The Current State of Job Balance in Dawntrail 7.0

Published 2024-07-06
In this video we take a look at how all of the jobs in FFXIV are shaping up a week into this expansion. This is likely to change a bit very soon, but it's really interesting to see how weird the balance is at the moment!

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0:00 What are we looking at?
6:10 DPS
17:41 Tanks
21:49 Healers
28:01 Recap & Thoughts

All Comments (21)
  • @99_Vit
    Don't let this stop you from playing a job you enjoy! I expect much of this to smooth out a bit in the next few weeks and as the expansion progresses. They already announced some jobs are getting slight changes in the next patch, and we often see potency tweaks with most patches throughout the expansion. All of the jobs are still viable. These numbers only matter if you're in a hardcore savage or ultimate group trying for week one clears with bare minimum gear. I think this is a really good starting point and they've done a nice job with the overall balance. With a couple of tweaks we should be in a good spot!
  • @gcDaydays
    Should preface this video that expansion launches tend to have unbalanced damage among the jobs, and is usually course corrected after a few patches.
  • @mhenke10
    The spread between PCT and the other casters is crazy
  • @Kongrisser
    My takeaway from all this, besides a couple obvious outliers, is that they've done a surprisingly good job of balancing a LOT of jobs. So many of these are so close, we're talking about like a 500 DPS difference sustained over time. Looking forward to some slight tank tweaks and whatever they decide to do with the caster spread.
  • @MrCeltius
    BLM is rough on ex 1. So much movement.
  • Pictomancer benefits insanely from dance partner purely because of the crit buff, like, it makes such a huge difference with the hammers you have no idea
  • @emotionlord5686
    Definitely should buff DRK damage since we aren’t as survivable as WAR
  • As an Ex WoW player I can tell you right now that this is more balance than I am used to. In WoW the damage differences would be around 35% from the top 3 classes and the bottom 3 classes.
  • thank you for this video!! your commentary and explanations are very nice, i think you're my new favourite youtuber to have on in the background while doing other things and still be able to retain some information from what i listened to!
  • @Im____ltm
    This is exactly the video I was looking for while waiting for the latest update to download! Really enjoying your channel
  • @tastypeeper2881
    Thank you for the great video and insight into this data ! My first expac launch + first extreme with Valigar as a red mage and it's been insanely fun, I think dps check isn't tight enough for people to tunnel vision on trying to play a class that isn't to their liking, but these kind of statistical analysis are very cool !
  • And imagine that...Dancer still has a ton of people playing it despite it having the lowest DPS. Just continues to show enjoyment of playing a class is not bound to "i did more damage than you!"
  • @lyconxero457
    I appreciate you breaking down this info and hopefully you’ll make a follow up video after the patch and normal raids. They’re definitely going to adjust jobs twice before savage drops so I expect a good amount of movement. Honestly, I think these numbers aren’t all that bad considering the sheer number of jobs and I expect things will be much closer come savage. However, I do wonder how accurate of a picture we’re seeing for Black Mage right now as it has a terribly low number of parses as many long time Black Mage mains just aren’t happy with the job in general irregardless of numbers.
  • @MacTaipan
    I don’t care much about this high end stuff in the first place, but in my opinion, a ten percent delta between the very top and very bottom is exceptionally good in terms of balance. And I find statements like „If you are playing Magic DPS and not playing Pictomancer, I don’t know what you are doing“ a little odd. It’s not all about DPS. My conclusion from these stats would be the opposite, something like „When it comes to pure DPS, all jobs are within a 10% range from each other, so just play what appeals most to you in terms of playstyle, visuals or even party needs. No disrespect, I like your videos and appreciate the information!
  • @DrZlow
    please help i am in pain. 7 year monk main with a withdrawal syndrome
  • @Kenshin6321
    I have mixed feelings about stuff like this. On one hand, it's cool to see what everyone is playing, but on the other hand, it discourages people from playing classes they really like. If you really like Summoner, don't stop playing summoner because it doesn't do as much damage as another class. If you really like playing Black Mage, don't stop playing Black Mage because it's not as popular as Pictomancer. On the flip side, don't start playing another class just because it's what everyone says you should play. I think it's more important for people to just play the class they like to play. All of the fights are structured in a way that you don't need specific team comps. Unless you're into speed running, you really don't need to worry about charts like this. Considering Pictomancer and Viper are new classes, everyone expected them to be super popular. I don't think they'll nerf it any time soon, but probably in the next few patch cycles we'll some hits to Pictomancer to level the playing field.
  • @Redwolfxx
    Wonder how good RDM+Picto Double caster does
  • @Ultimusvivi
    blm needs serious buffs. if this balance is allowed to go to savage launch blm will not be played at all. picto is funner smoother higher damage gives raid buffs offensive, defensive, is easier to play and is the new shiny job. they can't nerf picto with out upsetting the player base. they can only really buff blm with some qol changes like umbral soul at level 40 or 50. cause doing msq level 50 blm is pain. its so clunky now. blm needs to be at least 1% higher than picto to justify it because of the 5% raid buff it gives. otherwise blm will be dead on arrival of savage.