Childhood Autistic Traits That Should Have Been Noticed

Published 2024-07-11

All Comments (21)
  • @Belgaer
    It’s weird hearing what could be my own childhood memories recounted by someone else.
  • @LilChuunosuke
    I got accused of pretending to be disabled for attention long before I ever encountered any (openly) autistic person. I remember being confused at the time because my understanding of disability was limited to my grandparents and my uncle with a missing finger. I hadn't even learned that people could be born disabled yet, but my parents were fully convinced I had seen an autistic person and spent the next decade mimicking their behaviors near daily in hopes of recieving special treatment. They'd clearly rather convince themselves that I was an evil, selfish child than accept the reality that I might have a disability. Because what child pretends to be disabled for OVER 10 YEARS STRAIGHT?
  • @j.b.4340
    I wasn’t really accepted by my peers. I got along with younger, and older people. I’m thinking that if one was well liked by classmates, they likely weren’t autistic. Just a hunch.
  • @simonmcglary
    At the age of 7, at school, we were tasked with writing a detailed essay of how we helped our mum around the house (1970’s). Allow me to recall my essay in its complete detail. I get out of the way. When the teacher questioned my mum on the subject my mum’s reply was, “ Well he’s honest! That’s what he does!”
  • @MorbinNecrim86
    I did and said all manner of weird things which got me ridiculed. Also VHS tapes are awesome, there's something about them, more real than dvds
  • @stephenie44
    Content idea: interests/hobbies vs special interests - which ones you’ve had and how they’re different.
  • @eyupnel
    Just unlocked a memory, when I was a young child I had a brooch collection ..... i'm talking primary school age
  • @scylla3998
    I have been "the goth kid" since the very end of primary school (still am honestly, but well, goth adult now haha) and I was absolutely OBSESSED with Living Dead Dolls. They were expensive, but I ended up with like 13 of them thanks to one of my grandmothers buying me them for birthdays. I still love them and refuse to get rid of them despite having no room to display them right now and they're older series which are probably worth quite a lot. I also love to collect gemstones, fossils, skulls, art supplies (especially interesting paper, washi tape and stickers for some reason). Also interesting bottles for my future kitchen that I may never afford. 😂
  • As a 5 year old I remember being forced to eat apple crumble pie by a dinner lady. She wouldn't let me leave until I finished it. I flipping hate apple crumble pie. I don't know what it is about cooked apples that makes me want to puke. I never had apple crumble since that day.
  • @shesays1111
    I'm convinced they spotted something in me in preschool (ages 2-3/4 years old). Instead of being supported or anyone saying anything, the child minders who worked there targeted me and made my first ever childcare institute experience (before school) traumatic. I'm convinced that a lot of teachers along the way spotted something in me because a LOT of my teachers literally seemed to either love me or hate me. I think NT adults see/suspect, they'd just rather abuse us instead 🙃
  • Hey, thanks for sharing again and helping us all to feel more normal🥰 I’ve had so much shame about dropping out of college and am only just realising that it wasn’t laziness, I was hugely overwhelmed. I didn’t fit in at school but college was sooo much worse! And yes, getting up and actually getting to school was an ordeal, walking in to the building and people ‘looking’ at me- aaargh! Do you have the fear of being seen? If I think I’m being watched, even doing things that I am competent at, I crumble! I can’t leave the house without checking if there’s anyone outside 😂 Anyhoo, I’m happy to see you looking brighter Dana; you’re doing brilliantly❤😂
  • @user-to9kp3gz7e
    Hi, for a content idea. What about discussing your favourite things that you own? And possibly a wee room tour of the new place? Providing the issues you mentioned in a previous video with the insects is sorted, or not too severe. Hope the issues you were/are having with the new house are on the way to being resolved.
  • @Catlily5
    I think a video about autism and Ehlers Danlos would be interesting.
  • @Elvenroyale
    Excellent video. ❤ I commented on a super old video about fashion choices that I would love to see an updated version of that, but after this video I think it would be cool to go second hand shopping with you? I LOVE that your parents had that kind of shop! Astrology has been my special interest since my pre-teens! What is your sign? I’m a Pisces! ♓️
  • wow. the same dinner table scene has played out multiple times in my childhood where i was 'grounded' until i didn't finish something or at least tried it. except i was a very stubborn kid, so i just sat there for an hour until they gave up or something, fortunately it didn't happen too many times now if i think about it, one is too many. like what do you expect to happen? like they're abusing their power over me forcing me to force myself, and i'm somehow supposed to get to like stuff this way? i don't even get what's behind that logic, well i don't even want to get it because it's not nice not that i'm blaming my parents, they couldn't have known better (not like your story with a having a direct comparison in a brother), and to their credit i did turn out malnourished lol. but also gained a lot of food related trauma on the side what's the moral of the story? don't dismiss your kids, or any kids for that matter
  • My experience with education with autism was like the complete opposite other than GCSE’s where I similarly got Bs and mostly Cs. In primary school I was complete doo doo water, my parents (not in a bad way) would have me sit at the table trying to learn the work but I was years below my class in terms of Maths and English. After my GCSEs though, which I were proud of because I thought I was gonna fail, my grades picked up especially after choosing a subject I loved for my Level 3. Now I just finished my degree in June. A video idea I think would be good, although I’m sorry if you’ve already covered this which you may have, is learning how to drive. I’m doing more lessons now after finishing education and have to redo my theory because it’s been over 2 years but I’ve watched a video from Paige Layle about her experience. Although if you’ve already done it or don’t have much to say about it I understand.
  • @Catlily5
    I have always liked collecting things. I started collecting mini glass liquor bottles that the drunks would throw out into an empty lot a block from my house when I was five. I also collected marbles (I still do) starting at age 8. I collected bottlecaps, Native American and Central American dolls. Now I collect coins (since about age 11) and stamps (started as an adult). I love collecting and sorting the collectiond.
  • @kr1221E
    I have an idea of content. I am autistic and I don't know if this trait is autism or unique to me. I miss important, obvious things out when reporting them to people, doctors, tradesmen, dentists, even if I make lists. I can prepare, and the obvious still won't occur to me until after the event. Can anyone relate, if this is an autistic trait, I will forgive myself, but it makes getting along in life difficult.