How to Sing Better... Instantly (Just Try It)

Published 2021-06-18
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There's always something we want to improve with our voices, right? Maybe it's tone... Maybe a better range... Less voice cracking...

It's easy to get caught up in what we want to change and lose sight of what singing is really about! It's about creating. It's about giving.

I'm not saying: "Just focus on the positive and all your problems will be solved!" ...Not at all. I've given hundreds of private lessons this last year alone and EVERY SINGLE ONE of my students I've worked with comes into their first lesson with this same issue.

And it's keeping them from actually fixing the problems they want to fix. The mind simply isn't in the right place.

Let me share with you two specific mindset shifts you can make, and a practical way to apply them with your voice so that you can, yes, instantly improve your voice. This isn't magic. It's about getting un-necessary and limiting approaches out of the way so that you use your voice like it's supposed to be used!

All Comments (21)
  • You don't teach singing.......... You teach inspirational confidence, and singing is merrily the sound of that liberation!
  • @AlexRaptakis
    Sing like no-one's listening, dance like no-one's watching.
  • i've learned more with you in 3 months than with my high school music teacher in three years.
  • @JoshRiffMonster
    Guys, singing has a lot to do with mentality, more than we think
  • @mrspiral13
    Such valuable insight. The age we're living in is constantly pressuring us to seek acceptance and validation from abstract outside sources, and most art sadly has adapted to that, becoming more and more unnatural. What you're showing us here is a key. Rebel against these social mindtricks, reconnect to the heart and the deepest reasons for creating art. Thanks you Chris!
  • @ThelSuperlKing
    Exactly! That is why gospel singers are very powerful because it is never singing for personal glory (taking) but complete surrender with all your heart, mind and soul. Surrender in this sense is never taking but giving your all to someone/something so utterly intimate that the power of this surrender is so transparent to the listener who at least at the intuitive level can sense how much giving is involved. And don't get me started on the aspect of singing that not every singer can understand which is the FORCE that comes upon the singer who is giving all. Paradoxically, you get from the Force what you give.....the more you give the more you get. It is not surprising that iconic singers like Whitney Houston were total givers and grew up singing gospel in church. She injected a lot of gospel feel into her love ballads! The Force was very strong with her.
  • I had many singing lessons in my 20s and never really was happy with my voice. Peers telling me I was a ballad singer, not a Rock singer etc. After getting married and divorced married again and having kids, I finally got back into a band 30 years later. I started singing again in a band and didn't give a sh*t what people thought of me as a singer. The end result is I've never sung better, my high register has increased and I now get people saying they love my voice. I think it all comes down to mind set, and what can hold you back. PS great video
  • @JeffIndigo
    I've recently learned that i sing so much better when noones home vs tracking vocals when people are upstairs (small house). When i go to record with people in the house i can never quite deliver how i would when no ones home and im just singing for singing sake. This may be the most important thing a beginner singer should know. great stuff Chris!
  • Leaving a comment so I can come back and watch this again everytime somebody likes this ❤
  • @ErikPehrsson
    Wow. I’m going to take this info and apply it to my singing to the Lord in choir at church. Singing wholeheartedly to Him and giving my heart to Him as an act of worship. I’ve never thought about that. Thanks!
  • I have to say , for me to see a video called "how to sing better instantly " and for me to think "im actually going to watch this and take it seriously" it shows how much respect you've earned with how good your vids have been , anyway lets crack on into the vid :)
  • @dr.raychu1883
    This is so true, when you reach "the zone" you feel invincible and capable of anything and it encourages you to push your limits, recognize them and keep improving through time, we never stop learning, Thanks for this video Chris.
  • @bierutki
    I feel this is why I sing better when I’m alone than when I have someone with me.
  • @FaeUtero
    You no longer need approval, you are merely creating *mind blown*
  • Wow, so true. I have no issues when leading worship, but when I sing other songs, I feel that I’m lacking inspiration and not giving.
  • @CrimsonDeathBed
    Dude, I am a philosopher by nature. There is so much philosophy in what you've said. You have hit such a point that I think 99% of people will not get it. After years of following you I think this is the most relatable thing I've ever heard a teacher say. If teaching, in general, took on this approach, it would go so far. This is why I keep coming back to you brother. You are intelligent, you deserve a much bigger following.
  • @mariobrenes4264
    It’s so hard to let go of my desire to be loved or accepted, but when I focus my humanity and gratitude outwards, nothing can stop me.
  • @jackiebones4435
    It's a real shame this video has no comments. Take this one for the algorithm BECAUSE you're completely right. I worry too much about others down to the point that my brain itself is holding back my voice at any given moment. (Sometimes I begin to tear up when I really start hitting notes again and that develops a small bit of mucus which holds me back further lol.) Takes me back to "sing like you think no ones listening."
  • @JoeCastellon
    Hardest yet most important lesson on singing 🙌🏻