Lies about Non-Duality || @LisaCairns || Non duality

Published 2024-01-14

All Comments (20)
  • @KaiserSoze212
    Lisa I found you and Paul 13 years ago. Non duality brints me intense peace. I am truly lost trying to explain it's non meaning to anyone else. I hope to connect with a group soon. Namaste.
  • @NewNow4u
    OMG Sooo Funny when you were with Roger! I can picture that, I love it! 💕
  • 29:19 the human awareness is watching....duh? Guess where the human AND awareness come from though? ...a dark wet humid womb....with an enegetic umbilical cord attached to the navel FOR ALL OF US at one point.....contemplate energy with meanings contemplate the infusion of the two that maifest into the shapes and forms that FEEL and ARE very familiar to us all in a knowing and emotional manner.....recognizing beyond the surface level....alchemy....the experience of electrical infused emotions (energy in motion) /energy in mother's ocean.....and shape shifting... Also, there IS someone here....there is no balance exsisting in the phrases that insinuate that no one is here....that's not balanced....that's OFF BALANCE....
  • @bruceparker805
    I would guess that most folk see karma as the body-individual getting its just deserts
  • Non duality means one thing only; we are god and god is all there is... Simple None can be separate from god; including satan NonDuality
  • @bruceparker805
    one way to cancel all those lies and remove all misconceptions is to stop calling it nonduality or enlightenment: say that you talk about ‘freedom by grace’ and dont link it to other things. Youd miss out on the hashtags though!
  • @bruceparker805
    a more salty quick version to the god/suffering question is god is good and bad. the end.
  • @dcktater7847
    26:50 well that would be the very goal at least my goal. But when all karma is exhausted - by extreme suffering - it indeed disappears and never returns (colloquially speaking ascension). (Now the only thing that can fk up my agenda is eternal recurrence. Suppose you ascend the ef away only to start all over again with a memory many times did i write this comment before i wonder...🤔 maybe it was written an infinite times before and will be written an infinite times more...what if i am trapped here forever and there's no escape?
  • @QuantyG
    lol good turkey impression
  • @anti9945
    34:31 This emptiness that i am, what you're talking about is just a part of me, emptiness of preceptor is just one finite aspect of my nature which is infinite, i am also an infinite mind, which is you, talking to itself through the form of some pretty woman. There's actually no Lisa Cairns, there are no perceptions or experiences of Lisa Cairns, it's just a backstory that deceptive part of mind tended to create for fooling itself that there are others. There's no other, we are alone, always been. And there's really one path to realize what's happening, this path called "solipsism". And why no one uses this? Because there's no one to use it except me, obviously. But I found it, I told it to myself through form of spiritual teachers and so on. So there's no more need to deceive myself, we are already reached the point of no return, already destroyed all misconceptions about so-called "life", others, deceptive backstories.
  • @MarcP589
    That story of the lady doing a poo hahhahaha
  • @dcktater7847
    It's quite rude not speaking the native language after living there for more than a decade...the english are soo entitled... (then again we are at a cusp where google transalte can solve the issue maybe i wouldnt learn a language at this time of history who knows)
  • @dcktater7847
    Psychology is horsepoo. RD Laing said that the problem with psychiatry/psychology where it differs from regular medicine is that with medicine you know what to do with a broken bone because we know what a good hand should look like so we try to restore it. (Well okay if we factor in random mutation sometimes we cant even know what a "good" hand loox like for an irregular hand might be better than the usual hand but that's beside the point now...) But what's the GOOD psychology? How does a perfect psychology look like that the psychologist has to aim at to make you into that? For example i told some dude how much i love older women. Then he immediately started with his kitchen psychoanalysis about my mother issues and shite. I'm like hold on cowboy first of all i'm a philosopher so i shit on your psychology i'm totally impervious to it. And who said that there's anything wrong with liking older women? Like do i - or the older women - look like having any problem with it? Am i abnormal cause i dont like those "juicy fertile young gals" that i'm evolutionarily obliged to prefer? Fk that! (Well it's not that i dont like those but i like the older ones better is all. I'm sort of like an anti leonardo dicaprio if you haven checked the 40yr mark you can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. I have strong principles after all😂. 40 is the new 18 i wait for you patiently until you get to be 40...) That's pretty much what psychology does finds a problem where there is none and tries to cure it for 49.99 per hour. The more they can make you believe that there's something wrong with ya the more they rake in. Or for example probably the most egregious; sewerslide. If someone comes to the psych with sewerslide the immediate reaction is "NOOOOOOO YOU CANT DO THAT" but who the F said that there's something wrong with that? Who the F said that being non sewerslidal is the normal thing here? Or being happy is the only acceptable way? Tbh if i look at the world - whatever we mean by "the world" - i'd consider a happy person crazy not an unhappy one...i loong for the day when the happy people will be attecked "wtf is wrong with ya man why ya so happy all the thyme"? There's no way i'd EVER EVER go to a shrink cause i know there's nothing wrong with me or the way i feel...just show me the perfect "hand" i should aspire to be like...but there's no such thing. Should i be like the shrink? Most often they are the most miserable...blind leading the blind...😔 or even blind leading the sighted There's some good therapists tho. There's quite a famous one in my country who admitted to the "patient" that "okay now you shouldnt pay me but i should pay you"...this i can fekken respect. I also wonder when will be that mooji or ekart hands out some dollars on top of the ticket price to the audience...i imagine mooji saying "ohh thank you joe thank you jane i learned so much from you in this satsang. Can i kiss your feet?" 😂 Also homosexuality is quite telling it was quite recently considered a psychological defect. Some religious coox still consider it that. Now what does it tell you about the credibilty of the "industry"? It just tells you that the golden standard psychology pinpoints as healthy is nothing but shifting sand... There's also another shrink in my country the very apprentice of Laing who said it after like 50 yrs practice that the problem of most people is not being powerful enough to create a safe environment for all they really need is a safe environment from which to benefit the most. But power is money and the shrink takes away even that small amount of money/power they have...