Hal Jordan vs Kilowog & Sinestro | Green Lantern Extended cut

Green Lantern Extended cut (2011)
Hal Jordan vs Kilowog & Sinestro
Green Lantern playlist: goo.gl/dQEEyX

Film Disription: In a mysterious universe, the Green Lantern Corps, an elite defense force of peace and justice have existed for centuries. Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan acquires superhuman powers when he is chosen by the Ring, the willpower-fed source of power. Reluctantly at first, he takes on the challenge after the death of Abin Sur, the finest Green Lantern. Putting his self-doubts aside, and spurred on by his sense of duty and love for his beautiful, intellectually equal, colleague, Carol Ferris, he is soon called to defend mankind from Parallax, a powerful, evil being who feeds on fear. Hal Jordan is the universe's last chance, as many Green Lanterns have been killed and the Corps is weakened. And he might just be the right Green Lantern for the duty of keeping the world safe from harm.

Director: Martin Campbell
Cast: Ryan Reynolds (Hal Jordan / Green Lantern), Blake Lively (Carol Ferris), Peter Sarsgaard (Hector Hammond), Mark Strong (Sinestro), Tim Robbins (Hammond), Jay O. Sanders (Carl Ferris), Taika Waititi (Tom Kalmaku), Angela Bassett (Doctor Waller) ...
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コメント (21)
  • "The ring's limits are only what we have the budget for."
  • Kilowog’s dialog is basically every training scene in western movies.
  • @YogsenForfoth
    Man, hearing Michael Clark Duncan’s voice makes me so happy. He really was such a lovable, gentle giant. I miss seeing him and hearing his deep, bass-filled voice. Rest in Peace, big man. We miss you terribly. ❤
  • This movie had a lot of potential. The main villain should have been Sinestro who would go rouge and turn yellow at the end. The sequel could have been the Green Lantern Corps vs Red Lanterns. It could also introduce the other Corps. The third movie could have been Green Lantern Corps vs Sinestro Corps. The twist could be that there is conflict between Mongul and Sinestro for leadership of the Yellow Lanterns. The fourth installment could be a two part Brightest Day and Blackest Night Event. Throughout the series new Lanterns could be introduced such as Jon Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Raynor.
  • Fun fact: The aliens don't actually speak English, the ring translates their native language into something we can understand
  • Say what you will about the movie as a whole, but I will never get tired of this scene. I love the mechanics and aesthetic they put into the Lantern combat and constructs, and the personalities of Kilowog and Sinestro in particular feel spot-on. A very good scene in an otherwise shaky movie.
  • Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog was a great casting choice, I miss him everyday man, may he Rest In Peace
  • Sinestro: Fear makes your construct feebl- Hal: Makes a nuke Sinestro: wait- Credit rolls
  • "Think they're the center of the universe!" Well to be fair, all the cosmic, reality ending shit seems to always happen on Earth.
  • This movie was amazing, am I saying it’s without flaws? No. Am I saying it needs a sequel? YES! It’s fucking amazing and over hated!
  • “I’m a green lantern I have no fear” puts the fear ring on
  • "Hey, so, we know you only just got the ring but unless you pass EVERY test right now you're a failure and a coward". That's the message I got from this scene.
  • 3:45 Hal : 1 sword fight. Sinestro : 2 swords. Hal : WTF that's not fair !!
  • Kilowog deserves more credit and the whole time I just recognized that sinestro explained yellow lanterns perfectly while training Hal
  • @MegaNexas
    If a kid receive this ring, he'll literally destroy the world
  • @ray5952
    "Please don't make the suit green or animated!!!" - Wade Wilson aka Deadpool
  • 1:18 " Every galaxy i have travelled to, all you species are the same. You think you're the centre of the universe...you have no idea. " - lockdown
  • I don't care what everyone else says about this movie. I like it and I think it's underrated and over hated.