Are You An Empath?

Published 2017-11-13
In an age of unrest, narcissism and social media anxiety, VICE journalist, Hannah Ewens enters the superhuman world of empaths.

An empath is someone who feels the emotional, mental, or physical state of another person, or animal. So if you feel the earth's pain or have a panic attack because someone near you is anxious, you might be an empath too.

In science circles, the concept of empaths is dismissed as paranormal, but as we all struggle to fill the void, new age therapies are booming.

Hannah visits a community of empaths in New York to uncover the mysteries behind this phenomenon and find out if she is an empath herself.

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All Comments (21)
  • @butwait
    Right around the "I charge $200 an hour" mark, I sensed my empath abilities come into life.
  • @Four4For4
    I'm an empath and these people on here are FAKES. True empaths do not seek other people out like this. Empaths try to be away from people and enjoy solitude. Some are more sensitive than others. Some say PTSD can have an impact on being an empath. Super happy people like the main guy in this video, makes us sick. We prefer the company of the elderly, animals and children (not in a perverted way). We enjoy their positive energies. How Vice portrayed empaths in this video is misleading. No wonder there are so many negative comments and dislikes.
  • @iconaGBF4eva
    They act like empaths are psychic spiritual gurus who can read minds. I literally just hate feeling other peoples energy when I enter rooms.
  • @philmedina79
    if you are an empath, it is not enjoyable, trust me.
  • @33OnMission
    I think a real empath doesnt walk around town telling Everyone he/she is an empath! They are very private ppl and most of the time they have to figure out what beeing an empath means and how to deal with this beautiful but heavy and confusing gift... They help from the heart and not to charge 200 dollars!!! But thats Just my opinion 😬
  • @rafaelaruiz8825
    To be an empath doesn’t mean you have to be all mystical and dramatic. It just means you understand things on a different level.
  • As an empath, I can tell you it's not fun. Imagine feeling what everyone else around you is feeling all at once, with no control over it. Their happiness, sadness, fear, anxiety, excitement, crushing you all at once as soon as you enter a room.
  • @ericcarter3016
    I am an empath, and these people vibe me as frauds. It doesn't work like that.. mine has been more of a curse then a gift for sure... feeling other people's shot is confusing, and when you grow up not knowing wtf is going on it makes you an outcast, and wierd. Everyone wants to tell you their life story and you open yourself up to be abused and used.
  • @CrustyUgg
    This "empath" just told a young lady she's stressed about work and that she doesn't feel good about herself basically.... Ok same. That's how like 90% of ppl feel so... I already see why so many actual empaths hated this video
  • @xgrummon4537
    “Yeah I’m an empath, sometimes I can tell how people are feeling simply by observing their facial expressions, tone of voice, and how they tell me they’re feeling”
  • @mellovett5924
    Feeling others emotions is not anything you really want in your life. It’s difficult to shake off others negativity their anxiety all things negative are tough to get rid of. I’m in my 50s and I’ve been like this since my childhood and it’s been a load to carry at times. I have worked to learn how to separate myself from the negative vibes from others.
  • @Nizwiz411
    Ok first of all I'm an empath and that's not how it works. We can feel other people's energies not describe their personality based off touch. this is a scam.
  • @kailalynch1223
    Okay, being an empath is nothing spiritual. Its simply being subconsciously aware of other peoples subconscious body language and dialogue and having it translate in your brain as your own feelings and emotions despite them being others'. These people dont know what they're talking about
  • @kndr2094
    My therapist called me an empath. So I looked it up and I'm like "wtf.... this ain't me?" Like, I care a lot when other people seem not to, but I'm not like on THIS LEVEL. Thank you for your open mindedness. Maybe we need an offbranch for "cynical empaths".
  • @alliekat85
    "Shake other people's emotions off you." Didn't realize how easy it is 🙄
  • @Kerrn49
    This is very misleading and slightly insulting. I think the comments have summed up why already.
  • I'm an empath ... But definitely not at all in that kind of "new age" shaman and seer things. I just feel very strong emotions of other people, like a sponge. I don't bother anyone telling them what I feel about them all the time. Anyone else ?
  • @Tis_I_SirJames
    My wife laughed so hard, she peed herself watching this video.
  • All things aside, I really appreciate the girl’s respectfully expressed skepticism. I relate to the experience of random people opening up to you and telling you things they might not tell others. But I feel like it might be something I am doing intentionally, I want people to open up to me so I can feel comfortable around them.