла убрать чуть чуть перемычку, сверло при заходе не так сильно будет шатать.
  • @Henrala
    Excellente idée pour ceux qui ne savent pas affuter un foret. Mais il faut remplacer dans le titre "perceuse" par "foret". Personnellement je préfère affuter les forets avec une meule et en plus à chaque fois j'amincis l'âme du foret ce qui rend la pénétration dans l'acier plus facile.
  • @ipoppa33
    Started to drill with the green drill, finished drilling with the blue electric drill.
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  • Ты кого обмануть решил ,с начало после заточки шуруповёртом сверлит,где прекрасно видно,что ни хрена не сверлит, потом кадр обрывается и уже сверлит дрелью с другим сверлом😅
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  • @icr70
    wo hast du die vorrichtung für den banschleifer gekauft ?