How Gaming Alone Changed Everything (For Me)

Published 2023-11-24

All Comments (21)
  • @opticalsalt2306
    I realized yesterday that I haven’t been fully “immersed” in a game world in years. What I mean is I haven’t played a game without media in the background, music, or a YouTube video, so I played a horror game with ZERO distractions for an hour last night, and I had the most fun in years. I’m not trying to sound like a crusty boomer, but I think it’s helped me to enjoy games more, overstimulation is too real
  • @semir9893
    I felt the last part of your video so much i went to your channel to check your other stuff and immediately saw the video “IM HORNY” and “NIER REPLICANT BUT IM HARD” bro im crying wtf😭😭😭
  • @omartammam5168
    Thank you so much for this video. I've been gaming my entire childhood, and I kinda stopped when i finished high school. I decided to go out and make friends. Right now, 4 years later, the friends I made moved on with their lives, and I'm sitting here contemplating everything. Agonizing over everything that happened and trying to make sense of why I lost people that I cared deeply about. Seeing your take on being alone, makes me want to to think about how I really feel. I promise I'll go out alone next week, with my handy notebook, and I'll start writing everything down. Maybe this is what my mental health needs. Thank you for making me realize that I might just need to take a step back :)
  • @CR0WYT
    I've been a Solo player for most of my gaming experience. Based on my experience, I'm kind of thankful that was the case. It made me learn how to have fun when no one else was on and it pays off now that all of my friends have moved on with their lives. 2-3 hours of gaming after work alone is refreshing for me while everyone else is miserable with the same experience simply because they're too used to playing with friends.
  • @capsey_
    Final speech in the video really resonated with me. I've been almost non-stop stressing out for almost whole year now thinking about future and my worth, but now I step back and see that yes, I am doing alright. And when I remember this period I'm not thinking about all the times I've sat with blank document thinking I'm not gonna make it, I remember my first playthroughs of Celeste and Hollow Knight that helped me go through it. Thank you, that's a good video.
  • @cheddargt
    Lovely video mate. Being able to play alone gave me a realization that I don't need to share good moments with someone in order for them to be good. It also gives me a greater sense of freedom regarding that I can turn the game off whenever I want, without needing to wait for a match to end or to deal with friends asking for one last game. Great video!
  • from never playing games alone to playing one of the hardest games alone is wild XD props my g!
  • @nthnglsn
    I've never had friends and have grown used to it at this point. Missed out on multiplayer games. But I found myself feeling connected to ppl I've never met, knowing that others have played what I have played, maybe done the same move, it gave me a sense of solidarity only aware to me. When I played death stranding it gave me a weird feeling like my personal interpretation of gaming was made a reality. The way the game operates was perfect for a loner like me but still appreciates the simplest connection to another person
  • @hkaden6815
    Jesus, I thought you would’ve had at least 50k viewers because of how impressive this video was, but no you’re a really small YouTuber. You’re fucking amazing, man. You’ll blow up big one day, I know it. Edit: oh shit it’s at 100k now, let’s fucking go dude. Was at like a couple thousand when I saw it. Much love, man, keep up the good work ❤️
  • @thewarrior2184
    I dont have alot of friends now but I grew up playing pretty much exclusively multiplayer games with my friends with the exception of mario and the cod and halo campaigns. A few years ago i started really immersing myself in single player experiences and its been my go to ever since. Some of my favorite memeories playing games are from just sitting in my room alone playing immersive and amazing single player campaigns. Gaming alone just hits different.
  • @ypunk__
    Hey man, great vid! I appreciate the intimacy in the talking, it really resonates with me. hope you keep finding good new experiences!
  • @Rainbowhawk1993
    I’ve always been a single player gamer since my childhood in the 90s. I never got into online until I dipped my toes into it near the end of high school. Even when I got my laptop and tried several multiplayer games, I was always bad at them and was never able learn the ropes to be competitive. Now with the whole discussion of how live services are dying and single player being on the rise again, I can’t help be feel at home with all the titles that are being released and making my Wishlist larger than my Steam library.
  • I used to play so many competitive FPS games, got to DMG in CS, APEX, Valorant, played a shit ton of MW2019 and MWII but I vividly remember one night grinding for Orion camo in MWII where I was just getting destroyed by SBMM. The challenges weren’t fun and the player base weren’t making it easier, it got to the point that I had what I can only describe as a legitimate mental breakdown over CoD. I stepped away from FPS games and started playing a bunch of single player games like RDR2, Cyberpunk and Tales of Arise; it’s safe to say that I probably won’t touch another hyper-competitive game in the near future and I’m happier than ever because of it.
  • @cdk3law
    Interesting perspective! As an OG gamer nearing 60, I've played everything starting from the 80's arcade games to CS and Apex legends. For me now, these games are more about maintaining mental acuity as I get older. My grandmother told me she did crosswords for the same reason. For me, getting knocks and kills does more to keep me alert and alive mentally than anything real life has to offer...although admittedly finally ranking out of silver rank into gold was a little unnecessarily satisfying. I've accepted the fact that I'll probably never reach predator and that's ok. For me it's not whether I win or lose (nice if you do)...but it's about how much I enjoy playing the game. I can get slaughtered and still love it.
  • @shadekiller4200
    this video might've been one of the most impactful videos for me in a long time thank you for sharing your view on gaming as a whole and changing mine slightly
  • @insaym
    dude that raze clip with the deagle was insane. Also, extremely relatable vid as I'm doing the same. Forgot how relaxing playing single player games are. Played competitive games my whole life.
  • @RaTcHeT671.
    It’s weird because I kinda feel the opposite. I was in love with single players games, and was a campaign only player for a while and the only reason I played valorant a lot was because how competitive I could be at times. In any of the games I played be it valorant, Overwatch, etc I always played them alone and any friends I did make, were temporary and after a few weeks or so I never talked to those “friends” again and at first I was fine with this. During this time in my life I honestly believed I was an introvert and believed that simply talking to people through games drained me of my energy. But since I was eager to get better at valorant I joined an esports team that my school made. through this esports team i got invited to one my teammates discord server and this server was where I had found my group of friends. After a few months hanging around my friend group I realized that I was getting bored of playing single player games and I couldn’t play valorant by myself anymore. After meeting my friend group it made me realized that I actually loved being around people, so much that even my competitiveness began to lessen. Now it’s been about 2 years and I’m still friends with that group (which I know isn’t probably that long but to me, who never really had friends let alone a group, it was pretty important to me) and I can confidently say that my friends probably changed my life for the better Edit: umm i didn’t realized I type this long of a comment….. sorry for the paragraph you don’t need to read it
  • @babyspine
    it's liberating to get away from multiplayer games for a while and just enjoy a single player game for yourself. Very good video essay, you deserve more subs
  • @ItsMicahDesu
    Subscribed. I went into this video thinking it was going to be another on of those video game analysis videos, but to the end you dropped such a good life lesson others my age cant comprehend. Hell, even I fall back into worrying about what's to come instead of just living in the moment. Thank you man this video was a gem!