Mario Kart 64 by Kazn in 28:20 - Awesome Games Done Quick 2024

Published 2024-01-20
Runner introduction starts at 0:00
Run starts at 0:48
Commentary is provided by Brody64, and Weatherton
Xenadir is host
This speedrun was recorded during Awesome Games Done Quick 2024, a week long charity speedrun marathon raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Awesome Games Done Quick 2024 is just one of the many charity marathons organized by Games Done Quick. For more information on Awesome Games Done Quick 2024, find us at:
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All Comments (21)
  • @Kleavers
    Fantastic commentary. To the point, professional. No bullshit.
  • @Bismuth9
    I'll never get used to watching a YouTube video and hearing my name called out - thanks for the shoutout Weatherton!
  • @MrMikander
    Well done on the guy speaking English. If I had to express myself in Japanese, then I would completely butcher the language.
  • @cabledjmm
    Great run Kazuya! And props to Brody and Weatherton for some of the best commentary I’ve seen.
  • @PikaMKSC
    kaznさん、ADGQ本当にお疲れ様でした!! 所々の魅力的なショートカット、そしてリカバリーも含めて素晴らしい走りでした! 今後も応援してます! 解説の方々もお疲れ様でした!
  • @AllieStrange
    Super cool to see a japanese runner at AGDQ :D. Edit:カズ、よくやったよ!
  • @TheJediBendu
    Awesome to see him come all the way from Japan for GDQ - what a great run and great commentators!
  • @JCPMK
    GGs Kazn! Also good job on the commentary Brody and Weatherton!
  • @Meeba
    Amazing run, awesome commentary, and kaznMK64 KILLED it as always (good backup strats). Cool stuff. Brody and Weatherton made it really cool to watch as well. Cheers
  • @andyhine1678
    Great run Kazuya, and great commentary from Brody and Weatherton!
  • @augustgirl515
    I always love when talented international speedrunners come to GDQ to showcase their skills and the runs they love. He did great with his speech at the end, too! Great job all around runner and commentators.
  • @Degnique
    Insane! This game means so much to me; the credits song always makes me emotional. Incredible run and commentary.
  • @AtlanticRim
    Amazing! Mario Kart speedruns always blow my mind! Great commentators, great runner, great run!
  • @timothy6966
    Awesome to watch! Thanks to Kazuya for this awesome run.
  • @DeafeningCha
    Speaking of golden mushrooms, my friend and I jokingly call it the worst item in the game. Not because it's actually bad, but because it's the only item in the game where you can't mash Z to prevent someone from stealing it with a Boo. Even triple shrooms can be used up if you mash fast enough. Also, unlike the triples where they'll only steal as many as you have left, if someone steals a gold with less than a second remaining, they still get the full 10 second benefit.