Appalling vaccine injury

Published 2024-05-17
Brianne Dressen, first US lawsuit against AstraZeneca

Covid Vaccine Injury Global Study:

Covid vaccine injury medical expense fund:

AstraZeneca Lawsuit
Full Complaint:…

Vaccine trial patient files first US lawsuit against AstraZeneca…………
Phase 3 Safety and Efficacy of AZD1222 (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19) Covid-19 Vaccine…

All Comments (21)
  • @katoooq1
    I'll go to my grave before I ever trust a government or Corporation again.
  • @kimbreaux308
    The sad thing is they did this on purpose. Crimes against humanity.
  • @willhicks1168
    Not getting that injection was the best decision I've made in my entire life.
  • @Emersonion
    Oh how we were scrutinized, scorned, pushed aside, warned, seperated, fear mongered, called tin foil hatters, lost our jobs and businesses, lost our friends, lost our families, lost everything dear to us only to see pharma progress and profit as much as possible!
  • I’m a nurse practitioner who took the shot because I was mandated to take it if I wanted to continue working in healthcare. Approximately 2 years after taking it, I started experiencing multiple strange symptoms including difficulty swallowing liquids, headaches, brain fog, neuropathy symptoms, nausea, heart palpitations, a significant vocal tremor, extreme fatigue and a subjective feeling of weakness. I had multiple tests which were all negative. My primary provider began treating me like a hypochondriac and totally gaslighting me. The wait time to see a neurologist was greater than 6 months, so my cardiologist found a concierge Neurologist who would see me if I paid out of pocket. That neurologist diagnosed me with POTS secondary to small fiber neuropathy and autoimmune disease. Now that I have a POTS diagnosis, I cannot find another Dr. who will see me!! Prior to the onset of my symptoms, I was a very healthy, active person. Now I have been forced into early retirement and my days revolve around my health. I am now seeking more naturopathic treatments. After 43 years of working in healthcare, I have totally lost faith in western medicine!!
  • Amazing how all us that chose NOT TO TAKE THIS POISON where treated as though WE WERE THE POISON!
  • @NavyVetE5
    The jab wasn't created for COVID. COVID was created for the jab.
  • @jangraham4490
    The Vax was the largest clinical trial ever held. World-wide participation.
  • @dianestaley9651
    I worked as a unit clerk in an ER for 20 years. I was fired for refusing the vaccine after I worked through the worst part of the pandemic. I was being tested weekly so was actually safer than the vaccinated staff who weren't being tested. You weren't allowed to ask questions. We were told we needed to be "educated". I even heard some people say that unvaccinated people should not be given treatment if they get covid! It brought out the worst in some and I often wonder how those people feel now. I never once told anyone else that they shouldn't get the vaccine. It was their body and their choice. I relied on faith not fear.
  • I refused to take the JAB . As a person who worked for the government , I was treated horribly because of my choice . I no longer have that job . My intuition led me to believe that it is dangerous . I'm glad that I listened to it .
  • @Ps119
    doctors who told her it was in her head should not be allowed near any patients
  • @Gigilamer
    I am totally in awe of this woman’s bravery. I pray that there will be an improvement for her in the future.
  • @joesalorino9195
    It’s important to understand that this was done intentionally.
  • @rebeccar1036
    With her reaction in the drug trial they still pushed it into the general population …. That’s criminal
  • @ladyocculus3525
    I feel so sorry for this woman. Some of the people I know that have been damaged by the jab will never admit that it was the jab. My biggest problem with the whole scenario were the mandates. This country was founded on individual freedom. It should be up to each individual person what we put into our bodies, not a government entity or regime. I will never vote for another democrat again.
  • The worse thing to say to someone with a serious medical condition that cannot be explained or defined is “It must be in your head.” It should be a punishable offense. My heart and prayers go out to this courageous woman. Thank you Dr Campbell and this woman for sharing this information with the world.